1 January 2023 A.D.
The Anglican Orthodox Communion Worldwide – a message from Bishop Ogles, Presiding.
“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.” (Psalms 33:12; all scripture quoted is from the King James Version)
In order to subvert a great nation, the causes which have led to its greatness must be abolished in the collective memory of that nation – its moral compass, its great leaders, its monuments, and its governing principles must be eradicated from the hearts and minds of its citizen. Its laws must be openly rebelled against in order to create such a chaotic condition as to force the citizens of the nation to plead for a strong hand to take control and to end the chaos. But that strong hand will always be one of a totalitarian nature. The result of the surrender of liberties of a people does not lead to security, but rather to an unbridled bondage to a mindless and cruel oppression. “Beware of Greeks bearing gifts,” is a wise proverb expressed in the Aeneid – a poem written by Virgil describing the Trojan Horse. The free gifts of a government are used to purchase the chains of those who benefit and this is well illustrated in Communist governments such as North Korea, Communist China, Cuba and Venezuela in which prosperity was turned to grinding poverty.
As we witness the destruction of the monuments of our Fore-Fathers as well as the Founding principles upon which our liberties were assured, we can see, as well, the emergence of a sinister hand subtly moving behind the curtains of deception and fraud. The first freedom to fall, and that upon which all others are dependent, is that of free speech and assembly. How wise were the Founding Fathers to include that Liberty as the very first of the Amendments of the Bill of Rights.
A great Bishop of England articulates the nature of those who do not regard the sanctity of their national or moral history, referring to Great Britain, but the principles also apply to our own nation:
“The person who feels no interest in the history and biography of his own country is certainly a poor patriot and a worse philosopher. He cannot very well be called a patriot. True patriotism will make a person care about everything that concerns his country. A true patriot will want to know something about everyone who has left his mark on his nation’s character.
“He certainly is not a philosopher, for philosophy is history teaching by examples. To know the steps by which England has reached her present position is essential to a right understanding of both our national privileges and our national dangers. To know the men whom God raised up to do His work in days gone by will guide us in looking around for standard-bearers in our own days and in the days to come.” (Ryle, J. C. Christian Leaders of the Eighteenth Century (Updated, Annotated): Eleven Biographies in One Volume (p. 1). Aneko Press).
The great shame of the present disregard for historical perspective and religious conviction in America is the fact that its inculcation has been intricately planned with intentional dispatch. While parents have sat idly by, their children have been taught to hate all that America has represented from its founding to recent years. They have entrusted their most valuable possession – their children – into the hands of those whose values and purposes are completely adverse to those of the parents and to the principles of liberty. That silence and passivity on the part of parents and citizens must promptly end, else the nation will be destroyed and relegated to the dustbin of history. We already bear the poisoned fruits of immorality and the indoctrinating nature of our flawed education system which has become an arm of totalitarian globalists.
Observe these quotes from the famous speech given by that great patriot of the American Revolution, Patrick Henry, on March 23, 1775 to the Virginia Convention:
“I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided; and that is the lamp of experience. I know of no way of judging of the future but by the past.”
Have we invented a better lamp than the Word of God, and forsaken the lessons of history and common sense? And here we read his concluding argument:
“Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!”
How can the American patriot rest on the laurels of our Fore Fathers while the principles for which Americans have fought and died to preserve are taken by slight of hand. Stand up now, of forever hold your peace in vainglorious squalor. Stand up now before the ‘midnight knock’ on your own door. Get involved in your children’s education. Know the textbooks and subject matter being taught. Get active on the political scene and stop electing the depraved and unprincipled men and women who predominate in our governmental institutions today. Stand up for every liberty as men and women of spine, and oppose every evil and insidious plan to enslave us and our posterity. My prayer: “May God save America so that He may then bless it once more.” AMEN