Anglican Orthodox Church
Worldwide Communion
Ash Wednesday
The first day of Lent, commonly called
Ash Wednesday
First Sunday in Lent
Sunday Report
This report covers both Ash Wednesday[1] and the First Sunday in Lent[2].
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday services were held in the evening on schedule. We did the Penitential Office and quite enjoyed the peaceful experience. As expected we had three in attendance.
In addition, to the Penitential Office, we read the propers which are found on pages 124 and 125 in the Book of Common Prayer:
The first day of Lent, commonly called
Ash Wednesday.
The Collect.
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LMIGHTY and everlasting God, who hatest nothing that thou hast made, and dost forgive the sins of all those who are penitent; Create and make in us new and contrite hearts, that we, worthily lamenting our sins and acknowledging our wretchedness, may obtain of thee, the God of all mercy, perfect remission and forgiveness; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
¶ This Collect is to be said every day in Lent, after the Collect appointed for the day, until Palm Sunday.
For the Epistle. Joel ii. 12.
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URN ye even to me, saith the LORD, with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning: and rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the Lord your God: for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repent- eth him of the evil. Who knoweth if he will return and repent, and leave a blessing behind him; even a meat-offering and a drink-offering unto the Lord your God? Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly: gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the children, and those that suck the breasts: let the bridegroom go forth of his chamber, and the bride out of her closet. Let the priests, the ministers of the LORD, weep between the porch and the altar, and let them say, Spare thy people, O Lord, and give not thine heritage to reproach, that the heathen should rule over them: wherefore should they say among the people, Where is their God?
The Gospel. St. Matthew vi. 16.
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HEN fast, be not, as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance: for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. But thou, when thou fastest, anoint thine head, and wash thy face; that thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret: and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly. Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
¶ The same Collect, Epistle, and Gospel shall serve for every day after, unto the next Sunday, except upon the Feast of St. Matthias.
Bishop Jerry Ogles on Ash Wednesday
Devotion on Ash Wednesday – 18 February 2015, Anno Domini
16 Moreover when ye fast, be not, as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance: for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward. 17 But thou, when thou fastest, anoint thine head, and wash thy face; 18 That thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret: and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly.Matt 6:16-18
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Season of Lent. It is a season of penance, reflection, and fasting which prepares us for Christ’s Resurrection on Easter Sunday, through which we attain redemption. Why do we refer to this first day of Lent as ‘Ash Wednesday?’ The answer of course is that the season is one during which we contemplate the final journey of Christ to Jerusalem and eventually to the terrible Passion of the Cross, and all for our sins and not His own, for Christ was without sin.
One of the foremost American heroes General Robert E. Lee. Once, when asked by one of his men, “how often a man ought to fast?” General Lee responded, “If a man will but fast from his sins, he may eat what he pleases.” Good advice. How many of us, however, are able to fast from our sins? Ashes represent mourning, but we are not to broadcast our fasting and mourning. Perhaps we would be better advised, instead of applying a little dot of ash to our foreheads for all to see, to apply them to the chamber doors of our hearts. It was OUR sins that sent Christ to the Cross. We fall woefully short of the righteousness of God, and we do so with amazing regularity.
In our personal lives, if we offend a friend unfairly, we will usually seek to avoid looking that friend in the eye until the memory of our unfaithfulness passes and we make amends. How like the habits of man in avoiding coming to the presence of God after egregious sin. We hide, as Adam in the Garden, from His presence, and we are ashamed.
The lectionary Gospel for today (Luke 15:10-32) relates the story of the Prodigal Son and, I might add, the faithful and loving Father. The irreverent son requested his inheritance if while his father yet lived. His father, being a good father and wise, did not argue the issue but, instead, divided to his son his share of the inheritance. The profligate son received his gold and “took his journey into a far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous living.” (Luke 15:13) When we depart from God in our sins, we, too, go a great distance from His Love and Provision. We must also remember that when we go a far distance away, we have a far distance in returning. The young man suffered no shortage of friends during his time of plenty. But he finally spent all that he had received and began to be in want. When we are in want, we feel an immense emptiness either of heart or of stomach. And then, “there arose a mighty famine in that land” (Luke 15:14). Any time the Christian goes away from God (as Naomi and her family out of the House of Bread and Praise, and into Moab) there will be a famine of the Bread of Life – so with this young man.
“And he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country; and he sent him into his fields to feed swine” (Luke 15:15) If we are not joined to our Father and family, we will certainly be joined to some other. The stranger has no familial concern for us. He cares not whether we live or die. His only concern will be in how much use he can get from us for as little treasure as possible. This young Hebrew boy was now feeding and living with the swine – a most lamentable state for a true Hebrew. He was so hungry, he could have eaten the pig’s food. He was at his lowest bar: tired, hungry, filthy, and broken. “And when he came to himself….” (Luke 15:17). Before there is hope of amendment, there must first come a waking of the spirit. The young man awakened to his misery and his error.
The son made a resolution while standing in the filth of the pig sty: “I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee, And am no more worthy to be called thy son: make me as one of thy hired servants. (Luke 15:18-19) When we realize our prodigality, we must resolve, first, to make amendment of our condition. This the young man did. A resolution is no legal tender unless acted upon: “And he arose, and came to his father!” (Luke 15:20).
His Father was a type of our heavenly Father. Once the young man left his presence, he did not pursue and plead him to return. This would have been futile and would never have caused the young man to realize his foolishness. Instead, the father kept up with reports of his son. He waited in the portal of his home watching and waiting. He watched down the same road over which his son departed. One day, he saw a figure approaching on the road as it wound out to the horizon. The person he saw was disheveled, ragged, stooped with care, and filthy. But the father was not fooled! He knew his son better, perhaps, than the son knew himself! Though he had grown old, the father ran to meet his son while he was yet a great distance away. He fell on his shoulders, embraced him, and kissed him.
Who but a father would embrace and kiss a filthy young boy who smelled of the waste of pigs? Who will receive you into His loving arms and greet you with a Holy Kiss but your Heavenly Father? The son confessed his unworthiness to be a son to his father, but his father did not acknowledge that confession out of love for his son. The old father ordered “the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet” (Luke 15:22) God our Father, too, provides the returning sinner with the best robe (a White Robe of Righteousness), a Signet Ring of authority, and shoes for his feet to provide him the Liberty of the Kingdom.
Our best fast today will be to turn from the ashes of our sins, and turn to God our Father, and do it without delay!
Remember the Season.
An Ashless Ash Wednesday for Anglicans
In the sixteenth century the English Reformers abolished the imposition of ashes on the heads of parishioners on Ash Wednesday due to the superstitious beliefs that had become associated with the practice. The practice was too closely tied the Medieval doctrines of attrition, auricular confession, contrition, priestly absolution, and penance.
The imposition of ashes was not reintroduced into the Church of England and her daughter churches until the nineteenth century and then by the Ritualists. It was one of the errors in doctrine, practice, and ritual the Romeward Movement revived to make the Anglican Church more like the Roman Catholic Church in the hopes they would help to affect a reunion between the Church of England and the Church of Rome.
The 1979 Book of Common Prayer popularized the practice in the Episcopal Church in the closing decades of the twentieth century.
The following articles on Ashes, Ash Wednesday, Fasting, and Lent are taken from A Protestant Dictionary, which was published under the auspices of the Protestant Reformation Society in 1904, and was compiled for Evangelicals in the Church of England and the Church of Ireland.
Ashes Used for sprinkling persons by the Romish Church. Before use, the ashes are dedicated previously by a special prayer offered by a bishop. In that prayer, invocation is made to God “that whosoever shall sprinkle themselves with these ashes for the redemption of their sins may obtain health of body and protection of soul.”
Ash-Wednesday A mediaeval title given to the first day of Lent. It had formerly two names: (1) “Caput jejunii,” the “head of the fast,” and (2) “Dies cinerum.” The forty days of Lent, being appointed in memory of our Lord’s fast in the wilderness as a season of abstinence, date from the Wednesday of the first week, because it was never the custom to fast on Sundays, and in this way the full number of forty is made up. The name of “Ash Wednesday” was given in reference to an ancient discipline, described by Gratian, according to which penitents had to appear before the Bishop and Clergy clothed in sack cloth. The seven penitential Psalms were then sung, after which ashes were thrown upon them, and they covered their heads with sackcloth. The Church of England, however, has in no way retained or sanctioned those superstitions. By the Scriptures appointed to be read and the prayers to be used, she has rather exhibited the true ideal of a fast. The old title of Ash-Wednesday is only employed as an alternative for the ” first day of Lent,” because before the Reformation it was “commonly so called.” The revival of such practices is therefore entirely foreign to her prescribed ritual and is illegal.
Fasting There is no command to fast in the New Testament. In the Sermon on the Mount our Lord, speaking to Jews who were then accustomed to fast, says: “When thou fastest, anoint thine head and wash thy face ; that thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret ; and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly (Matt. vi. 17, 18). Under the Old Testament there was but one fast distinctly enjoined namely, “the fast” on the great day of atonement (Lev. xvi. 29-31), which is referred to in Acts xxvii. 9. Other fasts were, however, enjoined on special occasions by the direction of the civil or religious authorities (e.g. Jer, xxxvi. 9). After the destruction of the Jewish State fasts became more numerous (Zech. vii. 5). But when the Lord was inquired of concerning those fasts, the answer given by the prophet Zechariah showed that those fasts were neither enjoined nor forbidden, and that persons were at liberty to make use of such days or not, according as they found fasting beneficial or otherwise to themselves; such acts not being regarded as in themselves meritorious in the sight of God (Zech. vii. 5/.). The Lord, by the mouth of Isaiah (ch. Iviii. 5-7), asks, ” Is it such a fast that I have chosen ? a day for a man to afflict his soul ? is it to bow down his head as a bulrush, and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him ? wilt thou call this a fast, and an acceptable day to the Lord ? Is not this the fast that I have chosen ? to loose the bands of wickedness ; to undo the heavy burdens? . . . Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house ? When thou seest the naked, that thou cover him ; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh ? ”
Our Lord’ s teaching concerning the times most suitable for fasting is set forth in the following passage: ” Can the children of the bride-chamber mourn, as long as the bride groom is with them ? but the days will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken from them, and then shall they fast” (Matt. ix. 15), which passage has been explained by the Church of England in her Homily of Fasting, Part II., as follows: “Ye shall note, that so long as God revealeth His mercy unto us, and giveth us of His benefits, either spiritual or corporal, we are said to be with the Bridegroom at the marriage. . . . But the marriage is said then to be ended, and the Bridegroom to be gone, when Almighty God smiteth us with affliction, and seenieth to leave us in the midst of a number of adversities. So God sometimes striketh private men privately with sundry adversities, as trouble of mind, loss of friends, loss of goods, long and dangerous sicknesses, & c. Then it is a fit time for that man to humble himself to Almighty God by fasting, and to mourn and bewail his sins with a sorrowful heart. . . . Again, when God shall afflict a whole region or country with wars, with famine, with pestilence . . . and such other calamities, then is it time for all states and sorts of people . . . to humble themselves by fasting, and bewail their sinful living before God.”
The principle here laid down can be exemplified from Scripture histories. David fasted when his child was sick (2 Sam. xii. 16) ; Esther, with her maidens, fasted ere she went in to Ahasuerus (Esth. iv. 16) ; Ezra fasted at the river of Ahava (Ezra viii. 21); Daniel set himself to seek the Lord by prayer and fasting (Dan. ix. 3). Christ said of certain demons, “This kind can come forth by nothing but by prayer and fasting” (Mark ix. 29), but the oldest MSS. omit the words “and fasting.” (See R.V. and marginal note on Matt. xvii. 21.) And prior to the solemn ordination of elders, Paul and Barnabas “prayed with fasting” (Acts xiv. 23).
Our Lord Himself fasted forty days and forty nights, but during that time He did not experience the pangs of hunger. The Gospels which record the Temptation, all call attention to that fact. St. Matthew says, ” He was afterward an hungered ” (Matt. iv. 2). St. Mark does not mention the fasting (Mark i. 12, 13). St. Luke says of those days, “And when they were ended, He afterward hungered.” The forty days appear, therefore, to have been spent in rapt ecstasy and contemplation. The actual temptation occurred at the close of that period.
Fasting, therefore, appears to be of value only when employed for the purpose of giving oneself up to continuous prayer, while abstinence from special kinds of food is nowhere enjoined or recommended in Scripture, although Daniel, in his penitential sorrow of three weeks, abstained from all pleasant food (Dan. x. 2, 3). St. Paul alludes to the “commanding to abstain from meats” as a mark of the apostasy (1 Tim. iv. 3), and a sign of weak faith in persons who attached importance to such trifling matters. ” The kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but righteousness and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost ” (Rom. xiv. 17, and the whole of that chapter). In fine, when fasting is employed in order to be able to spend the time in prayer, it may be recommended ; but abstinence from food as a means of punishing the body and laying up ” merit ” is to be strongly condemned. An abstinence from certain food may be useful for “bodily exercise” or discipline “bodily exercise profiteth a little,” or “for a little while ” (1 Tim. iv. 8) such exercise has occasionally been useful, but is not to be regarded as really a spiritual work.
The prohibition to eat meat on fast days, prescribed by the statute 2 & 3 Edward VI., c. 19, which may be alluded to in “the Tables and Rules ” attached to the Book of Common Prayer which mentions ” the Fasts, and Days of Abstinence to be observed in the year,” is further dwelt on in the Homily on Fasting, Part II., which states that the statute of Edward VI. referred to, was framed for political reasons. It was ” in consideration of the maintaining of fisher-towns bordering upon the seas, and for the increase of fishermen, of whom do spring mariners to go upon the sea, to the furnishing of the navy of the realm. . . . Such laws of princes and other magistrates are not made to put holiness in one kind of meat and drink more than another, to make one day more holy than another, but are grounded merely upon policy,” namely, as afterwards explained, for the increase and support of the English navy, and “for the sooner reducing of victuals to a more moderate price, to the better sustenance of the poor.” [C. H. H. W.]
Lent The word is derived either from the A.S. lencten (spring), or from the Dutch lenten (to make mild), the severity of winter being then relaxed. Lent is a period of forty days in the spring, immediately before Easter, prescribed as a time of fasting. The Greek and Latin names for Lent simply indicate the number of its days. Lent is asserted to have been of early, and even of Apostolic origin, but, had the latter been the case, some allusion would have been made to it in the New Testament. But in the New Testament there is no fast prescribed, nor even a positive exhortation to fasting (see FASTING). Our Lord s declaration in the A.V. concerning the boy possessed with an unclean spirit, is often quoted that “this kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting” (Matt. xvii. 21; Mark ix. 29). All the best MSS., however, omit the entire verse in the account in St. Matthew, and the word ” fasting ” in that of St. Mark (see R.Y.). The same omission is made by the R.V. on MS. authority with regard to the word “fasting” in two other verses, viz., Acts x. 30 ; 1 Cor. vii. 5. That the oldest MSS. should agree in omitting all reference to fasting in four passages in the New Testament, where fasting was supposed to be mentioned, is highly suggestive of interpolations made in the sacred text to suit the ideas of a non-Apostolic Age.
The forty days of Lent are often said to have been instituted as a fast in memory of our Lord’s “fast” of a similar period in the wilderness. But the Lord passed that period in a state of exalted spiritual meditation or ecstasy, for St. Matthew distinctly states that Christ’s hunger was subsequent to the forty days, “When he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungred” (Matt. iv. 2). Lent had originally no real connection with the forty days fast in the desert. Lent seems to have been first established by a Pope, about AD 130, to be a tithe of the year (thirty-six days only), and was for centuries confined to that period. When the additional four days were added is not certain, probably not till the time of Pope Gregory II., who died in 731.
Our Lord, in Matt. ix. 15, indicated that the providential circumstances of life were the true guide as to seasons of fasting. Cassian, a disciple of Chrysostom in the fifth century, contrasting the Primitive Church with that of his own day, said, ” It ought to be known that the observance of the forty days had no existence so long as the perfection of that Primitive Church remained inviolate.” Lent helped in later times to increase the power of the priests. For in the Roman and Eastern Churches dispensations which permit the eating of meat on fast days may be obtained for a money payment, and fines are levied on those who break the Church law by eating meat on such days without a dispensation.
Lent is here, it started last Wednesday, called Ash Wednesday. So, what does the word Lent mean? It has an obscure origin, and is probably a corruption of Lencten, or a similar term in ancient Anglo, Saxon, and Germanic languages, all of which referred to spring, new life, and hope. Although it is generally considered to be a time of mourning and repentance, it is more than that, it is like death, a time of new life and hope because by means of the death of Christ, we receive new life.
Many avoid Lent and Holy Week because they think it isn’t a happy and uplifting time—but to be honest, neither is most of life. Sometimes we come to church all scrubbed up, dressed nicely, with smiles on our faces, and when people ask how we are, we reply that everything is fine and we even boast how wonderful things are—but is it? Life is not always uplifting, or wonderful, or pleasant, or joyous. To claim it is, is to miss the whole point of the incarnation! God became flesh in Jesus Christ. Jesus faced temptation, He suffered hunger and thirst, He suffered the agony of crucifixion. Jesus our God did not face these things so that we would be exempt from them, He faced these things so that we would have dignity in them, He faced these things that in Him we might have triumph.
The forty days commemorate the significant “forty” periods in Scripture (although forty is not always significant), including the forty years the Jews wandered in the desert after they had been rescued by God from Egypt, and which did not end until they repented. Jonah preached to Nineveh that God’s judgment would come on them in forty days. During that time the people repented and thus were spared God’s judgment. Jesus was tested by the Devil in the desert for forty days before He began His public ministry, announcing salvation to the repentant and judgment to those who continued to rebel against God. Jesus prophesied that God’s judgment would come against Israel for rejecting Him as Messiah within the time of His own generation (Matt. 24; Luke 21; Mark 13). Within forty years of His death, burial, and resurrection, Jerusalem was destroyed and the temple was so ravaged that “not one stone [was] left here upon another” (Matt. 24:2). The Jewish Christians, however, escaped this judgment of God by fleeing to Pella before the final Roman siege, just as Jesus had warned them to do (Matt. 24:16-21).
Lent is a time for Christians to contemplate their sinfulness, repent, ask God’s forgiveness, and realize the infinite sacrifice God made on their behalf. It is to be a time of quiet contemplation, but not a time of despair, since it culminates in the commemoration of the resurrection. Traditionally, those who are joining the church spend this period in special instruction regarding Christian doctrine, practice, and responsibility. Historically, prospective members (“catechumens”) did not participate in the Lord’s Supper portion of the Sunday services until they were received into full membership on the Sunday of the Resurrection of Our Lord. For them, this first experience of Ash Wednesday and Lent has special significance as God’s eternal plan of salvation is applied to them personally.
Jesus told us that if we fast we are not to make a show of it, like hypocrites do. A fast is different from a hunger strike: a fast is a personal act of devotion to God, while a hunger strike is a public act most often used to shine a spotlight on injustice. A fast is also different from anorexia nervosa: it is disciplined diet, not total abstention from food. During a religious fast, you still eat, you just abstain from certain foodstuffs. Traditionally, people have fasted by eliminating luxury items from their diets, such as meats. A fast can consist of eating whatever you want, but drinking only water.
More positively, you can fast in other areas beyond food, you can commit to a something that can benefit the church, such cutting back in an entertainment area, using that time for Bible study and donating the savings to the church.
On Palm Sunday, there were crowds who cheered Jesus as the King, but where were all those fair-weather friends when Jesus prayed in agony on Gethsemane, and where were they when He hung upon the cross? Let us be bold to join Him, fasting in the wilderness for forty days during Lent; let us be bold to pray with Him in the garden on Maundy Thursday, let us fearlessly stand at the foot of His cross on Good Friday, so that we may witness His Resurrection and His Ascension, and join in His triumphant reign.
Mite Boxes
If you read this report at all, you know the Anglican Orthodox Church (AOC), and this parish in particular, is not about money. Not that money is not useful, but the parish has plenty. Any extra we get, we send it to the AOC to use for their mission work. The AOC works on a very slim budget, they aren’t about money either. The AOC is about the Great Commission; to go forth and spread The Word of the Lord:
18And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, ‘…19Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 20Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.” (Mt. 28:19-20)
You may not realize it, but the AOC has national church affiliates in 22 countries around the world, that does take a little money. Not great quantities of money, but some and as a church, we would be dirt poor, if we had dirt.
So, that is where the Mite Boxes come in. Ash Wednesday is 13 February 2013; Easter Sunday is 31 March 2013. That period is Lent. Often thought of as a time for fasting, it is more importantly a time to channel your attention towards God. A time to let your heart open to the Holy Ghost that you might come closer to God and perhaps do His Work more effectively.
So, to exercise this concept, we are asking you to cut back. We know the economy is not really great and you are probably cutting back already. So, cut back a bit more. Take part of your savings every day and put it in the Mite Box. If you did not cut back on a given day, dig into your wallet or purse and cut out a bit of cash for the Mite Box anyway. Every day, except Sundays. Sundays are the Lord’s Day and a day of celebration. They are not part of Lent. By Easter Sunday, you will have a full Mite Box. Bring it to church, this church, another church, that is best. If you cannot find a church to actually go to on Easter, you probably aren’t looking hard enough, but pull the money out and send us a check, payable to the Anglican Orthodox Church and we will send it on.
One box for each member of the family. A little bit, just a mite, every day. Every day, miss none. Every day, every body in the family can do just a little bit. When you drop your daily contribution in, think, “Did I do what I could today for the Lord? Did I fall short or meet the standard? Can I do better tomorrow? Will I?” It should be a time of reflection. It will be if you do it.
By the way, what is a Mite Box? Named after the smallest of Roman coins, a normal wage of the time being 10 mites per hour, of which two were donated by the widow, in Mark 12:41-44 and Luke 21:1-4, it is normally a small cardboard box, say 3 inches each dimension, a cube piggy bank so to speak. If you don’t have one, call, email or write. We have a pile of them.
Don’t miss this opportunity to contribute to the Lord’s Work and make your life better at the same time.
First Sunday in Lent
Sunday Report
Today was the First Sunday in Lent.
On Point
Someone asked, where do the quotes come from? The answer is from the people who uttered them. But, how did you find them? Oh, that. Some from Bishop Jerry, many from Rev Bryan Dabney, a few from other places, some from Rev Geordie Menzies-Grierson, but overall mostly from Bryan. He always has a few great ones to share. On to the On Point quotes –
“Come here,” said the Lion. And she had to. She was almost between its front paws now, looking straight into its face. But she couldn’t stand that for long; she dropped her eyes.
“Human Child,” said the Lion. “Where is the Boy?”
“He fell over the cliff,” said Jill, and added, “Sir.” She didn’t know what else to call him, and it sounded cheek to call him nothing.
“How did he come to do that, Human Child?”
“He was trying to stop me from falling, Sir.”
“Why were you so near the edge, Human Child?”
“I was showing off, Sir.”
“That is a very good answer, Human Child. Do so no more. ”
Jack Lewis
The Silver Chair
On comfort
Talk to me about the truth of religion and I’ll listen gladly. Talk to me about the duty of religion and I’ll listen submissively. But don’t come talking to me about the consolations of religion or I shall suspect that you don’t understand.
Jack Lewis
A Grief Observed
On conversion
Before I became a Christian I do not think I fully realized that one’s life, after conversion, would inevitably consist in doing most of the same things one had been doing before, one hopes, in a new spirit, but still the same things.
Jack Lewis
The Weight of Glory
Screwtape reveals a powerful tool for distraction
What we want, if men become Christians at all, is to keep them in the state of mind I call ‘Christianity And’. You know—Christianity and the Crisis, Christianity and the New Psychology, Christianity and the New Order, Christianity and Faith Healing, Christianity and Psychical Research, Christianity and Vegetarianism, Christianity and Spelling Reform. If they must be Christians let them at least be Christians with a difference. Substitute for the faith itself some Fashion with a Christian colouring. Work on their horror of the Same Old Thing.
The horror of the Same Old Thing is one of the most valuable passions we have produced in the human heart—an endless source of heresies in religion, folly in counsel, infidelity in marriage, and inconstancy in friendship. The humans live in time, and experience reality successively. To experience much of it, therefore, they must experience many different things; in other words, they must experience change. And since they need change, the Enemy (being a hedonist at heart) has made change pleasurable to them, just as He has made eating pleasurable. But since He does not wish them to make change, any more than eating, an end in itself, He has balanced the love of change in them by a love of permanence. He has contrived to gratify both tastes together in the very world He has made, by that union of change and permanence which we call Rhythm. He gives them the seasons, each season different yet every year the same, so that spring is always felt as a novelty yet always as the recurrence of an immemorial theme. He gives them in His Church a spiritual year; they change from a fast to a feast, but it is the same feast as before.
Jack Lewis
The Screwtape Letters
It is God that girdeth me with strength, and maketh my way perfect.
Psalm 18:32
Wherefore do ye spend money for that which is not bread? and your labour for that which satisfieth not? hearken diligently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness.
Isaiah 55:2
Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of pasture! saith the LORD.
Jeremiah 23:1
For the Son of man is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them.
St. Luke 9:56
Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.
Hebrews 4:11
We shall not grow weary of waiting upon God if we remember how long and how graciously he once waited for us.
Charles H. Spurgeon
19th century English pastor and author
Morning and Evening, p. 381
The friends of purely secular education, the enthusiastic advocates of reform and progress, the worshipers of reason, and intellect, and mind, and science, may say what they please, and do all they can to mend the world. But they will find their labor in vain if they do not make allowance for the fall of man, if there is no place for Christ in their schemes.
JC Ryle
19th century Anglican bishop and author
Holiness, p. 362
A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the galleys, heard in the very hall of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor—he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and wears their face and their garment, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation—he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city—he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
1st century BC Roman statesman
Some advocates of ‘sensible’ gun control argue that no one needs … a semi- automatic pistol or rifle … or a ‘high capacity’ magazine or a weapon over a certain caliber or which has a certain ‘threatening’ appearance … If need is to become the justification for allowing us to do (or possess) things, then we are already enslaved in our minds — and soon will be … physically and utterly … Inevitably, need will be defined by those who wield power. And if it is accepted that firearms ownership should be restricted based on need — as opposed to something someone has actually done — the restrictions will not end with guns … In a free society, the [individual decides] for himself what his needs are … In an unfree society … [such] are defined by… those who have power. By those who possess guns — but deny others their right to own a gun. Because they have decided they need guns, but others … being whomever they so classify — do not … And if those with guns decide you don’t need a gun — they will feel free to decide you don’t need other things as well. Depend upon it. Need is the intellectual-moral cup of hemlock being offered to the American people. We’ll shortly see how many decide to take a sip.
Eric Peters
21st century American car expert and libertarian
Each Sunday there are Propers: special prayers and readings from the Bible. There is a Collect for the Day; that is a single thought prayer, most written either before the re-founding of the Church of England in the 1540s or written by Bishop Thomas Cranmer, the first Archbishop of Canterbury after the re-founding.
The Collect for the Day is to be read on Sunday and during Morning and Evening Prayer until the next Sunday. The Epistle is normally a reading from one of the various Epistles, or letters, in the New Testament. The Gospel is a reading from one of the Holy Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The Collect is said by the minister as a prayer, the Epistle can be read by either a designated reader (as we do in our church) or by one of the ministers and the Holy Gospel, which during the service in our church is read by an ordained minister or our Deacon Striker.
The propers are the same each year, except if a Red Letter Feast, that is one with propers in the prayerbook, falls on a Sunday, then those propers are to be read instead, except in a White Season, where it is put off. Red Letter Feasts, so called because in the Altar Prayerbooks the titles are in red, are special days. Most of the Red Letter Feasts are dedicated to early saints instrumental in the development of the church, others to special events. Some days are particularly special and the Collect for that day is to be used for an octave (eight days) or an entire season, like Advent or Lent.
The Propers for today are found on Page 125-127, with the Collect first:
The First Sunday in Lent.
The Collect.
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LORD who for our sake didst fast forty days and forty nights; Give us grace to use such abstinence, that, our flesh being subdued to the Spirit we may ever obey thy godly motions in righteousness, and true holiness, to thy honour and glory, who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.
And due to the rubric, the Collect for the Day is followed by the Collect for Ash Wednesday, which is found on Page 124:
The first day of Lent, commonly called
Ash Wednesday.
The Collect.
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LMIGHTY and everlasting God, who hatest nothing that thou hast made, and dost forgive the sins of all those who are penitent; Create and make in us new and contrite hearts, that we, worthily lamenting our sins and acknowledging our wretchedness, may obtain of thee, the God of all mercy, perfect remission and forgiveness; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
¶ This Collect is to be said every day in Lent, after the Collect appointed for the day, until Palm Sunday.
The Epistle for today came from Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians, the Sixth Chapter, beginning at the First Verse. In what at first appears to be an incomprehensible single sentence, Paul asks us to be worthy of the grace that God has given us. He tells the people when they needed him, he was there. They need to be there for those around them. They must not frustrate God’s work by showing up late, or not at all. Those around us are watching our actions in the time of testing. We have been given eternal salvation by Jesus’ sacrifice, the understanding of the Gospel by the Holy Ghost. We are at this time dying here on earth, yet progressing towards eternal life in the next world, in Jesus’ world with His help. While we may never be wealthy here on earth, our actions can make our fellow Christians wealthy in spirit beyond measure.
If you claim to be a Christian, you know what is right. If you are a Christian, you do what is right, you don’t take a vote to see what the right course of action might be. Right does not change with public opinion and we must do the right thing. It is our actions that count, in good times or bad. We are Christ’s ambassadors to this world, unfortunately we do not have diplomatic immunity.
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E then, as workers together with him, beseech you also that ye receive not the grace of God in vain; (for he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation;) giving no offence in any thing, that the ministry be not blamed: but in all things approving ourselves as the ministers of God, in much patience, in afflictions, in necessities, in distresses, in stripes, in imprisonments, in tumults, in labours, in watchings, in fastings; by pureness, by knowledge, by long-suffering, by kindness, by the Holy Ghost, by love unfeigned, by the word of truth, by the power of God, by the armour of righteousness on the right hand and on the left, by honour and dishonour, by evil report and good report: as deceivers, and yet true; as unknown, and yet well known; as dying, and, behold, we live; as chastened, and not killed; as sorrowful, yet alway rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things.
This morning’s Holy Gospel came from the Gospel of Saint Matthew, the Fourth Chapter, beginning at the First Verse. This portion of the Gospel tells the story of the temptation of Christ. In many respects, it shows how little the devil understands of Christ, and through Him, of us. If you understand how little the devil really offers you and how much Christ offers, the temptation is ever so much less. The devil is often referred to as the deceiver or dissimulator. His forte is deception, he seems one thing, is another. Offers what he has no intention or ability to deliver. Ignores the inevitable result of accepting his proffered help or inside track.
He clearly knows Jesus is the Son of God. There is no doubt in his mind. So, having understood that, consider what he offers Jesus in temptation.
Remember, Jesus has fasted 40 days OF HIS OWN CHOICE; he who has no real power asks Jesus to turn stone into bread to show His Power. This to the Son of He who delivered manna daily to the Jews in the wilderness for 40 years.
Cast thyself down and let angels catch thee; this to He who walked on water.
Up to the mountain lookout – Here is it all yours if you worship me. This to He who as it says in Psalm 95:
In his hand are all the corners of the earth; * and the strength of the hills is his also.
The sea is his, and he made it; * and his hands prepared the dry land.
O come, let us worship and fall down, * and kneel before
the Lord our Maker.
For he is the Lord our God; * and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand.
The devil promised Jesus nothing that was his to give, nothing that would help Jesus in the real world beyond the Shadowlands. He never does. The devil is all about shortcuts. Remember, if the shortcut was the best way, it would not be a shortcut
Like the temptation of Jesus, the devil never delivers what we need, only what we may want short term. Remember as little as the devil understands of Christ, so he understands little of us. He will never offer you real help. Remember that and the temptation is ever so much less.
This morning’s Gospel comes from the Gospel of Saint Matthew, starting at the First Verse of the Fourth Chapter. This portion of the Gospel tells the story of the temptation of Christ. In many respects, it shows how little the devil understands of Christ, and through Him, of us. If you understand how little the devil really offers you and how much Christ offers, the temptation is ever so much less.
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HEN was Jesus led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungred. And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Then the devil taketh him up into the holy city, and setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple, and saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone. Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; and saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me. Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him.
Bishop Ogles’ Sermon
We are oft fortunate to get copies of Bishop Jerry’s sermon notes. Today is one of those Sundays. Today’s sermon starts off with the collect, and like always, it will give you a lot to consider in your heart.
Sermon Notes
First Sunday in Lent
Delivered at Canterbury Chapel, Fairhope, AL
Bishop Charles Morley, Presiding
22 February 2015, Anno Domini (In the Year of our Lord)
The First Sunday in Lent.
The Collect.
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LORD who for our sake didst fast forty days and forty nights; Give us grace to use such abstinence, that, our flesh being subdued to the Spirit we may ever obey thy godly motions in righteousness, and true holiness, to thy honour and glory, who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.
And due to the rubric, the Collect for the Day is followed by the Collect for Ash Wednesday, which is found on Page 124:
The first day of Lent, commonly called
Ash Wednesday.
The Collect.
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LMIGHTY and everlasting God, who hatest nothing that thou hast made, and dost forgive the sins of all those who are penitent; Create and make in us new and contrite hearts, that we, worthily lamenting our sins and acknowledging our wretchedness, may obtain of thee, the God of all mercy, perfect remission and forgiveness; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
¶ This Collect is to be said every day in Lent, after the Collect appointed for the day, until Palm Sunday.
The Temptation of Christ
Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness, to be tempted of the devil
(Mat 4:1-11)
Christ came, not only to atone for sin. But to be a perfect example to his people it was necessary, therefore, that he should suffer temptation, that he might know how to succor the tempted.
Due to the nature of these perilous times, perhaps we need to remind ourselves of, not only the terror, but the glorious aspects of these these latter days. God promised us a standard and a Savior
And the LORD said unto me, Amos, what seest thou? And I said, A plumbline. Then said the Lord, Behold, I will set a plumbline in the midst of my people Israel: I will not again pass by them any more (Amos 7:6-8)
How many present today even KNOW what a Plumbline is?
Nature of a Plumbline:
Is perfectly vertical (used in building construction – even today)
Points to a precise point on earth.
Must be attached at a precise point on High, else it is not a plumbline.
Our plumbline is realized in the Word Incarnate – Jesus Christ! (John 1:1-3)
10 And in that day there shall be a root of Jesse, which shall stand for an ensign of the people; to it shall the Gentiles seek: and his rest shall be glorious. (Isaiah 11:10)
In battle, the Ensign is a banner called “the colors” around which the Army rallies.
Times are becoming perilous and uncertain in our day. We must persevere, however, until the end. Let me give us a reassurance from Revelation.
Camp of the Saints
7 And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, 8 And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. 9 And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them. 10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever. (Rev 20:7-10)
What is the nature of a camp? It most often refers to a military cantonment area – a temporary enclave. In the end times, we may count on being so few that all believers may fit into a mere CAMP!
We are accounted “strangers and pilgrims on the earth” in Hebrews 11:13. Our quarters here will always be temporary.
Against this camp come all of the gathered armies from the four quarters of the world. The faint of heart may stumble with fear in that day; yet, the Lord is the Captain of Battles, and His people will be victorious despite heavy odds by His power and Intervention.
White Throne of Judgment(Rev 20:11-12)
Turning to our lectionary text, we have a revealed account of Christ’s temptation from the prince of darkness. The whole is very minutely and fully narrated, in which we have,
The Time
The Place
The Agent
The Temptation and Victory
The Consolation.
The Time of Christ’s Temptation
Three very notable and important things immediately preceded it.
His baptism and acknowledgment of the Father.
13 Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him. 14 But John forbad him, saying, I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me? 15 And Jesus answering said unto him, Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness. Then he suffered him. 16 And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him: 17 And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. (Matt 3:13-17)
Three events occurred at the Baptism of Jesus:
The Heavens were opened
Spirit descended
The confirmation and attestation of God the Father
The complete Trinity was present at the baptism of Jesus – Father whose Voice spoke from Heaven, the Holy Spirit descending as a Dove, and the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.
1 Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. (Matt 4:1)
Following the exultation and joy of the just often goes before depression and sorrow; Christ, after his illustrious baptism, was tempted of the devil in the wilderness.
2. It was just at his entrance on the public work of the ministry.
3. It was when he had fasted forty days.
The reason of Christ’s fasting is not given; doubtless, he had retired into the wilderness that he might meditate and pray before he commenced his glorious work. It is worthy of remark that Moses, who was at the head of the legal; and Elijah, who was at the head of the prophetical, and Jesus; who was at the head of the New Testament dispensation, all fasted forty days; Exo_24:18; 1Ki_19:8.
The Place of Christ’s Temptation
“And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungred.” (Matt 4:2)
The Wilderness
Supposed by many to have been the wilderness of Sinai, a dreary, barren, and dangerous place. A striking emblem of the fallen state of the world, which he came to redeem. A just representation of that through which Zion’s pilgrims have to pass, in their way to the promised land.
The Agent who tempted Christ
3 And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. (Matt 4:3)
Remember how the enemy was destroyed outside the Camp of the Saints? Rev 20:10
And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.”
We see from the next verses 11-12, that that old Serpent (Adversary and Accuser of God’s people) will not be present at the white Throne Judgment. He will be enjoying the tropical zones in Hell.
11 And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. 12 And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. (Rev 20:11-12)
“The devil.” The leader of the apostate angels – ”the murderer of our first parents” the seducer of mankind ”the prince of darkness” the god of this world” he whose nature is opposed to all that is good, and true, and holy, and whose work it is to go about, seeking whom he may devour. He is distinguished for subtlety and craft, for power, for dire malignity, and deep wickedness. Notice,
The Temptation itself, and the Victory obtained.
It was presented in three different forms He was tempted:
1. To distrust the Father’s care and goodness.
“If thou be the Son of God, command these stones to be made bread.” Christ referred to Deu_8:3, “Man doth not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.”
God can preserve in dearth and famine, when the staff of bread is broken. His will is sufficient for every purpose. By his simple word he effects whatever he pleaseth. He was then tempted,
In countering every attack of Satan, Jesus always quotes Scripture.
2. Christ is conducted, most probably, to the top of Solomon’s porch.
The porch was 150 feet high, and which overhung a valley of 700 feet; and he now suggests, that if Christ was the Son of God, he might cast himself down, seeing it is written that “God shall give his angels charge concerning him, lest at any time he dash his foot against a stone.” Now, let it be observed, that Satan misquoted the passage for it is said, “to keep thee in all thy ways;” Psalm 91:11.. Then Satan grossly perverted the passage; for the promise was not given to foster recklessness and presumption, but to encourage those who humbly trusted in the Lord, and made the Lord their fortress and refuge; Psa 91:1, Psa 91:2. Christ repelled this suggestion by another quotation from the word of life, “It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.” To rush into danger, is to tempt God; and to do this, is to violate the divine prohibition. He tempted Christ,
3. To gross and wicked idolatry.
Takes him to the most elevated part of one of the mountains in the vicinity of the desert, and shows him, most probably, the various provinces of Judea, and offers him these, with all their glory, if he would fall down and worship him.
Observe the monstrousness of the suggestion: for the Son of God to worship the devil! The utter wickedness and vileness of it! Then the arrogant and base offer, to give these kingdoms when he had no right in them, no claim to them, and therefore could not have the least ability to bestow any part of them Christ draws his last arrow from the holy quiver of God’s word, and at once over comes the foul spirit: “Get thee hence Satan.”
“It is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve;” and thus triumphed over the adversary, for he immediately left him.
The Consolation which Christ received.
“Behold, angels came and ministered unto him.” Angels had, doubtless, witnessed the scene, and had hailed the triumph of the Son of God, and they now became ministers of comfort to him.
Let this encourage the saints of the Most High; they have a heavenly guard, they are in a state of happy union and friendship with angels, for they are all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation;
Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation? (Heb 1:14)
Christ’s temptation is intended to teach us the following:
1. The true character of our great High Priest, “Tempted in all points as we are.”
2. The true way of overcoming the enemy, by the power of the word of truth.
3. The success which we shall assuredly obtain in the faithful use of the divine armory.
4. The consolation God will communicate to all his faithful and constant servants. Moreover, we learn, that it is not sinful to be tempted. Satan cannot compel, only suggest; and the grace of God is sufficient for his people.
As Christ contemplated in the wilderness of Temptation, the full meaning of His Coming Ministries and Sacrifice, let us, too, during this Lenten Season, contemplate the times that are coming upon the earth and be strengthened by the ministry of the Holy Ghost.
Sermon – Rev Jack Arnold
Church of the Faithful Centurion – Descanso, California
Today’s sermon brought the Collect, Epistle and Gospel together and is partly contained in the forewords above.
Consider these words from the Collect:
… Give us grace to use such abstinence, that, our flesh being subdued to the Spirit we may ever obey thy godly motions in righteousness, and true holiness, to thy honour and glory …
In the Collect, we ask God to help us to subdue our natural evil tendencies so that we can live life here His way and honour His wishes so we can be truly happy. Without His help, we end up with what we want, not what we need. We are asking him to help us fight our human nature and follow His divine nature, we are attempting to replace our nature with that of God’s. It will be a long and difficult road that we must travel, doing this, but we are going to be much happier in the long run if we at least try. Do or do not, there is no try, Yoda is quoted as saying, and I have found it applicable here and in my own life. We have to act, not just say we are going to act, but we have to actually physically perform ACTIONS1
Want and Need; two words, used interchangeably in both our speech and thought that do not mean the same thing. Think about that!
Following the thought of the Collect, Paul asks us to be worthy of the grace God has given us. He tells the people when they needed him, he was there. They need to be there for those around them. They must not frustrate God’s work by showing up late, or not at all. We have to put in our 110% for Him, as He sent His Son to die for us and redeem us, so we should truly show our gratitude for His act, by serving others and performing actions for Him, with His Help. We are outnumbered fiercely in this world, by the enemies of God. We are like the men in the Battle of Ia Drang (also related to being Paul’s message, the sacrifice of Kenneth Ogles and his fellow men in the Vietnam theatre, as well as those in WWI, WWII and before, and now.), fiercely outnumbered by the enemy, they did not just sit on their hands and wait for the enemy to come. They did something about it, they took action, otherwise they were going to be overrun by the North Vietnamese. We have to always keep moving, like the article I read this morning about Wally Kaenzig, a 93 year old man who is one of the last survivors of the Iwo Jima, he said on Iwo, the big deal was to keep moving so you didn’t get hit. We want to keep moving and avoid getting hit by the forces of evil, if we are to minister effectively. Like them, we cannot just sit and wait, else we will be overrun by the Forces of Satan.
Those around us are watching our actions in the time of testing. God is also watching us in the time of testing to see how we perform with the talents He has given us. Make no mistake it is a hard battle we are fighting, against the forces of wickedness, of the Devil all across the globe. The key to winning this battle for souls is to never ever ever give up and to trust in God and Dread Naught. We have been given eternal salvation by Jesus’ sacrifice, the understanding of the Gospel by the Holy Ghost. We are at this time dying here on earth, yet progressing towards eternal life in the next world, in Jesus’ world with His help. While we may never be wealthy here on earth, our actions can make our fellow Christians wealthy in spirit beyond measure.
If you claim to be a Christian, you know what is right. If you are a Christian, you do what is right, you don’t take a vote to see what the right course of action might be. Right does not change with public opinion and we must do the right thing. In fact the public opinion often times is rather in the wrong, see peoples opinions on homosexual marriage and abortion to reference this. This is because of our fallen nature. We must go especially against the grain to become Christians. The truth does not change, as it is the constant that never changes. God is the Truth, The Word and the Life of this universe. It is our actions that count, in good times or bad. We are Christ’s ambassadors to this world; unfortunately we do not have diplomatic immunity.
When the devil attempted to tempt Christ, he shows how little he knows of Him. If we emulate our Lord, it shows how little the devil will be able to tempt us with his deceit. If we follow Him we will be able to withstand any temptation that arises as our Lord showed for us in the desert 2,000 years ago.
Consider how little the devil really offers you and how much Christ offers, the temptation is ever so much less. The devil is often referred to as the deceiver or dissimulator. His forte is deception, he seems one thing, is another. He offers what he has no intention or ability to deliver. He ignores the inevitable result of accepting his proffered help or inside track. Jesus has more for us than the devil can ever hope to offer, the promise of eternal life with Him and His Father. The devil can never offer us anything close to that. We have to remember this next time the Deciever comes and tempts us for earthly riches and treasures. We also have to remember that mammon cannot make us happy, only serving God can make us truly happy.
He clearly knows Jesus is the Son of God. There is no doubt in his mind. So, having understood that, consider what he offers Jesus in temptation.
Remember, Jesus has fasted 40 days OF HIS OWN CHOICE; now comes the devil daring Him to show His Power by turning the stone into bread. This to the Son of He who delivered manna daily to the Jews in the wilderness for 40 years.
Cast thyself down and let angels catch thee; this to He who walked on water.
Up to the mountain lookout – Here is it all yours if you worship me. This to He who as it says in Psalm 95:
In his hand are all the corners of the earth; * and the strength of the hills is his also.
The sea is his, and he made it; * and his hands prepared the dry land.
O come, let us worship and fall down, * and kneel before the Lord our Maker.
For he is the Lord our God; * and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand.
The devil promised Jesus nothing that was his to give, nothing that would help Jesus in the real world beyond the Shadowlands. He never does. The devil is all about shortcuts. Remember, if the shortcut was the best way, it would not be a shortcut
The temptation of Jesus is no different than his attempt to tempt us! The devil never delivers what we need, only what we, in our imperfect want. Remember as little as the devil understands of Christ, the same way, as we are in God, so he understands little of us. He will never offer you real help. Remember that and the temptation is ever so much less.
Or, as my grandfather said, “Keep your eye on the donut, not on the hole”
Be of God – Live of God – Act of God
Bishop Dennis Campbell’s Sermon
Bishop Dennis is a brilliant speaker. He is able to take biblical precepts and make them perfectly understandable, even to me. Oft he provides the text of his sermons and I take the utmost pleasure in passing them on:
Fasting and Spiritual Discipline
2 Corinthians 6:1-10, Matthew 4:1-11
First Sunday in Lent
February 22, 2015
In our Collect for the First Sunday in Lent we have asked God to give us grace to subdue our flesh to the Spirit so we may obey His Godly motions in righteousness and true holiness. There is great wisdom in this prayer. The word, “flesh” does not refer to the body, of course. As in the Bible, it refers to our natural urges, and our desire to satisfy them. The Bible often uses the word “passions,” to describe these urges, and it teaches that we often allow them to control our lives. Scientists and psychologists call our urges “drives.” I think that is very accurate, for they often drive us as we drive a car. I don’t use literary allusions in sermons very often. But once in a while I like to do so, just so you know I can read. Today I want to refer to Thornton Wilder’s play, Our Town. One scene of the play takes place in the cemetery, and the people, who are waiting for the resurrection, are talking to their newest resident, Emily. Simon Stimson, who, in life had been organist for the Congregational Church, talks of life as being lived constantly at the mercy of one passion or another. That’s a very Biblical picture of life. Our passions are very demanding, and, if we let them, they will control us so completely that we no longer hear the Godly “motions” of the Holy Spirit calling us into righteousness and true holiness.
The point of our prayer, and I believe it is a major point of Scripture, is that we need to subdue our flesh in order to hear and follow the motions of the Holy Spirit. We all know from sad experience that temptation often comes to us through the call of the flesh. Temptation is frequently a call to indulge our fleshly desires, even if that indulgence goes against the clear revelation of the will of God. I hurry to say here that not every indulgence is sin. We all have a hunger drive, and to indulge that drive with proper nourishment, that tastes good and makes us feel satisfied, is a blessing. To eat good food thankfully is an act of praise and thanksgiving to God. But gluttony is sin. Gluttony is the overindulgence in food and drink in a way that is physically and spiritually unhealthy. Christians today are divided over the use of alcoholic beverages. Some say a Christian should never drink them. You cannot make that case from Scripture, but the Bible very clearly teaches that drunkenness is a wicked, wicked sin. So there may be a time and place to enjoy the fruit of the vine, and a time to abstain from it. But there is never a time to so indulge ourselves that it becomes an impairment in our lives. I am saying here, that we need to keep our physical drives and desires under control, rather than allowing them to control us. Temptation, on the other hand, asks us to indulge our flesh and subdue the Godly motions of the Holy Spirit.
I once saw a picture from a Church publication in the 1800s, in which a handsome man in exquisite clothing dances around the floor at a party. He holds a large drink in his hand, and his appearance hints that he has already imbibed enthusiastically. Around his neck are several scarves, on which is written the word, “hymen.” For this was a man who lived for his drives. Our physical drives call us to be like that man. The Spirit of God calls us to be like Christ.
The picture was made to warn young girls of such men, and to warn young boys not to become such men. I would have added something to the picture. I would have added a large and very beautiful door, and the man would be going through it. Above that door would be a sign containing the word, “HELL.”
Fasting is an attempt on our part to subdue our flesh. It is an attempt to stop listening to its cravings and passions. More than this, fasting is self-discipline. It is one of the ways we learn to control the drives and passions of the flesh. It is one of the ways we learn to stop listening to them so we can start listening to the Spirit of God.
Have you noticed how many people seem to be addicted to electronics today? They seem to be on them constantly; talking to friends, listening to music, watching videos. If you watch a group of teens or young adults sitting together in a restaurant, they will all, at various times, pick up their phones and do something on them. Some will never be off their phones. I hear that people walk into other people, or street signs, or trip over curbs because they are so focused on their cell phones they loose awareness of their surroundings. I think many of these people could benefit from a media fast. They would benefit by putting their media toys away for a while and reconnecting to the real world. In a sense, fasting is like putting down our fleshly drives for a while so we can listen to God.
Do you remember the Parable of the Sower? Do you remember the seed that fell among the thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked out the seed? Thorns are a part of life. The Apostle Paul wrote about some of the thorns he experienced in Second Corinthians 6. He didn’t include our passions among them, because he was talking about other kinds of trials. But our passions are certainly part of the cares of life, and they can choke the Godly motions to death. We need to realise this, and we need to take positive action to prevent it.
This is where fasting comes in. Is fasting a necessary part of Lent? No. Is Lent a necessary part of the Christian life? No, at least not in the formal sense of a special season, with purple coverings on the Table, and “giving up something for Lent.” But yes, in the sense that there must be times in every Christian’s life when he or she makes a special effort to subdue the flesh; to become the master of the flesh rather than its servant. There must be times in every Christian’s life when he or she draws apart from the world to listen afresh to the voice of the Spirit of God and obey His Godly motions. There must be Sabbaths in every Christian’s life, not just days but seasons, in which he draws apart from the world to draw nigh unto God.
You are familiar with the saying, “there is no time like the present.” Well, it applies to spiritual things just as well as to worldly things. And so, I invite and encourage you now, today, to dedicate some time to subduing the flesh so that you may hear more clearly the voice of the Spirit.
+Dennis Campbell
Bishop, Anglican Orthodox Church Diocese of Virginia
Rector, Holy Trinity Anglican Orthodox Church
Powhatan, Virginia
Roy Morales-Kuhn, Bishop and Pastor – St. Paul’s Anglican Church – Anglican Orthodox Church
Bishop Roy is pastor of the biggest AOC parish West of the Mississippi and is in charge of the Diocese of the Epiphany.
First Sunday in Lent
Seen and Unseen
22 February 2015
Psalm 3 • Isa 58:1-9 • Mt. 6:1-18
The First Sunday in Lent.
The Collect.
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LORD who for our sake didst fast forty days and forty nights; Give us grace to use such abstinence, that, our flesh being subdued to the Spirit we may ever obey thy godly motions in righteousness, and true holiness, to thy honour and glory, who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.
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ake heed that ye do not your alms before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven.
2 Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
3 But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth:
4 That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly.
5 And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
7 But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.
8 Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him.
9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
11 Give us this day our daily bread.
12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:
15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
16 Moreover when ye fast, be not, as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance: for they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
17 But thou, when thou fastest, anoint thine head, and wash thy face;
18 That thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret: and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly.
The general theme of today’s message follows an interesting thread. This is the work and prayer that one does, is to be done to the glory of God, not for the benefit of other’s sight. We are to be doing the work of the Lord, but we are to do it because we want to please Him, not others.
This can be so easy to ignore.
Many of the organizations and groups we belong to take time out once or twice a year to recognize those who have done well, who have contributed to the cause, who have increased the prestige of the group, etc. St. Matthew recorded Jesus words that give an opposite and closed way of doing the Father’s work.
Twice Jesus tells us to do something in secret, once stating: “so the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing; the other time to give an outward appearance that nothing was different so others would not know you were fasting.”
Jesus admonished us to not make a big deal out of giving. In fact several places in the New Testament we are told to: “give as we are able; to sow in abundance – reap in abundance, to lay not up treasure here, but lay them up in heaven, and so forth.” We are to give but not make it a great production – so others can see how good we are by our great giving. Why, because: “then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”
Jesus issues a similar admonishment about prayer. Now mind you he is not talking about corporate prayer, what we do here on Sundays or at a meal or meeting, but private prayer. Here is where Jesus gives us the pattern of prayer that we should use daily, note I said pattern:
1. We should praise God and his work
2. Ask him to provide for us our food; He allows us to work and grow our food, but all things proceed from God, blessings and good.
3. Forgive us of our debts/transgressions against God, as we should forgive those who have done the same to us.
4. Keep us from temptation and the evil one.
“Do I really have to forgive those who offended me?” Look at the action/reaction of verses 14 – 15. For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:
But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
The Greek tense of the word sins is present tense, in other words happening as we live and breathe.
That is why this should be our template for daily prayer. Always ask God to forgive you of your sins as we forgive the sins of others. Very hard stuff, we don’t like to be wrong.
Are we still to fast? Should we do without food for a while to draw us closer to God? . Just the act of fasting, giving up of food for a period of time, helps clarify the mind and helps us focus on the great work of Jesus.
This is the first Sunday in Lent, the forty day season of contemplation and inward prayer, that helps us prepare for the glorious day of the first resurrection, the event that seals our future in eternity, the Easter. The resurrection of Christ on that very first Easter is so important to the on going hope and life of the Christian that we take this period of time to reflect on his great work on our behalf.
There are some religious traditions and groups that encourage individuals to “give up” something that will cause a loss or pain of remembrance for Christ’s wandering in the desert. You’ll hear of people giving up chocolate, or soda, or beer, or sweets for Lent.
Some people will use this period of time to fast, at least in a controlled manner.
But understand two things about fasting {Mt.6:16-18}; first it is something that one does on their own, they do it to God’s glory. Others should not know that you are fasting. It is a personal action/commitment/covenant between you and God. You are remembering the fast that Jesus went through when he was tempted in the desert by Satan. No you should not fast forty days, it is just a symbol of what Jesus did.
Secondly, fasting is not mandated. You do not have to fast to be saved, you do not have to fast to be holy, you do not have to fast to gain favor of the Lord. Fasting is for self edification, to teach yourself discipline, to remember the great sacrifice that Jesus did for us, to honor God the Father.
Overall let us leave today with the understanding that God wants us to participate with Him in our daily lives. He wants us to worship Him, in giving, in prayer, and in personal sacrifice, as you understand sacrifice, but most importantly, He wants us to love Him as He has loves us.
Let us pray,
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Lord our Saviour, who hast taught us that Thou wilt require much of those to whom much is given; Grant that we and all those to whom Thou hast entrusted earthly treasure, may use it to Thy glory; and that, being mindful of our stewardship to Thee, we may dispense our gifts to help and not to hurt; that so, making friends of the mammon of unrighteousness, we may be enabled to set forward the coming of Thy Kingdom, and at last, with all Thine elect people, be received into Thy heavenly habitations, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
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rant, O Lord, that we whose lot Thou hast cast in a goodly heritage, may strive together the more abundantly, by prayer, by giving, and by work, to extend to others what we enjoy; and as we have entered into the labors of other men, so to labor that other men may in turn enter into ours, to the edifying of Thy King dom and the glory of Thy Holy Name, who art with the Father and the Holy Ghost, one God world without end. Amen.
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he grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with us all evermore. Amen.
Guest Sermon from Rev Ken Howe
Ken is our resident token Lutheran and a good man. His sermon today covers the Fourth Chapter of the Gospel of St. Matthew, the fourth chapter.
I’m betraying my age here, but most of us here remember the comedian Flip Wilson, who would put on a dress and play “Geraldine”, who would insist, “The devil made me buy this dress!” Wilson’s routines were a good laugh. But precisely part of the reason that we would laugh is that we know the excuses we make when we do what we shouldn’t. Of course the point isn’t whether it was sinful to buy a dress—usually it isn’t. The point is that Geraldine thought it was, and she was blaming someone else.
The devil doesn’t MAKE you do anything. What he does is tempt you. Sometimes it’s a positive temptation– “Wouldn’t it be nice if I did this, or had that?” You could shut that annoying person up if you punched him in the nose. You could have a really good time with that girl—but she’s your friend’s wife. That money you told your husband you needed for a dress is used for girls’ night out. The devil persuades you that you will somehow benefit if you sin. The pleasure or satisfaction you think you’ll get from the sin leaves you thinking that it’s worth it.
There are also negative temptations: “If I don’t say my sister broke the plate, Mom is going to spank me!” “If I don’t use that money I was holding for my friend to pay the rent, I’ll be on the street!” “If I don’t run from the position I’m supposed to be defending, the enemy will shoot me! Those negative temptations can be the most powerful of all. With the positive temptations, there’s usually no way to rationalize it. You know what you’re doing is wrong and that you don’t REALLY have to punch the guy in the nose or engage in hanky-panky with someone else’s wife or trick your husband into giving you money which he thinks is for one thing but you know is for another. You know that, and it may not be all that hard to say, No—that’s wrong. I’m just not going to do that.
But the negative temptations are tough, because you tell yourself, “I HAVE to do it! I don’t want my bottom spanked. I don’t want to be evicted.” So the devil has a hook. Now you tell yourself you have to do it. Yes, it’s wrong, you know it’s wrong, but the devil persuades you that what you’re going to do is less bad than what will happen to you if you don’t do it. Again, he persuades you that it’s worth it.
There’s a third kind of temptation, and this may be the sneakiest of all, because it plays to one of our worst sins, one that, if we’re not careful, we will not even recognize as a sin. That is pride. Yes, this is wrong, but you could do so much good for others if you do it! This is the temptation which we see play out so much in politics. Oh, I know it’s wrong if I register fifty people’s names as voters at an address that’s a cemetery. Oh, I know it’s wrong if I accept this bribe. But look how much good I can do! I can do much for social justice! Those evil people in the other party would let the rich oppress the poor! Those evil people in the other party would let our country go down the tubes! If I take the bribe and give the man what he wants, people are going to have jobs! So for the power to do something you think is good—and maybe it is good, that’s the toughest thing about it!–you do something you know is wrong.. But the devil didn’t MAKE you engage in such corrupt acts. He persuaded you that it’s worth it. You don’t ever HAVE to sin, and if you do, nobody is responsible for that sin except you.
If your wife gives you a fruit that God told you not to eat, you don’t HAVE to eat it.
There’s not one of these types of temptation that Jesus didn’t also face in the text for this sermon. First the devil comes to Jesus and says, You HAVE to turn these stones to bread, or you’ll starve! This is the negative temptation I described. There’s a terrible consequence for him if he doesn’t do what the devil suggests. But Jesus does not have to prove to anyone, least of all to the devil, who already knows it anyhow, that he is the Son of God. There will be a time and a place for his divinity to be revealed, and this isn’t that time. You know that his human nature had to think bread sounded pretty good right about then. But Jesus must not let himself be turned aside from the way he is going to do things, and he DOESN’T let himself be turned aside.
Then comes the positive temptation, and it’s a kind of temptation that the devil particularly likes to use against young people, though he uses it sometimes for the rest of us, too. What a rush! You make this horribly dangerous jump, but you can show off your power and your majesty as angels rush to keep anything bad from happening to you. You see young people doing this kind of thing all the time, usually in the form of “dares”, but sometimes as flat-out showing off. They take risks, foolish ones, one after the other, either to impress their friends or to defy their parents, showing the parents that they have no more power over them. Warnings, even pleadings, by the parents only make it the more attractive to do such things. Maybe the most heart-breaking examples are those of the boy who joins a gang or the girl who takes up with bad boys. One day the boy with the jail record or the girl with illegitimate children realizes that he or she should have listened to mom and dad.
Jesus is not going to play that game, and he is not going to let the devil play that game. He is not going to play the game with his Father: Look at me, Father, jumping off a tall building and showing everyone just how powerful I am, because you’ll send angels. That particular game is one that will come again, with both positive and negative temptations attached. It will come again when the crowd hoots at him, “If you’re the Son of God, come down from the cross. He saved others, but he cannot save himself.” There will be the positive temptation to demonstrate that he is indeed almighty, with the sort of glory he showed to his disciples in his transfiguration, which we talked about last week, and the negative temptation that if he does not come down from the cross, he will die. That does not move Jesus. Rather than be turned aside from what he must do, rather than impress everyone with his power and glory, he will die.
Finally comes that insidious third kind of temptation. The devil shows him all the glory of all the kingdoms of the world and offers to give them to Jesus, if Jesus will just prostrate himself before him and worship him—in the perspective of the great conflict, to change sides. But think of all the people he could help if he ruled all the kingdoms of the earth! Think how many lame people he could make walk, how many sick people he could make well, how many slaves he could free, how many prisoners he could release! And this would be the easy way! No cross, no suffering, no bleeding, no dying. Just helping lots of people.
But without that cross, that suffering, that bleeding, that dying, there is no redemption. Without it, maybe he makes some people walk, some sick people well—but he leaves a lost, condemned humanity! When Adam and Eve went for that positive temptation of being like gods with the knowledge of good and evil, they were left with the sinful nature we all have, under which we all labor. There was no way at all for us to make that good, because if we did nothing but good for the rest of our lives, we would only be doing what we were supposed to do anyway—not making up for anything wrong we’d done or for the basic sinfulness of our nature. But Jesus did not go for the temptation of the easy way. He did not go for the quick, painless glory of worldly rule—not even in order to do this or that good thing he might have done with that power.
There is one other thing to remember at all times, and that is that the devil is a liar. Just because he says this good thing will come to you if you do this, or that bad thing will come to you if you do not do this does not mean that what he says is true! That girls’ night out may turn out to be not an evening of fun but a nightmare. The evening with the pretty woman may turn out to be a crashing bore—or perhaps her husband walks in and you have real trouble. The punishment you feared for the broken plate may not come at all. Maybe Mom will forgive you and just be glad you told her the truth. Maybe the landlord will give you another week to pay the rent, or something you can do to make up the rent. That wrongful act that you did with the idea that you were serving a greater good may only land you in the middle of a mess you wish you never saw, unable to do any good thing for anyone, least of all for yourself.
No—the devil could not MAKE Jesus sin, nor can he MAKE us sin. The devil DIDN’T make us do it, no matter what Geraldine says. We are told to flee temptation, and exactly that is what we must do. The devil will, of course, try to corner us and have us believe that we cannot escape him or his power. But there is always the way not to follow him. That way is to follow Jesus in this pilgrimage through a barren land. Jesus withstood the temptation, confronting it with the Scripture, and he withstands it for us, with us always as he has promised. The word of God—Jesus himself, the living Word, and the holy Scriptures—is the strength and shield behind which we escape temptation and are delivered from evil. For his, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, are the kingdom, and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.
Rev Bryan Dabney of Saint John’s Sunday Sermon
We are fortunate to have Bryan’s Sunday Sermon. If you want people to come to The Truth, you have to speak the truth, expouse the truth and live the truth. This is really a good piece and I commend it to your careful reading.
First Sunday in Lent
In our gospel lesson today our Lord was tempted by our adversary in the wilderness. The Synoptic Gospels have this account in some form with St. Mark’s account (1:12-13) having the fewest details, while St. Luke’s (4:1-13) contains the most. St. Matthew’s account (4:1-11) falls in between the others and is closer in content to St. Luke than to St. Mark.
Suffice to say that each gospel writer was given of the Holy Ghost to record only those items which they were to inscribe. But that has not deterred the various critics of Scripture from pitting the gospel writers against each other in hopes of convincing as many souls as they can that God’s word is nothing more than a vague and contradictory religious text. For if they can win the “conversation” on the origins of Scripture— that they are nothing but the specious impressions of a group of men from long ago— then they can offer other more “rational” or “appealing” interpretations of the Bible to suit their particular lifestyle choices and beliefs.
Of course, our adversary, the devil, is behind these so-to-speak “learned scholars” because he is in the business of casting doubt on God’s word. One need only consider his subtle question to Eve: Yea, hath God said… (Genesis 3:1). The Rev. E. M. Bounds has supplied us with a telling description of the devil’s efforts to tempt different people in different times: “The devil’s assault on Christ is in striking contrast to his temptation [of] Eve [or that of Job]. Satan cast no suspicion on God’s goodness…He caused no terrific consuming sorrow as he did [for Job]. Instead, everything was friendly, sympathetic and inviting.”
If the devil is anything, he is slick. He knew that he was dealing with the only begotten Son of the Father. He likely wanted to see just what the Son would do now that he was clothed in a mortal body. At what he thought would be the weakest moment, Satan sought to blemish the Lamb of God and thus prevent him from serving as that holy and acceptable sacrifice for the sins of the world. The three temptations of Christ in the wilderness proved to Satan that he would not be an easy mark. Now let us examine each temptation in turn. E. M. Bounds noted that the conflict in the wilderness revolved around three points:
In the first, Bounds stated that the devil approached our Lord, “with an air of concern. How innocent is [his] suggestion that Jesus use his power to relieve his hunger! What could be more permissible than to use his spiritual power for physical purposes? Whenever faith is used to serve the natural, the source is always evil…The devil’s main business— to materialize religion, to get man to live for bread alone, to make earth bigger than heaven, to make time more intriguing than eternity… It is a struggle between God’s religion and the devil’s religion.”
And our Lord’s response was straight out of the Scriptures , It is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God (Deuteronomy 8:3).
In the second temptation, Satan sought a display of godly power when he suggested that our Lord throw himself off the roof of the Temple. Regarding this temptation Bounds explained that, “Satan used all the methods of sensational and abnormal religious practices. He tempted Jesus to take the shortcut by which the principles of genuine faith are set aside and superficial substitutes are brought in to make faith more attractive and popular. Presumption seeks to take man-devised methods, which are easy, sentimental and material instead of God’s lowly way of godly sorrow, strict self-denial and prayerful surrender.”
God did not intend for Satan to chalk up an easy victory in the wilderness over his Christ. And God the Son did not succumb in his mortal flesh for note his reply again from Deuteronomy (6:16), It is written again, thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.
The third temptation of Christ is the one which every unregenerate person desiring power would blindly accept. Satan is the god of this world (II Corinthians 4:4) and he offers its power and pleasures to whom he wills with one important proviso. Examine St. Luke 4:5-7, And the devil taking him up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And…said unto him, all this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will give it. If thou wilt worship me, all shall be thine. Bounds said of this temptation, “the world with its kingdoms and its glory… are the rewards for devotion to Satan and worship of the devil… How [he had] massed all of his forces! Religion invoked. The world and the flesh conspired under Satan’s power, to tempt the Son of God.”
But our Lord did not fail. His response was plain, simple and scriptural (Deuteronomy 6:13), Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. At that moment, Satan left him and angels came and ministered unto him.
Thankfully, our Lord Jesus Christ overcame the world, the flesh and the devil, and so this event was set forth within the scriptures for not only our eternal good, but to give glory to the Godhead because he cannot be triumphed over by the evil one. The devil sought to impugn the word of God in his encounters with Eve, and Job. Still, winning against mortals is one thing; but there has not been, nor ever will there be, a victory by Satan over the Godhead.
So what should we take away from this lesson? Since our Lord is a conqueror, we are as well through faith in his blood. St. Paul reminds us concerning the temptations we face in this life that, There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it (I Corinthians 10:13). The temptations of our Lord highlight the current spiritual war we are involved in every moment of our earthly life. And until our Lord returns for us, we will face many trials and temptations perpetrated by our adversary. What we can count on, as true and faithful Christians, is that strong arm of the LORD to sustain and help us through those times for as our Lord Jesus said to close the Gospel of St. Matthew, and lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world (St. Matthew 28:20).
Let us pray,
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ather, assist us in this our spiritual warfare; that we being so guided and governed by the Holy Ghost, will avoid the temptation and snare of sin, and claim that victory which thy Son claimed not only in the wilderness but at the cross; for this we ask in Christ’s name. Amen.
Have a blessed week, Bryan+
After Church Hospitality
We would like some pictures of your after service gatherings. Come on! Help out!
People in our Prayers –
Why? Prayer is an extremely important activity.
It is not that God knows not our needs, for He surely does. Yet, Jesus commanded us to ask God for those same needs. In addition to the obvious of asking God for help, offering thanksgiving and the like, prayer helps us focus our thoughts on how we might do God’s work.
The Prayer Team of the Anglican Orthodox Church was established to help our members and fellow Christians pray for those in need and to give thanks as well for the blessings we have been granted.
Who can be on the list? Do I have to be a member of the Anglican Orthodox Church to be prayed for?
No! The only qualification to be on the list is that you want our prayer team to pray for you. We are Christians and are happy to pray for you, no matter who you are. If you want help from God, you are our kind of people.
What is the commitment from the prayer team?
Each member of the team will pray for the desired outcome at last once per day.
How do I get myself or someone else on the prayer list?
You can email one of the prayer team leaders: Jack – or Dru – dru@, or call the office at (619) 659-3608 or fill out a prayer card at church.
What should I ask for?
Depends on what you want. Some people merely want God to be asked to heal their ills and be mentioned by their first name, others want a specific outcome and / or have more of their personal information known to the team. Ask for what you want. It is your desire and need for prayer the team is attempting to meet. For typical examples, see the list below.
Updating the Team
If you are on our prayer list, or if you have submitted a person that you have asked us to pray for, please update one of the team members or Hap in person, by telephone or email. It helps to be able to pray specifically for these individuals including their specific needs; plus if they get better, it is nice to give thanks!
Please note that on the yellow (maybe green or orange if you get an old one) cards at church, you can ask that those to be prayed for have their names disseminated to the prayer team. Those names will be said in church and appear here. Or, you can ask that their names and purpose be kept confidential, then only Hap will know to pray for them.
Prayer List Notice – If you have someone on the prayer list and their needs have changed, please let us know. We’d like to update our prayers to reflect the need and most important to give thanks!
No known travel this week.
Maggie is a very young lady who was expecting a baby. Sadly, the baby did not make it. She and her family need your prayers for the Holy Ghost to comfort and strengthen both her and themselves.
Dru Arnold celebrated her 60th Birthday on 2 February 2015. For the record, she did see her shadow, thus we are faced with six more weeks of winter. On the other hand, winter here can be tough at 72°F.
Dru and Hap Arnold celebrated their 28th anniversary on 21 February 2015, a testimony to the work of God.
The Thomas Family is now in Okinawa for a second short tour. Please pray for this new assignment to go well for Kurt and for Mary and the kids to make new friends.
Elias Muikia Kamakura grandfather of Bishop Elias Mburuh of Kenya died 20 February 2015. Please give thanks for his time here on earth and pray for comfort and strength for the family and friends he leaves behind.
Tabitha a devout Christian woman passed away the week of 26 January 2015. Please give thanks for her time here on earth and pray for comfort and strength for the family and friends she leaves behind.
Nearing the end of their time here on earth
Maggie is nearing the end of her time here on earth. Please pray for Maggie and her husband Dub as she prepares to go home to be with her family who have gone before her. Pray for the faith of her family to build and the transition to be good.
Alan is a victim of metastasized colon cancer already destroying his liver. His youngest sister has put aside her hard-earned career to care for her brother in these days on earth. Please pray for him as he prepares to go home to be with his family who have gone before him. Please pray for comfort, understanding, strength and guidance for Alan and his family who will of necessity remain behind.
Saundra is in ICU with congestive heart failure after a heart operation. She is aged and frail. Saundra is near the end of her time here on earth. Please pray for comfort, understanding, strength and guidance for Saundra and her family who will of necessity remain behind. Pray for the love of God to stay foremost in their hearts.
Polly is in hospice care with dementia and spinal stenosis. Please pray for her as she prepares to go home to be with her family who have gone before her. Pray for the faith of her family to build and the transition to be good.
Homebound or Infirm
Sonnie, a 77 year old woman, lives alone and now has a little help to care for her in her home.
Mary is an elderly woman who had a hip replacement. Please pray her as she is home recovering.
Joan has had serious medical problems that have kept her confined. Please pray her health will remain stable.
Barbara Apple is more or less bedridden. Pray for inspiration for those caring for her that they might find the appropriate treatment. Please pray for Barbara to put her trust in the Lord, look to Him for strength and for her to gain energy so she does not lose the mobility she has; pray for a full and rapid recovery. Please pray also for her husband Bob who is taking care of her that he might be comforted and strengthened in this time of stress.
Norma, Sara’s mother is in a state of deteriorating health, both physically and mentally, with both dementia and Alzheimer’s. She is slowly drifting away, though she still recognizes Sara and prayer gives her a sense of peace. Please pray for both Sara and her mother to put their cares and worries on God’s shoulders so they can deal with the many problems involved.
In need of a miracle or understanding of God’s Plan
Daisy Lee has necrotizing fasciitis, which manifested on 30 January 2015. She has lost her right arm and her left hand, as well as parts of both feet. She is in a drug induced coma and things are extremely difficult. Please pray for medical team contemplating and evaluating the treatment that they might be guided to the correct choice and do their very best. Pray also for peace of mind and trust in God for Daisy’s family, her husband and children Tiffany and Chris.
Sarah, wife of Rev Geordie (AOC – UK), has been treating for ovarian cancer. Alas the cancer is spreading causing fluid on the lungs, which is discomforting to say the least. There is a hope this side effect can be stopped by further chemotherapy; however, the last time this particular drug was tried it sent her into potentially life threatening anaphylactic shock. Please pray for guidance for the medical personnel treating Sarah, for a miraculous remission; and that Sarah might put all her sadness, fear, worry and terror on God’s back so that her remaining time here on earth might be good. Help Sarah, Geordie and their family put their trust in the Lord and let Him carry their worry. Give thanks for the great courage and trust in God made manifest in Sarah and Geordie.
June found she has a recurrence of colon cancer, which is now Stage Four, that is it has spread. Please pray for a miraculous remission; that June’s remaining time here on earth might be good. Help June and her family put their trust in the Lord and let Him carry their sadness, fear, worry and terror.
Cindy has been diagnosed with an aggressive malignant brain tumor. Please pray for a miraculous remission; that Cindy’s remaining time here on earth might be good. Help Cindy and her family put their trust in the Lord and let Him carry their sadness, fear, worry and terror.
Leon McKay suffered a stroke a few weeks back that has left him unable to speak and while undergoing evaluation the doctors also found he has a very aggressive cancer. Please pray for a miraculous remission; that Leon’s remaining time here on earth might be good. Help Leon and his family put their trust in the Lord and let Him carry their worry.
Rev. Thomas Brooks is not improving and being kept alive by artificial machines. Please pray for a miraculous recovery and if that not be God’s Will, a rapid passing to home. Help Thomas’ family put their trust in the Lord and let Him carry their worry
Ronnie has kidney cancer that has spread and the surgeons are very concerned. Please pray the medical team to formulate a successful treatment plan and for a miraculous remission; that Ronnie’s remaining time here on earth might be good. Help Ronnie and family put their trust in the Lord and let Him carry their worry.
Levi was cancer free for 4 years and just discovered he has kidney cancer. Levi has a great deal of faith and said whether he is healed or God takes him home he will be fine. Please pray for the medical team to pay attention and to their best and for a good outcome. Pray also that Levi and family will be able to put their worry on God’s shoulders. In particular, please pray for pain relief; Levi is 22 years old.
Ray Daley is a member of the Royal Canadian Legion and served his country during the Korean War era. Ray is taking chemotherapy treatments for cancer. Meanwhile his son Trevor is in the hospital in a coma and seems to have lost the will to live.
Pat has been under treatment for colon cancer for sometime. He has had major complications the last few days and your prayers will be appreciated by family and friends.
Dorothy had pneumonia, on checking her lungs they found tumors which permeated the lung area. Further investigation found a primary site in the colon, with the lung being secondary. It would appear there is no viable treatment at this time. Please pray for a miraculous remission; that her remaining time here on earth might be good. Help Dorothy and her family put their trust in the Lord and let Him carry their worry.
Becky has fourth stage metastasized lung cancer and is not doing well with chemotherapy treatments. Please pray for Becky and her husband as they are together during this difficult time in their lives.
Jane has fourth stage cancer and is not doing well. Please pray for Jane and her family as they are together during this difficult time in their lives.
Colleen has been battling pancreatic cancer over the last year and it has now spread to one of her lungs. Please keep her and her family in your prayers.
Christine has cancer of the colon, which spread to her liver; she is receiving chemotherapy and is having difficulty eating. Please pray for the medical team treating her to pay attention and do their very best; pray also for confidence in our Lord for Christine and her family.
Todd and Kenny have both been fighting osteocarcinoma for over five years and have been told their time here on earth is nearing its end, absent a miracle from God. Both are ready to go home and leave the pain, but would like to stay. Please pray for them and their families.
Edware is having his fourth back surgery (in the last four years) Please pray for the medical team to pay attention and to their best and for a good outcome. Pray also that Edware and his family will be able to put their worry on God’s shoulders.
Lee is scheduled for shoulder surgery the morning of Monday 16 February 2015 and will be in the hospital several days. Please pray for the medical team to pay attention and to their best and for a good outcome. Pray also that Lee and her family will be able to put their worry on God’s shoulders.
Amy had surgery on 27 January 2015, for a brain tumor. Please pray for the medical team to pay attention and to their best and for a good outcome. Pray also that Amy and her family will be able to put their worry on God’s shoulders.
Jeff has been undergoing surgery, chemo and radiation since October for pancreatitis and Pancreatic cancer. Please pray for the medical team to pay attention and to their best and for a good outcome. Pray also that Jeff, his wife and family will be able to put their worry on God’s shoulders.
Albert had a pacemaker installed recently. He will require surgery soon for a leaking heart valve and has just been told he has esophageal cancer. Pray he will turn to God and come to know Him on a more personal basis as the days go by.
Jane underwent heart valve repair surgery on 3 July 2014. Please pray for full recovery. Pray also Jane and her family to put their worry on God’s shoulders.
Mario has early-diagnosed prostate cancer and had surgery. Pray for complete remission and that Mario and his family will be able to put their worry on God’s shoulders.
Eddie has upcoming bladder surgery. Please pray for the surgical team to pay attention and to their best and for a good outcome. Pray also that Eddie and family will be able to put their worry on God’s shoulders.
Testing and Treatment
Olivia, age7, has been diagnosed with Stage 3 Lymphoma. The prognosis is good at this time, please pray for medical team contemplating and evaluating the treatment that they might be guided to the correct choice and do their very best. Pray also for peace of mind and trust in God for Olivia and her family, as well as physical strength.
Karen got out of the hospital after dehydration and double pneumonia. Her family is taking care of her. Please pray for strength, trust and healing.
Nancy has been diagnosed with Schizophrenia and has quit taking her medications causing instability and difficulty in her family. Please pray the Lord will help the doctors find the right medications and she will take them and return her to mental and emotional stability.
Paul has been hospitalized recently several time because of persistent high fevers. He is being tested and checked by physicians and seems to have a slight scoliosis, a node and Schuermann’s disease. Please pray it will be discovered how to treat these problems and healing will begin so he will be inspired to continue his education.
Carol Anne needs God’s comfort and healthy test results as she is anxiously undergoing tests related to previous hysterectomy and experiencing symptoms in the surrounding area.
Garth Neel is undergoing chemotherapy for lymphomacancer. Garth is feeling a bit better, but the treatment is tiring. Pray for medical team contemplating and evaluating the treatment that they might be guided to the correct choice and do their very best. Pray also for peace of mind and trust in God for Garth and his family, as well as physical strength.
Garth is the AOC Bishop of Canada with oversight of South America and a really both good and nice fellow.
Jennifer has some lumps on the right side of her neck; they have grown and multiplied. In the last few months she has been having problems swallowing. Jennifer has an appointment with specialist in several weeks to try and discover what it is. She is having a great deal of anxiety as she waits for her Doctors appointment and will appreciate your prayer for anxiety and health.
Rick has heart problems. Please pray for guidance for the medical people treating him that they might pay attention, do their very best and make the right recommendations regarding treatment. Pray for help for Rick and his wife Wanda to keep their trust in the Lord and let Him carry their worry.
Clay has melanoma. Please pray for guidance for the medical people treating him that they might pay attention, do their very best and make the right recommendations regarding treatment. Pray for help for Rick and his wife Pam to keep their trust in the Lord and let Him carry their worry.
Atina has been diagnosed with skin cancer, which turned out to be a melanoma. A routine CT scan found a 9mm (3/8 inch) lesion in her left lung. The melanoma appears to be spreading; they need to remove the offending tissue and test the sample. Pray for guidance for the medical people treating her that they might pay attention, do their very best and make the right recommendations regarding treatment. Atina’s faith is being tested, she has difficulty in praying and accepting the outcome, she wants what she wants and is perplexed about her faith in Jesus. Pray for help for Atina to keep her trust in the Lord and let Him carry her worry.
Evelyn has been diagnosed with bone cancer. Pray for guidance for the medical people treating her that they might pay attention, do their very best and make the right recommendations regarding treatment. Pray for help for Evelyn to keep her trust in the Lord and let Him carry her worry.
Stacy has Multiple Sclerosis and was hospitalized for what turned out to be food poisoning. Pray for trust in God for Stacy and Chris as they deal with Stacy’s illness.
Liz Strauch had a pineal cyst, which in the end responded well to a surgical draining last year. Since November 2013, similar symptoms have returned. A CT Scan turned up what is thought to be either a new cyst or an enlarged pineal gland. More testing, including an EEG is in the works. She can no longer work. Pray for strength, courage and understanding for Liz and her family, in particular her husband Ken and sons Caleb and Nathan; as well as for God’s guidance for the medical people treating her that they might find the best course of treatment and allow Liz to heal completely.
Faye is in the hospital because she is weak has been receiving blood transfusions. Pray for strength, courage and understanding for Faye and her family; as well as for God’s guidance for the medical people treating her that they might find the best course of treatment and allow Faye to heal completely.
Tom has heart and kidney problems. Pray for strength, courage and understanding for Tom and his family; as well as for God’s guidance for the medical people treating him that they might find the best course of treatment and allow Tom to heal completely.
Harold has had a severe stroke. He is now home, but his family is looking for a rehabilitation facility to help him recuperate. Pray for strength, courage and understanding for Harold and his family; as well as for God’s guidance for the medical people caring for him that they might find the best treatment facility to allow Harold to heal completely.
Joe has had a preliminary ALS diagnosis. Pray the final diagnosis will something that will allow him to continue taking care of his devoted young family. Pray for strength, courage and understanding for Joe and his family; as well as for God’s guidance for the medical people treating him that they might find the best course of treatment.
Mark Wilson’s breathing seems to be under control at present, he is getting oxygen, which is a huge blessing for which he is grateful. Pray for God’s guidance for the doctors and medical people treating him that they might figure out a way to treat him that will work and not adversely affect other parts of his body, particularly his oxygenation levels, kidney and liver function. Please pray for peace of mind and trust in the Lord for Mark, as well as for his family.
Preston is reacting poorly to recent neck surgery and now has problems with his liver count; Physicians feel that dialysis will help. There may be a blockage in the bowel and an operation might be necessary. Please pray for the medical team to pay attention and to their best to determine how to help Preston and for a good outcome. Pray also that Preston and family will be able to put their worry on God’s shoulders while Preston does his best to facilitate a return to good health.
Erica has a non-malignant Brain Tumor which cannot be surgically removed due to the size and location. They are going to attempt chemotherapy. Please pray for peace of mind and trust in the Lord for Erica, as well as for her family, and for God’s guidance for the medical people treating her that they might find the best course of treatment.
Brenda is in the hospital because of bleeding on her brain. Please pray for peace of mind and trust in the Lord for Brenda, as well as for her family, and for God’s guidance for the medical people treating her that they might find the best course of treatment.
Mackenzie is a young girl with leukemia. Please pray for peace of mind and trust in the Lord for Mackenzie, as well as for her family, and for God’s guidance for the medical people treating her that they might find the best course of treatment.
Mack has had diabetes most of his adult life. Circulation in his legs is very bad and doctors are considering amputation. Please pray his medication will help and he will not face amputation. Please pray for peace of mind and trust in the Lord for Mack and for God’s guidance for the medical people treating him that they might find the best course of treatment.
Michael has been diagnosed with lung cancer recently after making it through gastro intestinal cancer last year. Please pray for peace of mind and trust in the Lord for Michael and his wife Gayle; as well as for God’s guidance for the medical people treating him that they might find the best course of treatment.
Ken Strauch has been tired and is anemic, he had a colonoscopy which found a pair of polyps which were removed and are being tested. Just for good measure they found he has a hiatal hernia with ulcers, basically part of his stomach is pushed up into his esophagus and is bleeding from there. Sounds like there may be surgery involved. Please pray for peace of mind and trust in the Lord for Ken and for God’s guidance for the medical people treating him that they might find the best course of treatment.
Adriano is in the hospital due to high sugar and high blood pressure. He is very weak and will appreciate your prayers.
Heather recently found out she has cancer. Please pray for peace of mind for her and for the medical team treating her will be guided to the right solution.
Jim has had an aneurism and blood clots. Pray that healing will come.
Georgia has liver and pancreatic cancer. The doctors are evaluating whether to do surgery and how to tackle the disease. Georgia is a faithful Christian and appreciates your prayers. Pray for God’s guidance for the medical people treating her that they might find out the source of the problem and best course of treatment. Pray also for peace of mind and trust in God for Georgia and her family.
Lana’s doctor found something on her lymph nodes and ovaries. Pray for God’s guidance for the medical people treating her that they might find out the source of the problem and best course of treatment. Pray also for peace of mind and trust in God for Lana and her family.
Betsy Lane had what is thought to be food poisoning, she appears to be recovering but was too weak to make it to church. If you know Betsy, that is a really bad sign. Please pray for a full and complete return to strength as soon as possible for her and comfort and strength from our Lord in her time of weakness.
Bernie Coogan had a stroke near Christmas time. He is still in a stroke center and expects to be there about another week, before being discharged to a rehab facility. Bernie is doing pretty well, his speech is a bit slurred, but his mind is clear. He is still Bernie. Bernie, his wife JoAnn and their family would appreciate your prayers for a full and rapid recovery as they maintain full trust in the Lord.
Scott Winters underwent apparently successful ligament replacement surgery on his knee on 8 January 2015, however he contracted an infection somehow which is causing him great difficulty. Please give thanks for the successful surgery and pray the infection will be overcome.
Amy has melanoma in her lungs, liver and kidneys; they have found a treatment for her that has a high success rate however the side effects are debilitating. Please pray she will be able to tolerate the side effects and the treatment is successful. Amy has full trust in the Lord, but would still appreciate your prayers.
Debbie is just beginning chemotherapy for cancer of the lymph nodes. Prayer she will be able to tolerate the therapy acceptably and remain strong as she remembers the Lord is with her at all times.
Liz had a massive stroke at age thirty-seven. The prognosis is good but she has a long road ahead. . Please pray for guidance for those treating her, for trust in our Lord for Liz and her family, for healing.
Ebick is suffering from a severe ulcer but the Doctors cannot give her the proper dosage of the medicine due to her six month pregnancy. Please pray doctors will find an alternative avenue for treatment or that God will provide.
Stan is going through chemotherapy and radiation treatments for cancer. He is elderly and the treatments are tiring him. Please pray for his wife Marvelene as they do this together.
Meg recently found out she had heart problems causing low blood oxygen levels, loss of focus resulting in an emergency room crisis. As a result of the symptoms she made errors on the job that caused her to lose her job. She is grateful for the excellent medical care she has received and optimistic, feeling with God’s intervention in her life her health may be reversed and a new job will become available.
Donald is in the hospital and had his leg amputated on 14 April 2014. Pray he will adjust and healing will begin.
Lucius Dabney (father of Rev Bryan Dabney) is now at home recovering from an infection. Please pray for a complete healing of the infection and return to health.
David has many concussions and unable to go to school, read books, watch TV and has headaches and migraines. He has trouble sleeping and his family will appreciate your prayers for this 10 year old young man.
Gladys has breast cancer and has had a lumpectomy. She needs to take a year off of her work to have chemo treatments.
Alwin Jack has had a stroke and recently has had a relapse. Please pray for those who treat Alwin that they might chose the best possible treatment and pray for peace of mind for Alwin during the recovery phase.
Carolyn has Multiple Sclerosis with complications. Pray Carolyn and her children will be close to our Lord Jesus Christ as they and family members help to ease the problems.
Jeong was in an auto accident and sustained a serious back injury. Please pray for a full and rapid recovery.
Gil Garcia is home and doing pretty well. Pray for strength for Gil and his wife Mary as they deal with the stresses of Gil’s paraplegia and the general aging process.
Mary Garcia had surgery, she is home, but not healing as well as she hoped. Please pray for her continued healing.
Bill had malignant growth removed from a lip last month and seems to be experiencing a re-growth of the cancer. He asks your prayer for the medical team treating him and for peace of mind for himself.
Hank has osteoporosis, which has caused him a great deal of pain and inconvenience in the past few years. Pray for his healing and that his medical bills will be met.
Evelyn is an elderly woman who has had problems with her eyes and is now blind. It appears some sight will return shortly, pray for that to happen!
Joanne has begun kidney dialysis as a result of kidney failure due to extensive chemotherapy. Additionally she cares for an adopted drug addicted baby who is now nine years old. Please pray for her to keep her faith, to let the Lord carry her worry and concern and to give her strength. Pray also for those treating her that they might pay attention and do their best.
Mr. N. Anand is in the hospital and is seriously ill. He is being encouraged to pray for repentance of his sins and to depend upon our dependable God for a cure and recovery of his health. Pray that he will be a strong witness for Christ.
Jacob has been going through some dental procedures and has some pain and aggravation with the numbness. Please pray for comfort and strength for him, as well as for guidance for the medical team treating him that they might pay attention and do their best.
Jean fell and broke her ankle in three places. She will be in the hospital for rehabilitation for the next 6 weeks. Please pray for comfort and strength for her, as well as for guidance for the medical team treating her that they might pay attention and do their best.
Bud and his wife for their continued welfare and enthusiasm. Bud has been advised of an aneurism in his heart of a size not mandating immediate surgery. This comes at a time when he has sole care of his wife who recently broke two vertebrae and thereafter sustained pneumonia.
Virginia has Sinus and Allergy problems giving her severe problems. Pray that the Doctor will discover why it continues and find a cure.
Steve Thornell had a brain aneurysm, which was found before it burst. He is home from the hospital and working hard on recovery. He lacks energy from seven days in the hospital. His doctor told him he has to make serious life changes. One of the two main arteries in the back of the head is now completely closed. He must take blood thinners, he has thick blood and recent chemotherapy made it worse. Steve has always operated at 110 percent, he needs help to slow down. Please pray for trust in the Lord and a full and rapid recovery. Pray for peace of mind for Steve and his family.
Arlen is receiving treatment for lung cancer and recently experienced a ruptured colon during treatment. She is alone in Oregon but does have a friend who has traveled a great distance to be at her side. Please pray for guidance for the medical team treating her and for strength and trust for Arlen.
Oscar discovered some time ago he had blood clots in his leg and lung. He has been treated for them and has not been cured. He now will be facing surgery. Please keep him in your prayers.
Angela had an ischemic stroke (clot).Please pray for guidance for the medical team treating her and for strength and trust for Angela. Please pray also that she and her family might put their worries on our Lord’s back so she can work hard towards recovery.
Nora had a stroke mid February 2013. Please pray for guidance for the medical team treating her and for strength and trust for Nora. Please pray also that she and her family might put their worries on our Lord’s back so she can work hard towards recovery.
Linda has been hospitalized for several days with a gastrointestinal problem. Please pray for guidance for the medical team treating her and for strength and trust for Linda.
Dester is suffering from unknown skin and diseases. Please guide the medical team treating him to find out what the problem is and cure it. Pray also for Dester to trust in the Lord.
Lee has Arterial Fibrillation; the medical people are not sure how to help her. Please pray for guidance for the team treating her and for Lee and her family to make the right decisions regarding treatment..
Nell recently adopted two children and has just been diagnosed with multiple myeloma.
Mary Lou has been suffering with seizures. She was in the hospital with a 24 hour monitor and is being sent home from the hospital with two medications and orders to return in 2 months for another MRI to review whatever is going on in her brain. Please pray for guidance for the medical people treating her, as well as peace of mind and trust in God for her and her family.
Kathleen has spent the last two weeks in the hospital. She has been diagnosed with colitis, shingles and possibly colon cancer. Pray she will be comfortable and begin to heal.
Rachel has Mitochondrial Myopathy. This is a hereditary disease of the muscles and they do not have a cure for it. Part of her pain is her family does not believe she is indeed ill, as she appears to be just fine. Please pray her family will learn the truth and be supportive of her; pray also the medical people treating her will find the right measures to minimize the disease. Most particularly pray for Rachel’s trust in God.
Nicolas is in the hospital with serious symptoms of a heart disorder. Please pray for peace of mind for him and guidance for the medical team looking for the cause and cure.
Juanita is a young girl who was in a coma because of a blood disease. She has not come out and is gaining strength. They are awaiting results from blood samples. Her family thanks you for your prayers and asks that you continue.
George had foot surgery. Please give thanks for the surgery and pray for a full and rapid recovery.
Nellie is in the emergency room of a hospital in a great deal of pain. Please pray for peace of mind for her and guidance for the medical team looking for the cause and cure.
Lauralee Meade underwent a lumpectomy on Friday after Thanksgiving. A further anomaly has been discovered and she had additional preventative radiation treatment. Please pray for a complete remission of the cancer. Pray also Lauralee will maintain her great attitude and trust in God.
Bill, Sara’s husband, had a third abdominal surgery on 22 November 2011, to remove a tumor. Bill is doing better keeping the doctor’s instructions, for which we are all grateful, including taking chemotherapy once a day for one more year. He has decreased the consumption of alcohol and eating at least mostly properly. Please pray for help for him to continue do all this. Please pray also that Bill might turn his heart outward to help those around him, as well as live a long and healthy life to the honor and glory of God. Pray also for peace of mind for Bill and his wife Sara.
Kay Denton (Mrs. Kay) has had a chest infection, perhaps viral, but seems to be getting better. Please pray for continued peace of mind for Mrs. Kay and her family. Give thanks for her trust in the Lord and her positive attitude.
Matt Alcantara, age 16, came back with ZERO SCANS again in August 2014! Matt has Osteosarcoma (bone cancer), a very rare and often lethal form of cancer with limited treatment options. This is a disease that is about 90 percent fatal in a couple of years. He has no hip joint on one side, but he walks and swims! Courage? Guts? You bet! Please also give thanks for the great faith of Matt and his entire family. Their faith and trust is a wonderful example for each and every one of us. But, now is not the time to stop praying. Actually, it never is the time to stop praying!
Judith Clingwall is afflicted with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). She is currently in Laurel Place, an extended care facility in Surrey, British Columbia. Judith’s condition has worsened recently. Please pray for her to take an active part in her own life, for her strength, peace of mind, trust in God and remission of the disease so she might return home to her family. Pray also for strength for her husband Martin as he deals with all the problems and stress of Judith’s situation.
Vince (age 15), reoccurrence of Osteosarcoma, recent testing found a nickel sized tumor in his lungs. The doctors are consulting with a specialist in Houston. Please pray for guidance for the medical team and for peace of mind for Vince and his family.
Healing and Patience
Kym (43) has various hip problems which seems to be related to osteoarthritis. And, her mother Ruth is in the early stages of dementia. Pray for guidance for those treating both of them, as well as patience and trust in the Lord for both of them.
Christopher has had problems with his leg for some time. Now he has to have it casted and it will stay that way for what to him seems an interminable time. Pray for patience and peace of mind for this young man who has much he wants to do.
Thanksgiving and Continued Healing
Janet Jessup had a stroke on 3 July 2014 and heart problems that were causing huge issues for her. They seem to have gotten her stabilized and she is going home from the hospital. Please join the entire family in giving thanks for this wonderful development. Please pray for those treating her to find the appropriate treatment and for trust in God and peace of mind for Janet and her family, in particular her husband of 43 years, Rev Roger Jessup, retired minister of Saint Joseph of Arimathea Anglican Orthodox Church.
Jim has been hospitalized and had several operations for cancer the last few years. He has recent good news, for which he asks you join in giving thanks:
The LORD be with you! I wanted to let everyone to know I received a great report from Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Newnan, GA yesterday. I met with all three (3) of my doctors. Each reviewed my scans and were satisfied with the results. The cancer is still there but it has not changed in three (3) years. All of the doctors were happy with the report and I will continue with the monthly sandostine injection to retard future growth of the tumor. Thank you very very much for your prayers and encouragement!
Arch Crittenden has Multiple Myeloma (cancer cells in bone marrow); without this treatment life expectancy is one to two years. As long as he can tolerate the daily oral Revlimid treatments, it seems he can carry on. Arch is not worried about the weight loss side effects, he says he planned ahead for that; the hair loss does have him concerned as most of that has already left. There is very good news, he had X-Rays this week and no holes in his bones. And he can still travel about and visit his family! This is super, please join Arch and family in giving thanks. Arch and his lovely wife Kathy ask that you pray for their trust in God to remain strong and for a good outcome.
Aleyne Bergman had a pacemaker installed on 26 January 2015. Please give thanks for the medical team paying attention, doing their best and for the good outcome. Pray also that Aleyne and her husband Ron, as well as the rest of her family will be able to put their worry on God’s shoulders. Please pray also for a complete and rapid recovery for her.
Dick Gray has a Merkle Cell carcinoma just under his sternum carcinoma which is considered a stage four carcinoma since it has ‘metastasized’. After much treatment and hospitalization the main site is less than half the size and there are no new tumors. He continues the fight. Please give thanks for the good results so far! Pray for those contemplating the treatment that they might be guided to the correct choice and do their very best. Pray also for peace of mind and trust in God for Dick and his wife Jennifer. Dick is the Treasurer and a Vestryman at Saint Paul’s AOC in Missouri.
Jenny, wife of Adam, mother of two, (niece of Marianne Lane) had difficulty breathing the night of 22 January 2015. Adam brought her to the hospital. After considerable thought and testing, they found a growth thought to be scar tissue from intubation when she was an infant. On 28 January 2015, they preformed a mechanical expansion to allow her to breathe which was a success. Please give thanks for the great result and pray for a full recovery and that the opening will stay clear.
Sam had surgery on his entire large intestine that had become infected. At the time of the operation he was just hours away from a complete organ shutdown. He had had turmoil in his life over the years. Sam is now in the ICU and his Minister visited him and explained to him God had given him another chance for him to make things right with his Lord. Pray for his good health and his spiritual life with Jesus.
Marv Rogge had successful heart valve replacement surgery on or about 20 December 2014. Other than a desire to chew his food way too much, Marv is doing great, up and about. Please join Marv, his lovely wife Marian and the rest of the family in giving thanks to God for the great result. Pray for a full and complete recovery.
Ian had surgery to remove excess skin rendered a nuisance by controlled lost of 200 pounds. Please give thanks for the successful result and for those treating him to have paid attention and done their very best on the lengthy surgery, taking the best possible care of him. Please pray for his continued recovery and strength for his Mother who will be in charge of his after care.
Jenniffer had surgery for breast cancer on 15 October 2014, which seemingly went well; please give thanks for that. She has had other complications which preclude her from making a full recovery in particular the drugs are making her terribly sick; please pray those will be overcome. Pray for help for Jenniffer to keep her trust in the Lord and let Him carry her worry and concern as she recovers. Please pray also for strength and courage for her family as they try their best to help her.
Jim had infection complications from diabetes in his foot. The infection appears to be under control and he has been released from the hospital. Please join in giving thanks for the quick and good result and pray for complete healing.
DiAnne Thornton had back surgery 23 September 2014, with apparently good result. Please give thanks for the good result and pray the L5 decompression will allow her walking abilities and balance to be restored.
Alice had a mastectomy on 17 September 2014, that apparently went very well with a good result. Please give thanks for the good outcome and pray for full healing and complete remission.
Mary had successful hip replacement on 10 September 2014. Please give thanks for the successful surgery and ask for God’s help in her recovery.
Kathy had what seems to be very successful surgery on Wednesday, 3 September 2014, for cancer that returned somewhat unexpectedly. Please give thanks for the good results of the surgery and pray that the cancer will be held at bay by this action. Pray also for Kathy and her family to let God carry their worry, concern and terror so that Kathy can recover fully and quickly, so as to gain the best result. Help their entire family to keep their full trust in God.
Peggy had very successful knee replacement surgery 26 August 2104. She is going home on 29 August 2014 with no pain! Please give thanks for a great result.
John Evetts had successful extensive heart surgery; he is still in the hospital and recovering. He is in good spirits. John and his family thank God for the answer to many prayers on his behalf. John is a minister in the Anglican Episcopal Church which as a relationship with the AOC. We look forward to his return to his ministerial duties at St. George’s Anglican Church in Ventura in the near future.
John Evetts entered the ministry after a lifetime of work in industry and business as well as service in the Armed Forces in Vietnam. Like the Apostles, he came to the ministry from the secular world of work. Rev. Evetts is married and has two daughters and two grandchildren.
We thank the Rev. Evetts for his service to our country and his continuing service to God and His people.
Mary Thornell had surgery on 30 October 2013, at the Riverside Community Hospital to remove a huge mass along with about ½ her colon and part of her lower bowel. Mary finished chemotherapy 17 June 2014. Tests the week of 2 June 2014 showed totally clear scans. Things were going well, but tests the week of 16 February 2015 showed what appears to be unknown spots on both lungs. She is going to City of Hope for a second opinion. Please pray for guidance for those treating here, as well as strength, guidance and peace of mind for Mary and her husband Jim, as well as daughter Janice and son Jimmy, as she undergoes treatment.
Jim Thornell (Jet) seems to have recovered from the five stomach ulcers and now is dealing with blocked coronary arteries and taking care of Mary. Please give thanks for the great result and also for the strength, guidance and peace of mind our Lord gave Jet and his wife Mary, as well as daughter Janice and son Jimmy, as he underwent treatment.
Al had an abscess found on his liver for which he was hospitalized, it turned out to be benign and will not require surgery, he has been released from the hospital. Please give thanks for this good result and pray for continued healing.
Elma is suffering from cancer. She was taken home from the hospital on the advice of her Doctor. We were asked to pray that Elma’s remaining time here on earth might be good and that Elma and family might put their trust in the Lord and let Him carry their worry. Since then, Elma’s Bishop told us a great Miracle of the Lord is working over Elma. Doctors sent her home to die, but now she seems to be doing all right. On behalf of her, thank you for all of your prayers. Please continue praying for her complete healing.
Dennis has heart problems; now the medical people treating him discovered a large mass on his liver which turned out to be a cyst! Please give thanks for this great development and pray for peace of mind and trust in the Lord for Dennis and for God’s guidance for the medical people treating him that the contemplated surgery might go well.
Dwight had major oral surgery, for which he gives thanks. He is recovering slowly and asks your prayers to speed the process.
Mike is a veteran who has served his country when she called. Please pray he will open his heart to God so He can make Mike’s crooked road straight and pull him towards the summit rather than to the pit.
Dick’s left arm was amputated after treating for Merkel Cell carcinoma over a year ago. He has met with the oncologist’s and reviewed the CAT scan. Good News! The tumor has been reduced in size—it was down to one half the size that it was in September and there was no indication of a new tumor in the chest area. Dick wanted the Prayer Partners to know and join him in thankfulness to our Lord. Please join Dick and his family in giving thanks to Our Lord Jesus Christ for his recovery as well as for their trust in God.
Carol Stone, the sweet wife of Mike Stone, recovered far better than expected from a severe brain bleed, but fell recently and broke her hip. She still requires 24 hour care, which Mike provides with little help.
Mark’s business is in difficulty. He works in a shrinking field, of which he is one of the country’s true masters, but there is little work available. He asks that you pray that he can find a way to survive in his industry, which he loves and needs his talents. Pray he can find new sources of business and new ways of doing things, perhaps someone to partner with to better use his talents. Pray also for those who work for and with him that they might do their best to help.
Financial Guidance and Employment
Anne is unemployed and just interviewed for a position. Please pray she will be employed, if not at this position then that this interview will lead to better prospects. Pray for her ot be encouraged and strengthened by the Holy Ghost.
Doug recently became unemployed from his job of 18 years. He has been applying for jobs, but unable to get one at this time. His wife is working; this is not enough for the family. Please pray he will find employment with a firm that will be able to use his considerable skill and hard work to benefit both the firm and the family.
Catherine and Lewis are at a low ebb due to a struggle for employment. Your fervent prayers will be appreciated.
Lori is considering a potential change in her employment. Please pray for God’s guidance in considering all aspect of her potential work.
Sara is concerned about the future with her company. She would appreciate prayers for her continued employment and that her firm might find more and better ways to use her considerable skills.
Financial Guidance and Healing
Clark is in need of salvation; for God’s Will to be done in his life. Pray his family will be blessed with the financial miracles that come from doing His Will.
Timothy and Sharon had their home foreclosed the morning of 15 April 2014. They are experiencing spiritual, emotional and financial crisis at the current time. Please pray for God’s guidance as to how they might handle the financial difficulties in which they have found themselves and more importantly have them draw closer to God and each other.
Linda, Rick, Christian and Sawyer are a family experiencing spiritual, emotional and financial crisis at the current time. Please pray for God’s guidance as to how they might handle the financial difficulties in which they have found themselves and more importantly have them draw closer to God and each other.
David and Lorna are having financial problems. They are trying to find a smaller home which may be more affordable. Lorna has had an ongoing battle with brain cancer, her trips back and forth to the hospital have drained their finances to the point they sometimes struggle to have enough food in the house. Pleaser pray for Lorna’s healing and guidance on how they might handle the financial difficulties in which they have found themselves.
God’s Strength and Peace of Soul
Tommy Dunning is facing his first Christmas following the death of his only son to cancer. Please pray he can concentrate his heart on what he had and will have in his son through God.
Eli has some mental issues and has lost his way. He was admitted to the hospital for psychological evaluation to get a proper diagnosis and medications and has been discharged. He has yet to come to grips with the demons chasing him. Pray he will return to the Lord and his family. Eli’s brother Carl has gotten little to no support from the family, he being the one to get Eli into treatment. Daughter Katie seems to be the least helpful. Pray they will ask God to send the Holy Ghost in to straighten things out and they will listen when He speaks to them. The family has been open to the Prince of Darkness and needs help.
Debbie has family problems that must be dealt with and she asks God’s guidance in making the correct decisions and how to stand.
Edward (45) had the opportunity to meet with a Christian during the conversation she discovered Edward had some background about God but thought He was not relevant to this day. Edward asked many questions about the Bible and was surprised at the answers and continued to ask questions. They both went their separate ways and the Christian told Edward that she would pray for him. Will you join in prayer for Edward, please?
Kathy is experiencing severe anxiety and panic attacks. Please pray she can let the Lord calm and direct her in the best path to take to help alleviate these problems.
Michael and his Family ask your prayers for wisdom as they are under trial and affliction to follow the law of the land and yet honor God in so doing.
Flora is in remission with cancer, but has high blood pressure and fatigue. Flora’s Mother recently died and this has caused added stress. Please pray that she will be able to let God carry her worry and sorrow so she can do the things she needs to do.
Elizabeth and Gunner need your prayers for their general well being. Pray that they might see the Light of the Lord and let Him guide their lives. Pray they might open their hearts not only to the Lord, but to each other to become one in Him and happiness.
Eric and Betty need your prayers for their general well being. Pray that they might see the Light of the Lord and let Him guide their lives. Pray they might open their hearts not only to the Lord, but to each other to become one in Him and happiness.
Eli has lost his way both spiritually and mentally, please pray for him and his parents Ed and Barb, who are having great struggles seeing their son, go through these afflictions having brought up in a Christian home. Please pray his parents can find a way to help Eli.
Marie has suffered the loss of her husband, her job and her pet all in a short period of time. Please pray for peace of mind for Marie, as well as for trust in the Lord for her and those around her that she might adjust to the changes in her life and move forward to the honor and glory of our Lord with His Help. (140607)
Mitten has a Christian talking to him about Christ. Mitten does not believe and does not seem to care. Please pray Mitten will see the light.
Kristen, Rickey and their two children ask you to pray for grace, wisdom and understanding as they attempt to cope with infidelity, separation and possibly divorce as a result of backsliding from the Lord into the World.
Aaron has a problem seeing is where his life should be leading him. Please pray that he can listen to his father Paul and those around him who want him to work hard and obtain a real education now rather than just coast towards oblivion.
Helene and her family ask your prayers for them as they deal with the loss of Alan, husband and father.
Stephanie seems to be very deeply into post partum depression after her baby was born prematurely. Please pray for her Mother in Law who is going a great distance to help Stephanie and her new Grandson. Pray that Stephanie will be able to direct her attention outward, rather than inward.
William is an elderly man living with his Son and Daughter in-law. William is causing trouble in the family because of his demanding ways and continually using bad language. The family is at wit’s end to know how to handle him and will appreciate your guidance and prayers.
Caitlin is in the grip of the Prince of Darkness; she thinks there is escape from reality in drugs. The saddest part is that reality is not as she sees it. Her family is despairing as they can do nothing to help her and ask that you pray for the Holy Ghost to enter into heart and show her the need for change before it is too late.
Nathaniel is in spiritual turmoil. His family and friends will appreciate it if you will keep him in your prayers for him to find the root of his trouble and accept God’s help to heal his heart.
Sam and her two children that have been living in a shelter and are to lose their place there. Please pray a place will be found they can stay in and recover.
Please pray Darlene will surrender her life to Christ.
Norrie is facing daily exams in the weeks ahead. Pray for calmness and concentration and to do the best possible.
Jonathan is addicted to drugs. He is now in jail awaiting trial. His parents and friends will appreciate it if you will keep him in your prayers for him to find the root of his trouble and accept God’s help to heal addiction.
Beth is suffering from ungodly treatment in her marriage. Please pray God will guide her in her behavior, actions and thoughts that she might be able to lead her husband to God so her marriage might prosper to the benefit of them.
Brandon a young man from a Christian family who married a year ago and almost immediately became estranged from him family. As a result he has had a serious problem with keeping the civil law. Please pray for Brandon that he will return to the Lord and the many problems will be eventually settled. Pray the hurt he has caused so many will be helped with our Lord’s care and love.
Dennis has some decisions to make and will appreciate our Lord’s guidance.
Jeanette has had many members of her family die from diabetes and several are near death now. Jeanette does not know the Lord and is despondent and perplexed about her family and herself. Please pray she can open her heart to allow the Holy Ghost in to bring her knowledge and understanding.
Dr. Elizabeth Raj is teaching a biblical approach to the psychological problems facing many in our society today. She is battling against the growing influence of worldly psychology adopted by the churches themselves. Elizabeth constantly stresses answers are found between the covers of that precious Book, the Holy Bible. Please pray for encouragement, strength, fortitude and courage for her.
Abigail is a teenager who has behavior problems. She feels she is in an area of mental darkness. Please pray that she might look to God for help and not within herself.
Sara asks that you pray for guidance for her as she deals with the stresses of her family and life. Pray that she can separate those things which she can affect from those things which she cannot and give her grace to accept that she cannot do everything and can only change those things within her control. She asks for God’s help for her business so that she might remain gainfully employed while keeping up with the needs of her mother and husband and healing her own problems.
Jacquie to open her heart to God and accept His Love and Grace.
Hap asks you to pray he might be able to trust God will help him make the right decisions at the right time and not to worry uselessly, to change those things he can change, accept those things he cannot change, sleep well to be able to do the correct things with a clear head and that he will open his heart to the Holy Ghost.
School Challenges
Destiny, Blake and Janet
Anglican Orthodox Church
Please pray for the Lord’s will regarding the establishment of an AOC church in Indonesia.
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lmighty God and Father of all who trust and believe in thy dear Son, Jesus Christ: We seek thy divine will in the establishment of an Anglican Orthodox Church of Indonesia. In this present day of waning faith and compromising ministers, we hope to discover your will in this important matter. Keep us always strong in faith, worship, and practice; purify continually your visible church on earth, and lead us into green pastures of evangelism and love of truth. The people of Indonesia are a precious people in your sight, and we would seek the honor of preaching your Gospel in those great islands. Grant us wisdom to know and do your will always, for we ask it in the Name of thy dear Son, and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. AMEN
Rev. Igor Djurcik leader of Anglican Orthodox Church in Serbia asks us to pray for his students. He has excellent young people in Belgrade who are having services and classes on the Bible.
Savusavu Fiji Islands is establishing a new Anglican Orthodox Church congregation Rev. Jack Andrew and members from the AOC in Labasa were with them for the weekend for this special time for our Church in Fiji. Pray that our Lord will be with the members in Savusavu as they bring others to his house.
Please pray a Minister will be found who would like to serve in Tabuk, in the Philippine Islands. The Anglican Orthodox Church has an established Church there and in the surrounding areas and need a Shepherd to lead the flock.
Central African Republic
Christians in the Central African Republic are experiencing the ravages of a war between the Muslim and Christians. We have both ministers and members of the Anglican Orthodox Church in Central African Republic. Please pray for God’s guidance and protection for all persecuted Christians and those around them.
Diocese of the Epiphany
Saint Paul’s, Moberly, Missouri would like your prayers that the Holy Ghost might enter more fully into their hearts so that they might be more effective in spreading the Word of God.
Diocese of Virginia
Saint Joseph of Arimathea Anglican Orthodox Church is under a lot of stress. We all are, but they need even more prayer. Rev Roger Jessup, their wonderful minister, had to retire as he was so pressed by the duties of a primary care giver, in addition to all the worries of this world. Pray for trust in God for each member of the parish and for them to find economic relief.
Armed Forces & Contractors
Kristyna Thomas (Fort Bragg), Airman Donny Patton (Hulbert Field, Florida), Jordan Brown (USMC – Fleet Marine Force – Pacific), Trevor Jennings (USAF – KC-10 Boom Operator – New Jersey), Trevor Di Marco (USN – Whidbey Island, EF-18 Pilot), Kurt Thomas (USN – Camp Foster, Okinawa), Ethan (US Army Airborne – Southwest Asia)
For Our Country
Our country has lost its way. Over half the people that vote, voted for a government that promises them things it cannot deliver in return for their souls which it can, will and does take. Our foreign policy backs the rise of Islam, we turn our backs on those who would follow God and arm those who murder them. Pray God will raise up a leader from among the people who can turn the country’s course 180° and attempt to come back to God. Pray the people will recognize that they are headed down a smooth wide road into the pit, a road that will get smoother and smoother, steeper and steeper until the only possible way is down. Down, into the depths of the pit. Pray people will recognize there is:
- · One True and Triune God who is goodness in and of Himself
- · All religions are not equal
- · All ways of life are not equal;
- · The Bible holds the Key to Life;
- · All rights come from God, not the State;
- · Good;
- · Bad;
- · Evil;
- · Right;
- · Wrong;
- · Allah is the Devil;
- · Abortion is no more than sacrifice of children to Baal.
Pray this recognition will not come too late. Pray we will, each of us, do our duty to God, Country and Family, putting His Honor above all.
Islamic Evil on the Move
And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. (Rev 20:4)
Our Prayer for the Christians and Innocents of Martyrdom suffering at the Hand of ungodly Moslems:
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God, our Father, and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself a Ransom for all who believe: The wicked world grows even more evil day by day. In many places, the saints of your Church are dying the martyr’s death to the glory of Christ. Even the innocent little children are suffering violent deaths by beheadings and other cruel acts of barbarity in those places where Satan’s power is manifested in a zealous, false religious fervor. We have known from ancient days that such barbarity would befall the Church in the Latter Days, and we see your ancient prophecies being fulfilled in our time. We beseech Thee, Merciful Lord, to alleviate this terror among your people – especially the little children who have raised their hand to harm no one. Our hearts are broken to see the heads of precious little souls being placed upon the chopping block of savage butchers. If it be your will to hear and answer our prayers, we ask that you save these Christians from their Islamic oppressors, and deal a sure and certain judgment against all men who conduct such terror against the innocents – just as you dealt with Herod of old time of the Bethlehem slaughters. Give us greater faith and obedience to abide your chastisements in hard times, and to avoid temptations of the soul in times of plenty. We ask all these things in the Name of your only Begotten Son, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Around the world, Christians are under attack, not only in the Muslim world, but from Hindus and others in India. Also, they are under continual attack in the name of “Separation of Church and State” in the western world, as it becomes actively atheist or pro-devil buddy. Please pray for God’s guidance and protection for all persecuted Christians and those around them.
Nathan had successful surgery on 4 August 2014, to remove a tumor near his heart; then underwent chemotherapy. During a visit on 2 December 2014, the PET Scan found no evidence of cancer. Nathan and his family thank God for the great result, the medical team for paying attention and doing their best and you for your prayers.
Various Special Requests
Winter storms have devastated Philadelphia, Boston and the rest of New England. Falling trees and strong winds have resulted in blackouts; your prayers for Philadelphia on up through New England. Please pray for the people to do what is needed and take care of each other.
The Anglican Orthodox Church in Peshawar, Pakistan sustained damage to their building as the result of heavy rains. At present the roof is being rebuilt and they have not been able to hold services. Pray it will be fixed very soon and a new place might be found until the church is restored.
Nathalie is teaching English in a small western Ukrainian town where they are having so many problems. Pray for Nathalie and others around the world who are standing up for Christian principles in their countries.
This is a horrible time for the people of India, Christians in particular; they are having problems with Hunger, Bank Closings, Transportation and Schools not functioning. Pray for the Leaders and Members of our Church in Eluru Andhra Pradesh. Pray their basic needs will be met and God will be close to them in this time of need.
Please pray for all the people of Egypt; Bishop Mouneer Anis of Egypt is asking your prayer as the supporters of the deposed Mursi government, with the support of the United States government, have been attacking Christian churches–Anglican, Catholic and Orthodox. They destroyed the car of Anglican priest Rev. Ehab Ayoub. The people of Egypt, the people of the United States need our prayers, even more so the people of the Muslim Brotherhood that they might repent of their evil and know God so the rest of the people may live in peace.
We ask that you pray, please ask God that the Holy Ghost might give you insight into how you might make the lives of your friends and family better. Remember helping others is not just those who you don’t know!
Sarah fell on the ice on 13 February 2015, she and her unborn baby are now home and all is well. Please join Sarah and her husband James in giving thanks.
Losana had Dengue Fever, she has now recovered. Please join her in giving thanks for the swift recovery.
Kristyna Thomas gives thanks for a successful and safe graduation from Boot Camp at Fort Bragg, as do all the Thomas family and her many friends. She is off to Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic School now!
Comment on Islam
This comment is not meant for those who have not actually read the Koran, but have been told that Allah is a good fellow who is God. Those people may well be “decent” human beings, they are also apostates who are first in line to be killed by “real” muslims.
Islam – The Religion of Peace™ – Oh, and pedophilian, homosexual, rapists who are goat loving, sadistic, perverted, cowardly Baal loving homicidal maniacs who worship allah, which is another name for the Devil. There is that little thing. Oh, and darlings of most governments. Ever wonder why?
The problem is that Islam worships Allah. Allah is not another name for God, it is another name for the Devil.
Allah’s kingdom is of this world and he lies to people. Surprise.
The koran calls for world domination by Islam using forced conversion or death as a way to weed out “infidels. Christians are commanded to spread the Word and if people do not want to hear or learn then they are to be left alone. Islam calls for imposing the Will of Allah on all by whatever means necessary. Islam only requires one to be what we would call honest and good to those of your own sect. The rest of humanity is to be used and abused, not to mention goats.
It is said there are good muslims and bad muslims. Presumably by bad muslims, one means those who would attempt to murder us, rape, pillage and plunder, cut heads off, have sex with goats, that kind of thing. Well, it is true there are good and bad muslims. The bad ones are those who have read the Koran / Quaran / Quoran and are still muslims. Good muslims are those who, well actually there are no good muslims except those without a heartbeat. There are apostates claiming to be muslims, for the most part those are okay. But, even with those, unless they are willing to stand with you against the others are not good. Islam is a religion that follows the Devil; for Allah is another name for the Devil. Be not mistaken.
Christians look to death as a return to God, muslims look to death as glory and entertainment for “true believers.”
What does it take to make people realize that there is One True Triune God, the God of Jacob, the God of Abraham? Allah is not another name for God, Allah is not God or even a god, Allah is the Devil. Read the Koran / Quaran / Quoran, it conflicts with itself, its verses are time date stamped, later versions supersede earlier versions. God is truth, God is never confusion, there are no conflicts with God. God is Life and Love in perfection. Allah is hate, death, confustion, torment and destruction. See things like this, understand Allah is the Devil and these people follow him.
Things are going EXACTLY as desired by the NCA. Congress does absolutely nothing.
The near future, as well as Next Sunday
1 March 2015 – Second Sunday in Lent – Morning Prayer – Service start time 1000 (10:00 am); welcome or gathering songs before the service at 0945 (9:45 am); Time 1000 (10:00 am); Location – 10603 Burrell Way, Descanso, CA
8 March 2015 – Third Sunday in Lent – Morning Prayer – DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME BEGINS IN THE USA – SPRING FORWARD OR BE LATE – Service start time 1000 (10:00 am); welcome or gathering songs before the service at 0945 (9:45 am); Time 1000 (10:00 am); Location – 10603 Burrell Way, Descanso, CA
15 March 2015 – Fourth Sunday in Lent – Holy Communion – Service start time 1000 (10:00 am); welcome or gathering songs before the service at 0945 (9:45 am); Time 1000 (10:00 am); Location – 10603 Burrell Way, Descanso, CA
22 March 2015 – Passion Sunday – Fourth Sunday in Lent – Morning Prayer – Service start time 1000 (10:00 am); welcome or gathering songs before the service at 0945 (9:45 am); Time 1000 (10:00 am); Location – 10603 Burrell Way, Descanso, CA
29 March 2015 – Palm Sunday -– Morning Prayer – Service start time 1000 (10:00 am); welcome or gathering songs before the service at 0945 (9:45 am); Time 1000 (10:00 am); Location – 10603 Burrell Way, Descanso, CA
2 April 2015 – Maunday Thursday – Evening Prayer – Service start time 1800 (6:00 pm); welcome or gathering songs before the service at 1745 (5:45 pm); Time 1800 (6:00 pm); Location – 10603 Burrell Way, Descanso, CA
3 April 2015 – Good Friday – Evening Prayer – Service start time 1800 (6:00 pm); welcome or gathering songs before the service at 1745 (5:45 pm); Time 1800 (6:00 pm); Location – 10603 Burrell Way, Descanso, CA
5 April 2015 – Easter Sunday – Holy Communion – SONRISE SERVICE – Service start time 1000 (10:00 am); welcome or gathering songs before the service at 0945 (9:45 am); Time 1000 (10:00 am); Location – 10603 Burrell Way, Descanso, CA