Anglican Orthodox Church
Worldwide Communion
The Sunday next before Easter
commonly called Palm Sunday
Sunday Report
The Sunday next before Easter commonly called Palm Sunday, the start of “Holy Week” and a time that most people just associate with the triumphant entry into Jerusalem. There is a lot more, read the report.
On Point
Someone asked, where do the quotes come from? The answer is from the people who uttered them. But, how did you find them? Oh, that. Some from Bishop Jerry, many from Rev Bryan Dabney, a few from other places, some from Rev Geordie Menzies-Grierson, but overall mostly from Bryan. He always has a few great ones to share. On to the On Point quotes –
Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation.
Isaiah 12:2
Behold, we go up to Jerusalem; and the Son of man shall be betrayed unto the chief priests and unto the scribes, and they shall condemn him to death, and shall deliver him to the Gentiles to mock, and to scourge, and to crucify him: and the third day he shall rise again.
St. Matthew 20:18-19
Give us day by day our daily bread.
St. Luke 11:3
Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
Ephesians 6:10-11
That religion which is reluctant, or forced, whether by fear or by stress of conscience, is spurious… unless the service we render to God flows from the heart, it is no evidence that we are his children.
Charles Hodge
19th century American theologian and author
Men fancy that if they saw a perfect person they would love and admire him. They flatter themselves that it is the inconsistency of professing Christians which they dislike and not their religion. They forget that when a really perfect man was on earth in the person of the Son of God he was hated and put to death. Let us never be surprised at the wickedness there is in the world. Let us mourn over it and labour to make it less, but let us never be surprised at its extent. There is nothing that the heart of man is not capable of conceiving, or the hand of man of doing. As long as we live let us mistrust our own hearts (Jer. 17:9).
JC Ryle
19th century Anglican bishop and author
But we are apt to look upon the apostles as extraordinary beings, scarcely subject to the same weaknesses and temptations as ourselves. Yet in so doing we are forgetful of this truth, that the nearer a man lives to God the more intensely has he to mourn over his own evil heart; and the more his Master honours him in his service, the more also doth the evil of the flesh vex and tease him day by day.
Charles H. Spurgeon
19th century English Baptist minister and author
Morning and Evening, p. 374
A man cannot lay down the right of resisting them that assault him by force, to take away his life.
Thomas Hobbes
16th and 17th century English philosopher and author
Each Sunday there are Propers: special prayers and readings from the Bible. There is a Collect for the Day; that is a single thought prayer, most written either before the re-founding of the Church of England in the 1540s or written by Bishop Thomas Cranmer, the first Archbishop of Canterbury after the re-founding.
The Collect for the Day is to be read on Sunday and during Morning and Evening Prayer until the next Sunday. The Epistle is normally a reading from one of the various Epistles, or letters, in the New Testament. The Gospel is a reading from one of the Holy Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The Collect is said by the minister as a prayer, the Epistle can be read by either a designated reader (as we do in our church) or by one of the ministers and the Holy Gospel, which during the service in our church is read by an ordained minister or our Deacon Striker.
The propers are the same each year, except if a Red Letter Feast, that is one with propers in the prayerbook, falls on a Sunday, then those propers are to be read instead, except in a White Season, where it is put off. Red Letter Feasts, so called because in the Altar Prayerbooks the titles are in red, are special days. Most of the Red Letter Feasts are dedicated to early saints instrumental in the development of the church, others to special events. Some days are particularly special and the Collect for that day is to be used for an octave (eight days) or an entire season, like Advent or Lent.
The Propers for today are found on Page 134-137, with the Collect first:
The Sunday next before Easter, commonly called
Palm Sunday.
The Collect.
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LMIGHTY and everlasting God, who, of thy tender love towards mankind, hast sent thy Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ, to take upon him our flesh, and to suffer death upon the cross, that all mankind should follow the example of his great humility; Mercifully grant, that we may both follow the example of his patience, and also be made partakers of his resurrection; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
¶ This Collect is to be said every day, after the Collect appointed for the day, until Good Friday.
The Epistle came from Paul’s letter to the Philippians, starting at the Fifth Verse of the Second Chapter.
Paul reminds us that if Christ, the Son of God, was obedient to God, we should so be. Also, as a result of that obedience, God hath given Jesus the name to which all of earth should bow.
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et this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: but made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: and being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
This morning’s Gospel comes from the Gospel of Saint Matthew, starting at the First Verse of the Twenty-Seventh Chapter and tells the story of Jesus’ trial, crucifixion and death. The Gospel was read by in parts, with Hap as the Reader, Jack as Jesus and Judas and Pontius Pilate, Dru as Mrs. Pilate. We all read the Crowd part together.
The normally powerful Gospel seems even more powerful when read as a play, so to speak. The crowd’s part is very hard to read as it reminds us of our dark side. If you did not make it to church today, please find someone to read this with in parts. It is an uncomfortable experience that you nonetheless should not miss.
Gospel of Saint Matthew
starting at the First Verse of the Twenty-Seventh Chapter
Reader: The Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Saint Matthew: When the morning was come, all the chief priests and elders of the people took counsel against Jesus to put him to death: And when they had bound him, they led him away, and delivered him to Pontius Pilate the governor. Then Judas, which had betrayed him, when he saw that he was condemned, repented himself, and brought again the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders, Saying,
Judas: I have sinned in that I have betrayed the innocent blood.
Reader: And they said,
Crowd: What is that to us? see thou to that.
Reader: And he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and departed, and went and hanged himself. And the chief priests took the silver pieces, and said,
Crowd: It is not lawful for to put them into the treasury, because it is the price of blood.
Reader: And they took counsel, and bought with them the potter’s field, to bury strangers in. Wherefore that field was called, The field of blood, unto this day. Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy the prophet, saying, And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of him that was valued, whom they of the children of Israel did value; And gave them for the potter’s field, as the Lord appointed me. And Jesus stood before the governor: and the governor asked him, saying,
Pilate: Art thou the King of the Jews?
Reader: And Jesus said unto him,
Jesus: Thou sayest.
Reader: And when he was accused of the chief priests and elders, he answered nothing. Then said Pilate unto him,
Pilate: Hearest thou not how many things they witness against thee?
Reader: And he answered him to never a word; insomuch that the governor marvelled greatly. Now at that feast the governor was wont to release unto the people a prisoner, whom they would. And they had then a notable prisoner, called Barabbas. Therefore when they were gathered together, Pilate said unto them,
Pilate: Whom will ye that I release unto you? Barabbas, or Jesus which is called Christ?
Reader: For he knew that for envy they had delivered him. When he was set down on the judgment seat, his wife sent unto him, saying,
Pilate’s Wife: Have thou nothing to do with that just man: for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of him.
Reader: But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude that they should ask Barabbas, and destroy Jesus. The governor answered and said unto them,
Pilate: Whether of the twain will ye that I release unto you?
Reader: They said,
Crowd: Barabbas.
Reader: Pilate saith unto them,
Pilate: What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ?
Reader: They all say unto him,
Crowd: Let him be crucified.
Reader: And the governor said,
Pilate: Why, what evil hath he done?
Reader: But they cried out the more, saying,
Crowd: Let him be crucified.
Reader: When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying,
Pilate: I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it.
Reader: Then answered all the people, and said,
Crowd: His blood be on us, and on our children.
Reader: Then released he Barabbas unto them: and when he had scourged Jesus, he delivered him to be crucified. Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the common hall, and gathered unto him the whole band of soldiers. And they stripped him, and put on him a scarlet robe. And when they had platted a crown of thorns, they put it upon his head, and a reed in his right hand: and they bowed the knee before him, and mocked him, saying,
Crowd: Hail, King of the Jews!
Reader: And they spit upon him, and took the reed, and smote him on the head. And after that they had mocked him, they took the robe off from him, and put his own raiment on him, and led him away to crucify him. And as they came out, they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name: him they compelled to bear his cross. And when they were come unto a place called Golgotha, that is to say, a place of a skull, They gave him vinegar to drink mingled with gall: and when he had tasted thereof, he would not drink. And they crucified him, and parted his garments, casting lots: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet, They parted my garments among them, and upon my vesture did they cast lots. And sitting down they watched him there; And set up over his head his accusation written, THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS. Then were there two thieves crucified with him, one on the right hand, and another on the left. And they that passed by reviled him, wagging their heads, And saying,
Crowd: Thou that destroyest the temple, and buildest it in three days, save thyself. If thou be the Son of God, come down from the cross.
Reader: Likewise also the chief priests mocking him, with the scribes and elders, said,
Crowd: He saved others; himself he cannot save. If he be the King of Israel, let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe him. He trusted in God; let him deliver him now, if he will have him: for he said, I am the Son of God.
Reader: The thieves also, which were crucified with him, cast the same in his teeth. Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour. And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying,
Jesus: Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?
Reader: that is to say,
Jesus: My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
Reader: Some of them that stood there, when they heard that, said,
Crowd: This man calleth for Elias.
Reader: And straightway one of them ran, and took a sponge, and filled it with vinegar, and put it on a reed, and gave him to drink. The rest said,
Crowd: Let be, let us see whether Elias will come to save him.
Reader: Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost.
Moment of Silence
Reader: And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many. Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying,
Crowd: Truly this was the Son of God.
Please read this out loud.
Having read this, do you see yourself in the crowd? The crowd were not a random group of bad Jews, the crowd is us. There is a little or more of the crowd in each of us. Uncomfortable? Yes. But, sadly very real. Yet, if we realize this, we can act to make ourselves less of the crowd and more of the Christ. For in us each is the crowd and the crown. We chose, each of us, which it will be, crowd or crown. One simple letter of difference, yet the gap between the two is bridged only by Christ.
Bishop Ogles’ Sermon
We are oft fortunate to get copies of Bishop Jerry’s sermon notes. Today is one of those Sundays. Today’s sermon starts off with the collect, and like always, it will give you a lot to consider in your heart.
Palm Sunday
29 March 2015, Anno Domini (In the Year of our Lord)
The Sunday next before Easter, commonly called
Palm Sunday.
The Collect.
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LMIGHTY and everlasting God, who, of thy tender love towards mankind, hast sent thy Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ, to take upon him our flesh, and to suffer death upon the cross, that all mankind should follow the example of his great humility; Mercifully grant, that we may both follow the example of his patience, and also be made partakers of his resurrection; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
¶ This Collect is to be said every day, after the Collect appointed for the day, until Good Friday.
Is there a Barabbas here today? Is there anyone like Barabbas here today?
Certainly, there is! Let’s study the Word together to get an answer to this mystery. The Lesson today is too long to cover in one service, so I have selected a particular portion of the text to expound upon:
Let’s read from the Lectionary Text found in Gospel of Saint Matthew, Chapter 27:
11And Jesus stood before the governor: and the governor asked him, saying, Art thou the King of the Jews? And Jesus said unto him, Thou sayest. 12 And when he was accused of the chief priests and elders, he answered nothing. 13 Then said Pilate unto him, Hearest thou not how many things they witness against thee? 14 And he answered him to never a word; insomuch that the governor marvelled greatly. 15 Now at that feast the governor was wont to release unto the people a prisoner, whom they would. 16 And they had then a notable prisoner, called Barabbas. 17 Therefore when they were gathered together, Pilate said unto them, Whom will ye that I release unto you? Barabbas, or Jesus which is called Christ? 18 For he knew that for envy they had delivered him. 19 When he was set down on the judgment seat, his wife sent unto him, saying, Have thou nothing to do with that just man: for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of him. 20 But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude that they should ask Barabbas, and destroy Jesus. 21 The governor answered and said unto them, Whether of the twain will ye that I release unto you? They said, Barabbas. 22 Pilate saith unto them, What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ? They all say unto him, Let him be crucified. 23 And the governor said, Why, what evil hath he done? But they cried out the more, saying, Let him be crucified. 24 When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it. 25 Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.
In the preceding verses of the text, we learn that Christ has been betrayed for thirty pieces of silver by a disciple who pretended to be His friend.. This was prophesied of Christ some hundreds of years earlier:
And I took my staff, even Beauty, and cut it asunder, that I might break my covenant which I had made with all the people. 11 And it was broken in that day: and so the poor of the flock that waited upon me knew that it was the word of the LORD. 12 And I said unto them, If ye think good, give me my price; and if not, forbear. So they weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver. 13 And the LORD said unto me, Cast it unto the potter: a goodly price that I was prised at of them. And I took the thirty pieces of silver, and cast them to the potter in the house of the LORD. (Zechariah 11:10-13)
Now, reading from the beginning of Chapter 27 of Saint Matthew:
1 When the morning was come, all the chief priests and elders of the people took counsel against Jesus to put him to death: 2 And when they had bound him, they led him away, and delivered him to Pontius Pilate the governor. 3 Then Judas, which had betrayed him, when he saw that he was condemned, repented himself, and brought again the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders, 4 Saying, I have sinned in that I have betrayed the innocent blood. And they said, What is that to us? see thou to that. 5 And he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and departed, and went and hanged himself. 6 And the chief priests took the silver pieces, and said, It is not lawful for to put them into the treasury, because it is the price of blood. 7 And they took counsel, and bought with them the potter’s field, to bury strangers in. 8 Wherefore that field was called, The field of blood, unto this day. 9 Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy the prophet, saying, And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of him that was valued, whom they of the children of Israel did value; 10 And gave them for the potter’s field, as the Lord appointed me.
So Jesus now is delivered to the secular power. Even the Roman governor was more just than the religious leaders of the Jewish Sanhedrin. Pilate pronounced Christ innocent twice, and never found any guilt in Him.
Pontius Pilate would have been considered a good man and just for his time. He would also be well received in government office of today. He actually sought justice, and was politically correct. He sought justice and knew it, but lacked the courage of his office in dispensing that justice.
11 And Jesus stood before the governor: and the governor asked him, saying, Art thou the King of the Jews? And Jesus said unto him, Thou sayest.
Pilate opened the interview with an honest hope of finding truth.
12 And when he was accused of the chief priests and elders, he answered nothing.
This is fulfillment of the prophecy in Isaiah 53:7-9
He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth. 8 He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken. 9 And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth.
See how Pilate presses for some word of defense from the Lord:
13 Then said Pilate unto him, Hearest thou not how many things they witness against thee?
Pilate must have begun to suspect Christ was no common man by his conscious decision not to utter a single word in His defense:
14 And he answered him to never a word; insomuch that the governor marvelled greatly.
Pilate begins to believe that Christ is innocent, but he fears the Jews. What to do? Pilate begins to think like a politician. How can I do the right thing by satisfying everyone including these stubborn Jewish leaders?
15 Now at that feast the governor was wont to release unto the people a prisoner, whom they would. 16 And they had then a notable prisoner, called Barabbas.
Barabbas was a murderer and a violent sinner. He was the worst of the prisoners of Rome. So Pilate would use this card to politically and discreetly ease his predicament. He would squirm out of his troubled presence without having to make an unpopular decision.
17 Therefore when they were gathered together, Pilate said unto them, Whom will ye that I release unto you? Barabbas, or Jesus which is called Christ?
The choice is always Barabbas or Christ. Will we save ourselves, or must Christ die for us. The death of Barabbas would have been justice, but the death of Christ would be an imputed justice. We deserve, like Barabbas, to die for our sins, but God has provided Himself a Lamb for the sacrifice. He died a substitutionary death in our place. Barabbas was spared death by Christ, so are you and I.(Gen 22:7-8)
18 For he knew that for envy they had delivered him.
See this last sentence? Pilate knew that Jesus had been accused by the Jewish religious leaders out of envy and not out of guilt. He judged correctly.
The example this text presents is this:
Making a correct judgment between right and wrong is important;
What counts is action upon that knowledge.
19 When he was set down on the judgment seat, his wife sent unto him, saying, Have thou nothing to do with that just man: for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of him.
Even Pilate’s wife knew that Jesus was innocent. Had she personally brought the message, this weak man may have feared her more than the Jews, but now he had these trouble-making Jews alone before him who could stir up political unrest unless Pilate granted their wishes. He feared the present Jews more than the absent wife. He was a politician. He would trade off his honor for a political advantage.
But Pilate could not escape the political reality of the moment.
20 But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude that they should ask Barabbas, and destroy Jesus.
See how the religious leaders of the day deceived and manipulated the people to evil and to sin. The same happens today.
Pilate presses effeminately for justice:
21 The governor answered and said unto them, Whether of the twain will ye that I release unto you? They said, Barabbas.
His political scheme is not working. Instead of placating the wicked Jews, he should act on justice. But he is too weak to do that!
22 Pilate saith unto them, What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ? They all say unto him, Let him be crucified.
My heart goes out to this pitifully weak man. He really tries, but he falls short.
He makes one last ditch attempt. He foolishly believes that these evil leaders might be swayed by the reminder of justice:
23 And the governor said, Why, what evil hath he done? But they cried out the more, saying, Let him be crucified.
Pilate now allows cowardice to overrule his sense of justice.
He now does what politicians are so adept at doing, he passes the responsibility for the coming evil to his tormenters.
24 When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it.[1]
Do you blame Pilate? Would you have done better?
HAVE you done better?
We are Pilate, the Jewish leaders, and Barabbas wrapped up into one entity.
Like Judas, we have sold out our Lord for personal gain, pride, and sin. We claim to be His friend, yet we denounce Him through our witness among our friends who ridicule Godly values.
Our sins have made us like unto the Jewish leaders in that they have led to the necessity of His dying for us.
We are like Pilate in that we put up a good illusion of doing justice and righteousness, yet we fail to live up to the model, and we pass the responsibility for our failures to others.
We are, especially, Barabbas because we deserve death for our sins, but Christ has died in our stead and paid the penalty of death for us.
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; (Romans 3:23)
For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 6:23)
Have we accepted Christ as our Redeemer? Or have we, like Pilate, denied truth and justice?
Sermon – Rev Jack Arnold
Church of the Faithful Centurion – Descanso, California
Today’s sermon brought the Collect, Epistle and Gospel together and is partly contained in the forewords above.
Consider these words from the Collect:
… thy Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ, to take upon him our flesh, and to suffer death upon the cross, that all mankind should follow the example of his great humility; Mercifully grant, that we may both follow the example of his patience, and also be made partakers of his resurrection…
In the Collect, we acknowledge God sent His Son to be our Savior. Think about that, the Creator, Lord and Master of the Universe sent His only Son to live amongst us and not just provide us with instruction and leadership, but to give His earthly life as a one time sacrifice for our sin that we might be accounted as perfect in out final accounting, the resurrection. How much did God value His Son? Consider what Paul tells us – Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Then consider How much God valued His Son and How Much He values us that He sent His Son here to teach us to guide us, to love us, and finally to give His Life for us that we might be free from the bonds of sin and death. Jesus set an example of humility and patience, both rare qualities in us, that are impossible for us to follow without God’s help, hence the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost was sent to us that we might have understanding, comfort, strength, perseverance, courage, inspiration; all things we fall short on. With Jesus’ sacrifice and the help of the Holy Ghost to follow Him, turning our backs on this world, we can be part of His resurrection. The resurrection itself sets a pattern that we should follow. We must first die, that is to stop our sinning, then rise again, that is to live, with humility and patience like the example Jesus set for us. We must resurrect our lives and transform them into something new. There was a reason why Easter was set in the spring time. Not only was it close to the actual time of His death and rising again, but it came at a time where the flowers bloomed anew, having been dead in winter, as Christ had been dead, and rose again, just as those flowers bloom again. This is very symbolic of His Death and Ressurection and it is no coincidence that Easter happened during this time.
Jesus set the standard of obedience to God’s will and He expects us to follow Him. It is a hard thing to do. We want to be in charge, we want to do what we want! It is hard to do what God wants. We just plain don’t want to do what we need to do, what we must do. It is hard! But, do you think your path is harder than that set forth for Him as laid out in the Gospel for today? No matter who you are, the answer is never going to be yes. For no matter what bad times we go through, it is nothing compared to what He went through. And in the end, the path we must follow will still be easier than if we refuse to follow Him and try and forge our own path. We will be far happier if we follow his example and lead a righteous and steadfast life, full of grace and humility, as well as patience.
Think about that before you do what you want to do. Is what you want in line with what God wants? Think about the answer. If you let the Holy Ghost in to your heart you will know the answer, you will know what you are supposed to do. You may not like it, but you will know it. Which is more comforting than the World’s way, which seems to go off in every which direction, and they are never certain about anything. However, we can be certain about what we know, what believe and we can translate that certainty into our actions.
Jesus knew what was coming, how much it would hurt both His Body and Soul as He went through with the crucifixion and subsequent descent in to Hell. Yet, He also knew this was God’s Will that we might live. If He did this for you, how can you not follow Him wherever His Will takes you? If He was willing to do that for all of us, then how can we not repay Him to the best of our ability? His Sacrifice demands that we repay Him to the best of our ability, by the sheer nature of it, his perfection being offered in place of our imperfection.
Recall Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem on this day so many years ago. Only Jesus knew of the upcoming crucifixion, every one else, including Jews, Romans and the Christians, thought he was making a triumphant entrance in to the city to take control of things and kick the Roman occupation force out. The moon was almost full, this was the year of the Messiah according to Daniel. Jesus chose the route into the city, through the King’s Gate. The people saw Him coming and met him at the Mount of Olives. They expected Him to come in and proclaim His rule. And that He did, but not in the way the people were looking for. Those who thought of Him as Lord looked for a Kingdom of this World to be established. Sunday was a day of triumph and fulfilled the anticipation of the Jews of a day for which they had waited four centuries. The Messiah had finally come, at the time predicted by scripture. They were certain that He would free them from the burdensome and cruel yoke of Roman rule. The Jews would finally be on top of the power pyramid. They would rule the world under Him! As the week went on, they found that was not to be. He did not come to rule this world, but to bring us to His World. He came to give them the key to eternal salvation. This is a far more important gift than to have power temporarily and for a short time. This is more precious than any earthly jewel, riches or rainment that one can ever find here on planet Earth. He came to take them from this veil of tears to a state of perfect freedom. They wanted someone to throw the Romans out and all God sent them was the key to eternal life. What a disappointment! But to us, it is not a disappointment.
It is a gift of great joy, the fact that we should be all rights dead and headed for the pit, instead headed to a kingdom of joyfulness and laughter and all pleasant things, and a world that will be far better than our pitiful shadowland here. This is indeed the most valuable of all gifts we will ever receive in our lifetime.
By the way, the Chief Priests, who had so much invested in their 613 laws, likely searched far and wide for the crowd to convict Jesus of the crimes they found against their system. Their system, not God’s. Remember, there are none so blind as those who will not see. They would not see because what was being shown to them was a new way that would interfere with their comfortable way of living. A new way that asked of them, no demanded of them, accountability unto God for their actions. While that crowd was no self-forming group naturally set on condemning Jesus, but a handpicked gang. At the same time, many of those in the crowd who condemned Him the morning of Good Friday were in the crowd that welcomed Him to Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. What a difference five days can make.
Make no mistake, we are that crowd. And, like Pilate, no matter what we say, we cannot wash our hands of the responsibility. Thus, we must separate ourselves from the crowd. Separate, that is to make ourselves holy, set aside.
When the time comes, how will you ACT?
It is by our actions we are known.
Be of God – Live of God – Act of God
Roy Morales-Kuhn, Bishop and Pastor – St. Paul’s Anglican Church – Anglican Orthodox Church
Bishop Roy is pastor of the biggest AOC parish West of the Mississippi and is in charge of the Diocese of the Epiphany.
Palm Sunday
29 March 2015
Psalm 24 • Zechariah 9:9 • 12 Mark 11:1-11
The Sunday next before Easter, commonly called
Palm Sunday.
The Collect.
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LMIGHTY and everlasting God, who, of thy tender love towards mankind, hast sent thy Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ, to take upon him our flesh, and to suffer death upon the cross, that all mankind should follow the example of his great humility; Mercifully grant, that we may both follow the example of his patience, and also be made partakers of his resurrection; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
¶ This Collect is to be said every day, after the Collect appointed for the day, until Good Friday.
Palm Sunday falls within the period of the church calendar known as Passiontide.
This period, not widely observed by many churches today, focuses on the intense period of the last days of Christ’s earthly ministry. This would include his last days of life before his brutal death, one that he willingly went to Jerusalem to face. Also during this period we will read where several more prophecies will be fulfilled. The Old Testament reading from the prophet Zechariah is an excellent example. ‘…behold, thy King cometh unto thee: he is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon the colt the foal of an ass.’
He is a king, the king of the people of Zion, of Jerusalem, and yet he comes to his own in the most lowly and humble way possible; riding on a donkey. And yet even though he comes in such humility look at what he will do. He destroys the capacity fo do war and most importantly he proclaims peace. Not just peace to they who live in Jerusalem, but from sea to sea and to the ends of the earth.
Christianity, in its truest form, teaches peace. Yes there is the struggle with evil and with those who oppose Christ and his Church, and yet the individual believer can have peace. Remember the words ‘ peace that passes understanding’?
What may have helped convert the unbeliever in the early church years was this peace that those who were being killed for following the WAY or Christianity projected as they were being led away to their deaths. Many understood that there had to be something more than just a profession of the faith, there was this inner peace that could be seen on the faces of the condemned. How many of us could do that today?
In our New Testament reading from St. Mark we can find a number of Old Testament prophecies being fulfilled. Along with the aforementioned passage from Zechariah, there are also references to this event in Isaiah 62:11, Ps 118:26, Malachi 3:1. These are just a few of the dozens of passages found in the Old Testament that either foreshadow or outright predict the coming of the Messiah.
If we think back to the presentation of the Christ child at the temple, there were several senior citizens who knew, by the enlightening of the Holy Spirit, who this child was, Simeon and Anna. Remember the prayer of John the baptizer’s father, Zacharias, “…blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for he hath visited and redeemed his people”, the prayer continues from Luke 2: 68-79.
Now let us see what the prophet David wrote about this coming King and Savior.
In our psalm today, the opening is describing the kingdom of the Lord.
What does this description entail? The earth, the sea, the entirety of the earth, created by God, is His. ‘It is his and he made it’. ‘His hands prepared the dry lands…the sea is his and he made it…’ Do you see a common thread here? This is God’s creation, this all belongs to Him.
The next several verses of this psalm describe both Christ and his followers; those who can approach God. Those who can ascend the hill of the Lord. Christ the Lord can because it is his, we can because Christ died for our sins and gives us access to that holy hill. What is on that holy hill ? Blessings from the Lord and most importantly, the salvation of God for his people.
The last four verses can describe what was happening on that day so many years ago, when Christ entered the city of Jerusalem, on the back of a donkey, to the cries of Hosanna, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
Who is this King of glory? THE LORD, STRONG AND MIGHTY.
Who is this King of glory? THE LORD OF HOSTS, HE IS THE KING OF GLORY!!!
Without a doubt David is pointing down through the ages to that time when the King of glory would enter the city in triumph and yet this triumph was not the kind we as humans originally understood.
The real triumph was the next step in the overthrowing of Satan and his dominion. Christ in His death, burial, and glorious resurrection was going to overthrow Satan, Death, and all that since Adam had separated us from the Father.
This is the Good News. Christ came to claim his own. Let us make sure we tell others that his sacrifice was for them. This most sacred season of the church should not entail bunnies, chocolate, or colored eggs. The true message of this time of the year is Christ came to save sinners. Let us go and proclaim the truth of Easter.
Let us pray:
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God, who hast prepared for those who love Thee such good things as pass man’s understanding; Pour into our hearts such love toward Thee, that we, loving Thee above all things, may obtain Thy promises, which exceed all that we can desire; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
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God, who hast made all those that are born again in Christ to be a royal and priestly race; Grant us both the will and the power to do what Thou commandest; that all Thy people may have the same faith in their hearts, and the same piety in their actions; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
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lmighty and everlasting God, the Comfort of the sad, the Strength of sufferers, let the prayers of those that cry out of any tribulation come unto Thee; that all may rejoice to find that Thy mercy is present with them in their afflictions; through Christ our Lord. Amen.
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he Lord bless us, and keep us. The Lord make His face to shine upon us, and be gracious unto us. The Lord lift up His countenance upon us, and give us peace, both now and evermore. Amen.
Rev Bryan Dabney of Saint John’s Sunday Sermon
We are fortunate to have Bryan’s Sunday Sermon. If you want people to come to The Truth, you have to speak the truth, expouse the truth and live the truth. This is really a good piece and I commend it to your careful reading.
The Sunday next before Easter, commonly called
Palm Sunday
The apostle Paul write, For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent… hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? (I Corinthians 1:18-20) And our Lord offered the following prayer: I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes. (St. Matthew 11:25). Examine also the words of the apostle Paul in his second epistle to the Corinthian church wherein he wrote, But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: in whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them (4:3-4).
The Bible tells us that the gospel has been hidden from the worldly and profane. In the Book of Daniel we read … and none of the wicked shall understand (12:10b). Now such a state of mind has not deterred them from forming an attachment to our Lord apart from his free gift of salvation. No, they have a far more sinister purpose in mind. The unregenerate— since the beginning of the Church— have used their membership within the body of Christ to bring in an assortment of false teachings: in particular, the notion that all persons— regardless of their faith in Christ— will be accepted of God at the last. But such an assumption does not measure up to God’s standard for as Scripture explicitly states, …for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved and that name is Jesus Christ (Acts 4:10-12).
The Bible clearly teaches that without Christ Jesus, God considers the unregenerate dead already even though they are as yet vertical and breathing in the flesh. Consider the words of St. Paul who wrote, For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive (I Corinthians 15:22); And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins: wherein in time past ye walked according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience: among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh… and were by nature the children of wrath… (Ephesians 2:1-3). In sum, those who are merely Christian in name only possess no capacity to do works that are pleasing to God because they do not have the Spirit of God within them. As the apostle Paul noted, So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. (Romans 8:8-9)
Consider those words again from Romans 8:9, Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. I hear from time to time the nonsense that, “God loves everyone and will not cast any ‘good’[2] person into Hell.” Yet such begs the question: “If that be true, then why did God offer up his only begotten Son on that rude cross?” Those who are born again of the Holy Ghost understand that our Lord came to save sinners, not those who consider themselves good apart from his atoning work. The reference to an unbeliever as being “good” is nowhere found within the pages of the Holy Bible; and even our Lord said that there is none good, save one, that is, God (St. Luke 18:19). Thus, the notion that a profane person may be thought of as “good” falls to pieces when viewed through the lens of Scripture because such is based on a subjective appraisal which the profane and the unregenerate have applied to themselves and their associates. Satan has deluded them and in turn he hopes that they too will delude others within the Church.
As born-again believers in Jesus Christ, we recognize that only God sets the standards for morality. When we say something is good, we say so based not upon our understanding, but upon the word of God. Hell is full of those who did what was right in their own eyes (Judges 21:25)— who viewed themselves as being righteous, good and holy by their own efforts (Revelation 3:17). We may safely refer to such behavior as the way of Cain and is so-called because Cain— and others like him— rejected God’s standards and set them aside for those of his own choosing (St. Jude 3-19).
The wise, the prudent, the scribe, the Pharisee, the Sadducee, and the Herodian are all fit examples of those who would use their knowledge and wisdom to further themselves rather than to advance the word of God. Our Lord harshly rebuked those who lived in the towns of Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum as they had failed to embrace him based upon his mighty works. While they were willing to accept his gifts, they were not willing to accept them as the sign that he was, and remains, God’s Messiah, the Saviour foretold by the prophets (St. Matthew 11:20-24).
Today, the wise can be found within the body of Christ serving in various capacities. They might be seminary doctors, bishops, priests, deacons or janitors. And like those of Lord’s earthly ministry, they too are his enemies through their rejection of him as the Christ, the only begotten of the Father. They have also rejected his gospel of salvation because they are enamored with “another Jesus”— which is Antichrist— and “another gospel”— which is the false gospel of perdition (Galatians 1:6-9). They will not communicate the truth about our Lord because such will run counter to their ecumenical predilections. Satan has been quite successful in his use of ecumenism to lure the unsuspecting into his fold. His agents employ words like “compromise” or “dialogue” which have the appearance of wisdom, piety and open-mindedness. As the Rev. Douglas Wilson once observed, “Christians who ‘dialogue’ with those of other faiths are using their faith as a branch upon which to perch lightly while they survey and appreciate all the other options…governed by this approach, Christianity is a prospective; it is not truth.”
Satan has never missed an opportunity to deceive humanity, especially when there is a chance of upsetting the faith of those who have been regenerated in Christ Jesus. In more recent times, Satan has employed the unequal yoke of ecumenical associations as a weapon of mass deception. Through these seemingly harmless enterprises, he has won over many weak or carnal Christians by convincing them through his agents within the mainline churches that it is God’s will for them to “compromise” and “dialogue” with those outside the body of Christ apart from a sound Christian witness. But compromise by its nature will require at least one party to give up something in the supposed hope of gaining something else. And what are the usual and expected items to be sacrificed by Christians in any compromise with the infidel? In every case they are the tenets of sound Christian doctrine. Lucifer desires “compromise” and “dialogue” because he wants to replace the unity of all under our Lord Jesus Christ with a unity of all under his rule and authority. (II Corinthians 6:14-18 and Revelation 13:1-18) Eventually, all who reject the one true Christ of Scripture will worship the Dragon and the Beast. (Revelation 13:1-7)
Folks, biblical doctrines matter, for it is through them that our relationship with the Godhead and our fellowship as Christians is affirmed and sealed. Sound biblical doctrines have been paid for not only in the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, but in the blood of countless Christian martyrs who stood up for the truth of God’s word in the face of all sorts of persecutions. If we have any understanding of the truth of Jesus Christ, we ought to be filled with thanks to God for the sacrifice of those who went before us in the faith. In that light, should we not exercise great care in preserving what has been handed down to us? Should we not resist the Devil and his pernicious followers who are merely wolves in sheep’s clothing peddling their false gospel of inclusion? (St. Matthew 7:15) Absolutely!
It is important for each of us as born-again believers to resist the temptation to follow after those whose earthly credentials have given them a figment of godly wisdom, but whose hearts are the same as those of the scribes and Pharisees of our Lord’s day. Just as those evil men hid behind their monikers of piety and religion, so do their contemporaries within the Christian Church. The modernists are ashamed of the risen Lord whose name they bear because his true nature does not fit within their jaded and compromised definition of the Christian faith. We must ever be watchful of them and reject their offers of “compromise” and “dialogue” when they come round. Their master will send them to us and so we must be ready at all times, having donned our spiritual armor.
We need to know what is in the Bible and not what is in the latest book by “Rev./Mr. or Ms. So-and-So.” We need to keep our hearts focused on the truth of God’s word written and not on the pronouncements of “Bishop This-or-That.” We need to hear the truth of God’s word from a believing minister and not sit Sunday after Sunday in a church where God’s word is twisted and tortured by “Rev./Pastor Mr. or Ms. Such-in-Such” who would not know the living Christ if he suddenly appeared before him (or her).
It is my hope that each of you will seek to develop a lively faith in Jesus Christ as your Saviour and Lord. That you will devote time out of your day to Bible study and prayer. That you will seek to live in obedience to God’s will as found within the pages of Scripture. And if you have not found a Bible-believing church, that you will do so and soon. “Tomorrow is promised to no one” as the old saying goes. Our Lord could return at any time. And, in light of that, I admonish you to be ready so that you are not caught unawares. Avoid the web of lies that has been spun by Satan’s wise men and scribes. Keep to God’s word written and steer clear of all who will not follow it. And may the God of Peace bless and keep you all in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Let us pray,
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lmighty and most merciful Father, who has given the free gift of salvation to all who believe on thine only begotten Son; keep us from all deception, and give us hearts to resist until the end; so that at the last, we need not be ashamed to stand before thy Son and give an account of our lives in thy service; for this we ask in the name which is above ever name, even Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Have a blessed week, Bryan+
After Church Hospitality
We would like some pictures of your after service gatherings. Come on! Help out!
People in our Prayers –
Why? Prayer is an extremely important activity.
It is not that God knows not our needs, for He surely does. Yet, Jesus commanded us to ask God for those same needs. In addition to the obvious of asking God for help, offering thanksgiving and the like, prayer helps us focus our thoughts on how we might do God’s work.
The Prayer Team of the Anglican Orthodox Church was established to help our members and fellow Christians pray for those in need and to give thanks as well for the blessings we have been granted.
Who can be on the list? Do I have to be a member of the Anglican Orthodox Church to be prayed for?
No! The only qualification to be on the list is that you want our prayer team to pray for you. We are Christians and are happy to pray for you, no matter who you are. If you want help from God, you are our kind of people.
What is the commitment from the prayer team?
Each member of the team will pray for the desired outcome at last once per day.
How do I get myself or someone else on the prayer list?
You can email one of the prayer team leaders: Jack – or Dru – dru@, or call the office at (619) 659-3608 or fill out a prayer card at church.
What should I ask for?
Depends on what you want. Some people merely want God to be asked to heal their ills and be mentioned by their first name, others want a specific outcome and / or have more of their personal information known to the team. Ask for what you want. It is your desire and need for prayer the team is attempting to meet. For typical examples, see the list below.
Updating the Team
If you are on our prayer list, or if you have submitted a person that you have asked us to pray for, please update one of the team members or Hap in person, by telephone or email. It helps to be able to pray specifically for these individuals including their specific needs; plus if they get better, it is nice to give thanks!
Please note that on the yellow (maybe green or orange if you get an old one) cards at church, you can ask that those to be prayed for have their names disseminated to the prayer team. Those names will be said in church and appear here. Or, you can ask that their names and purpose be kept confidential, then only Hap will know to pray for them.
Prayer List Notice – If you have someone on the prayer list and their needs have changed, please let us know. We’d like to update our prayers to reflect the need and most important to give thanks!
Jack Arnold is on travel for until 15 April 2015, to Okinawa to visit the Thomas family, he will be conducting services there, including the Easter Sonrise Service. If you are in the area, drop in! Please pray for safe travel and God’s Work to be done well there.
Arch Crittenden celebrated his 77th birthday recently.
Dru and Hap Arnold celebrated their 28th anniversary on 21 February 2015, a testimony to the work of God.
The Thomas Family is now in Okinawa for a second short tour. Please pray for this new assignment to go well for Kurt and for Mary and the kids to make new friends.
Mary J. Smith, David’s mother is now with her Lord. Please continue in prayer for the family.
Nearing the end of their time here on earth
Sarah, wife of Rev Geordie (AOC – UK), is nearing the end of her time here on earth, please pray for Sarah and Geordie as they prepare for her departure for home. Still pray for a miraculous remission; and that Sarah might put all her sadness, fear, worry and terror on God’s back so that her remaining time here on earth might be good. Help Sarah, Geordie and their family put their trust in the Lord and let Him carry their worry. Give thanks for the great courage and trust in God made manifest in Sarah and Geordie.
Maggie is nearing the end of her time here on earth. Please pray for Maggie and her husband Dub as she prepares to go home to be with her family who have gone before her. Pray for the faith of her family to build and the transition to be good.
Alan is a victim of metastasized colon cancer already destroying his liver. His youngest sister has put aside her hard-earned career to care for her brother in these days on earth. Please pray for him as he prepares to go home to be with his family who have gone before him. Please pray for comfort, understanding, strength and guidance for Alan and his family who will of necessity remain behind.
Saundra is in ICU with congestive heart failure after a heart operation. She is aged and frail. Saundra is near the end of her time here on earth. Please pray for comfort, understanding, strength and guidance for Saundra and her family who will of necessity remain behind. Pray for the love of God to stay foremost in their hearts.
Polly is in hospice care with dementia and spinal stenosis. Please pray for her as she prepares to go home to be with her family who have gone before her. Pray for the faith of her family to build and the transition to be good.
Homebound or Infirm
James is on oxygen all the time, this is bothersome to him and terrifying as well. Please pray for James to put his worry, his bother and his terror on the Lord. Pray for strength and guidance for James and his family. They suggest this verse, “I am thine, save me, for I have sought thy precepts.”
Joan has had serious medical problems that have kept her confined. Please pray her health will remain stable.
Barbara Apple is more or less bedridden. Pray for inspiration for those caring for her that they might find the appropriate treatment. Please pray for Barbara to put her trust in the Lord, look to Him for strength and for her to gain energy so she does not lose the mobility she has; pray for a full and rapid recovery. Please pray also for her husband Bob who is taking care of her that he might be comforted and strengthened in this time of stress.
Norma, Sara’s mother is in a state of deteriorating health, both physically and mentally, with both dementia and Alzheimer’s. She is slowly drifting away, though she still recognizes Sara and prayer gives her a sense of peace. Please pray for both Sara and her mother to put their cares and worries on God’s shoulders so they can deal with the many problems involved.
In need of a miracle or understanding of God’s Plan
Cathy, Don Patton’s sister, has reoccurring abdominal cancer which has not responded to treatment so far, they are nearing the end of the know treatments, with one course left to try. Please pray for guidance for the medical personnel treating Cathy, for a miraculous remission; that Cathy might put all her sadness, fear, worry and terror on God’s back so that her remaining time here on earth might be good. Help Cathy, Don and their family put their trust in the Lord and let Him carry their worry. Give thanks for the great courage and trust in God made manifest in Cathy.
June found she has a recurrence of colon cancer, which is now Stage Four, that is it has spread. Please pray for a miraculous remission; that June’s remaining time here on earth might be good. Help June and her family put their trust in the Lord and let Him carry their sadness, fear, worry and terror.
Cindy has been diagnosed with an aggressive malignant brain tumor. Please pray for a miraculous remission; that Cindy’s remaining time here on earth might be good. Help Cindy and her family put their trust in the Lord and let Him carry their sadness, fear, worry and terror.
Leon McKay suffered a stroke a few weeks back that has left him unable to speak and while undergoing evaluation the doctors also found he has a very aggressive cancer. Please pray for a miraculous remission; that Leon’s remaining time here on earth might be good. Help Leon and his family put their trust in the Lord and let Him carry their worry.
Rev. Thomas Brooks is not improving and being kept alive by artificial machines. Please pray for a miraculous recovery and if that not be God’s Will, a rapid passing to home. Help Thomas’ family put their trust in the Lord and let Him carry their worry
Ronnie has kidney cancer that has spread and the surgeons are very concerned. Please pray the medical team to formulate a successful treatment plan and for a miraculous remission; that Ronnie’s remaining time here on earth might be good. Help Ronnie and family put their trust in the Lord and let Him carry their worry.
Levi was cancer free for 4 years and just discovered he has kidney cancer. Levi has a great deal of faith and said whether he is healed or God takes him home he will be fine. Please pray for the medical team to pay attention and to their best and for a good outcome. Pray also that Levi and family will be able to put their worry on God’s shoulders. In particular, please pray for pain relief; Levi is 22 years old.
Ray Daley is a member of the Royal Canadian Legion and served his country during the Korean War era. Ray is taking chemotherapy treatments for cancer. Meanwhile his son Trevor is in the hospital in a coma and seems to have lost the will to live.
Pat has been under treatment for colon cancer for sometime. He has had major complications the last few days and your prayers will be appreciated by family and friends.
Dorothy had pneumonia, on checking her lungs they found tumors which permeated the lung area. Further investigation found a primary site in the colon, with the lung being secondary. It would appear there is no viable treatment at this time. Please pray for a miraculous remission; that her remaining time here on earth might be good. Help Dorothy and her family put their trust in the Lord and let Him carry their worry.
Becky has fourth stage metastasized lung cancer and is not doing well with chemotherapy treatments. Please pray for Becky and her husband as they are together during this difficult time in their lives.
Jane has fourth stage cancer and is not doing well. Please pray for Jane and her family as they are together during this difficult time in their lives.
Colleen has been battling pancreatic cancer over the last year and it has now spread to one of her lungs. Please keep her and her family in your prayers.
Christine has cancer of the colon, which spread to her liver; she is receiving chemotherapy and is having difficulty eating. Please pray for the medical team treating her to pay attention and do their very best; pray also for confidence in our Lord for Christine and her family.
Todd and Kenny have both been fighting osteocarcinoma for over five years and have been told their time here on earth is nearing its end, absent a miracle from God. Both are ready to go home and leave the pain, but would like to stay. Please pray for them and their families.
Edware is having his fourth back surgery (in the last four years) Please pray for the medical team to pay attention and to their best and for a good outcome. Pray also that Edware and his family will be able to put their worry on God’s shoulders.
Jeff has been undergoing surgery, chemo and radiation since October for pancreatitis and Pancreatic cancer. Please pray for the medical team to pay attention and to their best and for a good outcome. Pray also that Jeff, his wife and family will be able to put their worry on God’s shoulders.
Albert had a pacemaker installed recently. He will require surgery soon for a leaking heart valve and has just been told he has esophageal cancer. Pray he will turn to God and come to know Him on a more personal basis as the days go by.
Jane underwent heart valve repair surgery on 3 July 2014. Please pray for full recovery. Pray also Jane and her family to put their worry on God’s shoulders.
Mario has early-diagnosed prostate cancer and had surgery. Pray for complete remission and that Mario and his family will be able to put their worry on God’s shoulders.
Eddie has upcoming bladder surgery. Please pray for the surgical team to pay attention and to their best and for a good outcome. Pray also that Eddie and family will be able to put their worry on God’s shoulders.
Testing and Treatment
Deborah has had a stroke. Pray our Lord will be close to her and her family. Pray for strength, courage and understanding for Deborah and her family; as well as for God’s guidance for the medical people caring for him that they might find the best treatment method to allow her to heal completely.
Rev. Steve Boardman has been diagnosed with stage 3 cancer. Pray that Jesus will be close and comfort his family and members of his congregation.
Hang So Ryu has cancer. Please pray for medical team contemplating and evaluating the treatment that they might be guided to the correct choice and do their very best. Pray also for peace of mind and trust in God for him and his family, as well as physical strength.
Traci has not been well for the last several months. She does not have a colon and all tests have been negative; she has abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhea and is exhausted and very weak. She and her family thank you for your prayers. Traci seems to have good days and bad. Your continued prayers are appreciated.
Olivia, age7, has been diagnosed with Stage 3 Lymphoma. The prognosis is good at this time, please pray for medical team contemplating and evaluating the treatment that they might be guided to the correct choice and do their very best. Pray also for peace of mind and trust in God for Olivia and her family, as well as physical strength.
Paul has been hospitalized recently several times because of persistent high fevers. He is being tested and checked by physicians and seems to have a slight scoliosis, a node and Schuermann’s disease. Please pray it will be discovered how to treat these problems and healing will begin so he will be inspired to continue his education.
Carol Anne needs God’s comfort and healthy test results as she is anxiously undergoing tests related to previous hysterectomy and experiencing symptoms in the surrounding area.
Garth Neel finished chemotherapy and is undergoing radiation for lymphomacancer. It seems the treatment is working, please see this note from Garth:
I have some good news today. The radiologist has told me that the PET scan which they did last week in Saskatoon is showing good results. He judges that there is no longer any lymphoma active in what is left of the tumour. They are still going ahead with 15 treatments of radiation therapy, the first of which I received today, but will be able to use a fairly low dosage, given the results of the scan. This means that the chemotherapy did its work and that now the radiation can simply ensure that the cancer does not return to the tumour. Of course, it can return elsewhere in the body but the hope is that I shall remain free of same over this next year and then in the years to come. I shall let you know how the radiation treatment goes. Many thanks to all for their persistence in prayer. I am thankful to the Lord for each of them. Blessings, + Bishop Garth Neel
Please give thanks for the great results! Pray also for peace of mind and trust in God for Garth and his family, as well as physical strength.
Garth is the AOC Bishop of Canada with oversight of South America and a really both good and nice fellow.
Jennifer has some lumps on the right side of her neck; they have grown and multiplied. In the last few months she has been having problems swallowing. Jennifer has an appointment with specialist in several weeks to try and discover what it is. She is having a great deal of anxiety as she waits for her Doctors appointment and will appreciate your prayer for anxiety and health.
Rick has heart problems. Please pray for guidance for the medical people treating him that they might pay attention, do their very best and make the right recommendations regarding treatment. Pray for help for Rick and his wife Wanda to keep their trust in the Lord and let Him carry their worry.
Clay has melanoma. Please pray for guidance for the medical people treating him that they might pay attention, do their very best and make the right recommendations regarding treatment. Pray for help for Rick and his wife Pam to keep their trust in the Lord and let Him carry their worry.
Atina has been diagnosed with skin cancer, which turned out to be a melanoma. A routine CT scan found a 9mm (3/8 inch) lesion in her left lung. The melanoma appears to be spreading; they need to remove the offending tissue and test the sample. Pray for guidance for the medical people treating her that they might pay attention, do their very best and make the right recommendations regarding treatment. Atina’s faith is being tested, she has difficulty in praying and accepting the outcome, she wants what she wants and is perplexed about her faith in Jesus. Pray for help for Atina to keep her trust in the Lord and let Him carry her worry.
Evelyn has been diagnosed with bone cancer. Pray for guidance for the medical people treating her that they might pay attention, do their very best and make the right recommendations regarding treatment. Pray for help for Evelyn to keep her trust in the Lord and let Him carry her worry.
Stacy has Multiple Sclerosis and was hospitalized for what turned out to be food poisoning. Pray for trust in God for Stacy and Chris as they deal with Stacy’s illness.
Liz Strauch had a pineal cyst, which in the end responded well to a surgical draining last year. Since November 2013, similar symptoms have returned. A CT Scan turned up what is thought to be either a new cyst or an enlarged pineal gland. More testing, including an EEG is in the works. She can no longer work. Pray for strength, courage and understanding for Liz and her family, in particular her husband Ken and sons Caleb and Nathan; as well as for God’s guidance for the medical people treating her that they might find the best course of treatment and allow Liz to heal completely.
Faye is in the hospital because she is weak has been receiving blood transfusions. Pray for strength, courage and understanding for Faye and her family; as well as for God’s guidance for the medical people treating her that they might find the best course of treatment and allow Faye to heal completely.
Tom has heart and kidney problems. Pray for strength, courage and understanding for Tom and his family; as well as for God’s guidance for the medical people treating him that they might find the best course of treatment and allow Tom to heal completely.
Harold has had a severe stroke. He is now home, but his family is looking for a rehabilitation facility to help him recuperate. Pray for strength, courage and understanding for Harold and his family; as well as for God’s guidance for the medical people caring for him that they might find the best treatment method to allow Harold to heal completely.
Joe has had a preliminary ALS diagnosis. Pray the final diagnosis will something that will allow him to continue taking care of his devoted young family. Pray for strength, courage and understanding for Joe and his family; as well as for God’s guidance for the medical people treating him that they might find the best course of treatment.
Mark Wilson’s breathing seems to be under control at present, he is getting oxygen, which is a huge blessing for which he is grateful. Pray for God’s guidance for the doctors and medical people treating him that they might figure out a way to treat him that will work and not adversely affect other parts of his body, particularly his oxygenation levels, kidney and liver function. Please pray for peace of mind and trust in the Lord for Mark, as well as for his family.
Preston is reacting poorly to recent neck surgery and now has problems with his liver count; Physicians feel that dialysis will help. There may be a blockage in the bowel and an operation might be necessary. Please pray for the medical team to pay attention and to their best to determine how to help Preston and for a good outcome. Pray also that Preston and family will be able to put their worry on God’s shoulders while Preston does his best to facilitate a return to good health.
Erica has a non-malignant Brain Tumor which cannot be surgically removed due to the size and location. They are going to attempt chemotherapy. Please pray for peace of mind and trust in the Lord for Erica, as well as for her family, and for God’s guidance for the medical people treating her that they might find the best course of treatment.
Brenda is in the hospital because of bleeding on her brain. Please pray for peace of mind and trust in the Lord for Brenda, as well as for her family, and for God’s guidance for the medical people treating her that they might find the best course of treatment.
Mackenzie is a young girl with leukemia. Please pray for peace of mind and trust in the Lord for Mackenzie, as well as for her family, and for God’s guidance for the medical people treating her that they might find the best course of treatment.
Mack has had diabetes most of his adult life. Circulation in his legs is very bad and doctors are considering amputation. Please pray his medication will help and he will not face amputation. Please pray for peace of mind and trust in the Lord for Mack and for God’s guidance for the medical people treating him that they might find the best course of treatment.
Michael has been diagnosed with lung cancer recently after making it through gastro intestinal cancer last year. Please pray for peace of mind and trust in the Lord for Michael and his wife Gayle; as well as for God’s guidance for the medical people treating him that they might find the best course of treatment.
Ken Strauch has been tired and is anemic, he had a colonoscopy which found a pair of polyps which were removed and are being tested. Just for good measure they found he has a hiatal hernia with ulcers, basically part of his stomach is pushed up into his esophagus and is bleeding from there. Sounds like there may be surgery involved. Please pray for peace of mind and trust in the Lord for Ken and for God’s guidance for the medical people treating him that they might find the best course of treatment.
Adriano is in the hospital due to high sugar and high blood pressure. He is very weak and will appreciate your prayers.
Heather recently found out she has cancer. Please pray for peace of mind for her and for the medical team treating her will be guided to the right solution.
Jim has had an aneurism and blood clots. Pray that healing will come.
Georgia has liver and pancreatic cancer. The doctors are evaluating whether to do surgery and how to tackle the disease. Georgia is a faithful Christian and appreciates your prayers. Pray for God’s guidance for the medical people treating her that they might find out the source of the problem and best course of treatment. Pray also for peace of mind and trust in God for Georgia and her family.
Lana’s doctor found something on her lymph nodes and ovaries. Pray for God’s guidance for the medical people treating her that they might find out the source of the problem and best course of treatment. Pray also for peace of mind and trust in God for Lana and her family.
Diana, age 15, broke her leg while in school and now has a cast on. Pray she will adjust and be healed soon
Bernie Coogan had a stroke near Christmas time. He is undergoing physical and speech therapy at a rehab facility where his wife works. Bernie is doing pretty well, his speech is a bit slurred, but his mind is clear. He is still Bernie. Bernie, his wife JoAnn and their family would appreciate your prayers for a full and rapid recovery as they maintain full trust in the Lord.
Scott Winters underwent apparently successful ligament replacement surgery on his knee on 8 January 2015, however he contracted an infection somehow which is causing him great difficulty. Please give thanks for the successful surgery and pray the infection will be overcome.
Amy has melanoma in her lungs, liver and kidneys; they have found a treatment for her that has a high success rate however the side effects are debilitating. Please pray she will be able to tolerate the side effects and the treatment is successful. Amy has full trust in the Lord, but would still appreciate your prayers.
Debbie is just beginning chemotherapy for cancer of the lymph nodes. Prayer she will be able to tolerate the therapy acceptably and remain strong as she remembers the Lord is with her at all times.
Liz had a massive stroke at age thirty-seven. The prognosis is good but she has a long road ahead. . Please pray for guidance for those treating her, for trust in our Lord for Liz and her family, for healing.
Ebick is suffering from a severe ulcer but the Doctors cannot give her the proper dosage of the medicine due to her six month pregnancy. Please pray doctors will find an alternative avenue for treatment or that God will provide.
Stan is going through chemotherapy and radiation treatments for cancer. He is elderly and the treatments are tiring him. Please pray for his wife Marvelene as they do this together.
Meg recently found out she had heart problems causing low blood oxygen levels, loss of focus resulting in an emergency room crisis. As a result of the symptoms she made errors on the job that caused her to lose her job. She is grateful for the excellent medical care she has received and optimistic, feeling with God’s intervention in her life her health may be reversed and a new job will become available.
Donald is in the hospital and had his leg amputated on 14 April 2014. Pray he will adjust and healing will begin.
Lucius Dabney (father of Rev Bryan Dabney) is now at home recovering from an infection. Please pray for a complete healing of the infection and return to health.
David has many concussions and unable to go to school, read books, watch TV and has headaches and migraines. He has trouble sleeping and his family will appreciate your prayers for this 10 year old young man.
Gladys has breast cancer and has had a lumpectomy. She needs to take a year off of her work to have chemo treatments.
Alwin Jack has had a stroke and recently has had a relapse. Please pray for those who treat Alwin that they might chose the best possible treatment and pray for peace of mind for Alwin during the recovery phase.
Carolyn has Multiple Sclerosis with complications. Pray Carolyn and her children will be close to our Lord Jesus Christ as they and family members help to ease the problems.
Jeong was in an auto accident and sustained a serious back injury. Please pray for a full and rapid recovery.
Gil Garcia is back in the Long Beach VA Hospital. It is quite a trip for Mary, so please pray that he will recover fully and quickly. Pray for strength for Gil and his wife Mary as they deal with the stresses of Gil’s paraplegia and the general aging process.
Mary Garcia had surgery, she is home, but not healing as well as she hoped. Please pray for her continued healing.
Bill had malignant growth removed from a lip last month and seems to be experiencing a re-growth of the cancer. He asks your prayer for the medical team treating him and for peace of mind for himself.
Hank has osteoporosis, which has caused him a great deal of pain and inconvenience in the past few years. Pray for his healing and that his medical bills will be met.
Evelyn is an elderly woman who has had problems with her eyes and is now blind. It appears some sight will return shortly, pray for that to happen!
Joanne has begun kidney dialysis as a result of kidney failure due to extensive chemotherapy. Additionally she cares for an adopted drug addicted baby who is now nine years old. Please pray for her to keep her faith, to let the Lord carry her worry and concern and to give her strength. Pray also for those treating her that they might pay attention and do their best.
Mr. N. Anand is in the hospital and is seriously ill. He is being encouraged to pray for repentance of his sins and to depend upon our dependable God for a cure and recovery of his health. Pray that he will be a strong witness for Christ.
Jacob has been going through some dental procedures and has some pain and aggravation with the numbness. Please pray for comfort and strength for him, as well as for guidance for the medical team treating him that they might pay attention and do their best.
Jean fell and broke her ankle in three places. She will be in the hospital for rehabilitation for the next 6 weeks. Please pray for comfort and strength for her, as well as for guidance for the medical team treating her that they might pay attention and do their best.
Bud and his wife for their continued welfare and enthusiasm. Bud has been advised of an aneurism in his heart of a size not mandating immediate surgery. This comes at a time when he has sole care of his wife who recently broke two vertebrae and thereafter sustained pneumonia.
Virginia has Sinus and Allergy problems giving her severe problems. Pray that the Doctor will discover why it continues and find a cure.
Steve Thornell had a brain aneurysm, which was found before it burst. He is home from the hospital and working hard on recovery. He lacks energy from seven days in the hospital. His doctor told him he has to make serious life changes. One of the two main arteries in the back of the head is now completely closed. He must take blood thinners, he has thick blood and recent chemotherapy made it worse. Steve has always operated at 110 percent, he needs help to slow down. Please pray for trust in the Lord and a full and rapid recovery. Pray for peace of mind for Steve and his family.
Arlen is receiving treatment for lung cancer and recently experienced a ruptured colon during treatment. She is alone in Oregon but does have a friend who has traveled a great distance to be at her side. Please pray for guidance for the medical team treating her and for strength and trust for Arlen.
Oscar discovered some time ago he had blood clots in his leg and lung. He has been treated for them and has not been cured. He now will be facing surgery. Please keep him in your prayers.
Angela had an ischemic stroke (clot).Please pray for guidance for the medical team treating her and for strength and trust for Angela. Please pray also that she and her family might put their worries on our Lord’s back so she can work hard towards recovery.
Nora had a stroke mid February 2013. Please pray for guidance for the medical team treating her and for strength and trust for Nora. Please pray also that she and her family might put their worries on our Lord’s back so she can work hard towards recovery.
Linda has been hospitalized for several days with a gastrointestinal problem. Please pray for guidance for the medical team treating her and for strength and trust for Linda.
Dester is suffering from unknown skin and diseases. Please guide the medical team treating him to find out what the problem is and cure it. Pray also for Dester to trust in the Lord.
Lee has Arterial Fibrillation, sheis doing much better and she and her family thank you for your prayers. Her pain level is high and some medications have bad side effects. Please continue her in Prayer in the weeks ahead as she heals.
Nell recently adopted two children and has just been diagnosed with multiple myeloma.
Mary Lou has been suffering with seizures. She was in the hospital with a 24 hour monitor and is being sent home from the hospital with two medications and orders to return in 2 months for another MRI to review whatever is going on in her brain. Please pray for guidance for the medical people treating her, as well as peace of mind and trust in God for her and her family.
Kathleen has spent the last two weeks in the hospital. She has been diagnosed with colitis, shingles and possibly colon cancer. Pray she will be comfortable and begin to heal.
Rachel has Mitochondrial Myopathy. This is a hereditary disease of the muscles and they do not have a cure for it. Part of her pain is her family does not believe she is indeed ill, as she appears to be just fine. Please pray her family will learn the truth and be supportive of her; pray also the medical people treating her will find the right measures to minimize the disease. Most particularly pray for Rachel’s trust in God.
Nicolas is in the hospital with serious symptoms of a heart disorder. Please pray for peace of mind for him and guidance for the medical team looking for the cause and cure.
Juanita is a young girl who was in a coma because of a blood disease. She has not come out and is gaining strength. They are awaiting results from blood samples. Her family thanks you for your prayers and asks that you continue.
George had foot surgery. Please give thanks for the surgery and pray for a full and rapid recovery.
Nellie is in the emergency room of a hospital in a great deal of pain. Please pray for peace of mind for her and guidance for the medical team looking for the cause and cure.
Lauralee Meade underwent a lumpectomy on Friday after Thanksgiving. A further anomaly has been discovered and she had additional preventative radiation treatment. Please pray for a complete remission of the cancer. Pray also Lauralee will maintain her great attitude and trust in God.
Bill, Sara’s husband, had a third abdominal surgery on 22 November 2011, to remove a tumor. Bill is doing better keeping the doctor’s instructions, for which we are all grateful, including taking chemotherapy once a day for one more year. He has decreased the consumption of alcohol and eating at least mostly properly. Please pray for help for him to continue do all this. Please pray also that Bill might turn his heart outward to help those around him, as well as live a long and healthy life to the honor and glory of God. Pray also for peace of mind for Bill and his wife Sara.
Kay Denton (Mrs. Kay) has had a chest infection, perhaps viral, but seems to be getting better. Please pray for continued peace of mind for Mrs. Kay and her family. Give thanks for her trust in the Lord and her positive attitude.
Matt Alcantara, age 16, came back with ZERO SCANS again in August 2014! Matt has Osteosarcoma (bone cancer), a very rare and often lethal form of cancer with limited treatment options. This is a disease that is about 90 percent fatal in a couple of years. He has no hip joint on one side, but he walks and swims! Courage? Guts? You bet! Please also give thanks for the great faith of Matt and his entire family. Their faith and trust is a wonderful example for each and every one of us. But, now is not the time to stop praying. Actually, it never is the time to stop praying!
Judith Clingwall is afflicted with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). She is currently in Laurel Place, an extended care facility in Surrey, British Columbia. Judith’s condition has worsened recently. Please pray for her to take an active part in her own life, for her strength, peace of mind, trust in God and remission of the disease so she might return home to her family. Pray also for strength for her husband Martin as he deals with all the problems and stress of Judith’s situation.
Vince (age 15), reoccurrence of Osteosarcoma, recent testing found a nickel sized tumor in his lungs. The doctors are consulting with a specialist in Houston. Please pray for guidance for the medical team and for peace of mind for Vince and his family.
Healing and Patience
Kym (43) has various hip problems which seems to be related to osteoarthritis. And, her mother Ruth is in the early stages of dementia. Pray for guidance for those treating both of them, as well as patience and trust in the Lord for both of them.
Christopher has had problems with his leg for some time. Now he has to have it casted and it will stay that way for what to him seems an interminable time. Pray for patience and peace of mind for this young man who has much he wants to do.
Thanksgiving and Continued Healing
Daisy Lee is recovering from necrotizing fasciitis, which manifested on 30 January 2015, causing the loss of her right arm and her left hand, as well as parts of both feet. She has turned the corner and is fighting towards recovery. Daisy has kept her faith, as she becomes more well, less in people’s thoughts and prayers it will be a lot tougher for her. Please pray for strength for her and her family and friends as time moves on. Her family is thankful for all the support they have received during these past couple weeks and hopes all will continue to pray for Daisy’s speedy recovery. Pray for peace of mind and trust in God for Daisy’s family, her husband and children Tiffany and Chris.
Michael Lenahan known to all as Bullet was hospitalized on 18 March 2015, and had a stent placed in a cardio artery. All went well and he is recovering nicely. Please give thanks for the great result and pray for a complete and rapid recovery for Bullet.
Janet Jessup had a stroke on 3 July 2014 and heart problems that were causing huge issues for her. They seem to have gotten her stabilized and she is going home from the hospital. Please join the entire family in giving thanks for this wonderful development. Please pray for those treating her to find the appropriate treatment and for trust in God and peace of mind for Janet and her family, in particular her husband of 43 years, Rev Roger Jessup, retired minister of Saint Joseph of Arimathea Anglican Orthodox Church.
Jim has been hospitalized and had several operations for cancer the last few years. He has recent good news, for which he asks you join in giving thanks:
The LORD be with you! I wanted to let everyone to know I received a great report from Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Newnan, GA yesterday. I met with all three (3) of my doctors. Each reviewed my scans and were satisfied with the results. The cancer is still there but it has not changed in three (3) years. All of the doctors were happy with the report and I will continue with the monthly sandostine injection to retard future growth of the tumor. Thank you very very much for your prayers and encouragement!
Arch Crittenden has Multiple Myeloma (cancer cells in bone marrow); without this treatment life expectancy is one to two years. As long as he can tolerate the daily oral Revlimid treatments, it seems he can carry on. Arch is not worried about the weight loss side effects, he says he planned ahead for that; the hair loss does have him concerned as most of that has already left. There is very good news, X-Rays show no holes in his bones. And he can still travel about and visit his family! This is super, please join Arch and family in giving thanks. Arch and his lovely wife Kathy ask that you pray for their trust in God to remain strong and for a good outcome.
Aleyne Bergman had a pacemaker installed on 26 January 2015. Please give thanks for the medical team paying attention, doing their best and for the good outcome. Pray also that Aleyne and her husband Ron, as well as the rest of her family will be able to put their worry on God’s shoulders. Please pray also for a complete and rapid recovery for her.
Dick Gray has a Merkle Cell carcinoma just under his sternum carcinoma which is considered a stage four carcinoma since it has ‘metastasized’. After much treatment and hospitalization the main site is less than half the size and there are no new tumors. He continues the fight. Please give thanks for the good results so far! Pray for those contemplating the treatment that they might be guided to the correct choice and do their very best. Pray also for peace of mind and trust in God for Dick and his wife Jennifer. Dick is the Treasurer and a Vestryman at Saint Paul’s AOC in Missouri.
Jenny, wife of Adam, mother of two, (niece of Marianne Lane) had difficulty breathing the night of 22 January 2015. Adam brought her to the hospital. After considerable thought and testing, they found a growth thought to be scar tissue from intubation when she was an infant. On 28 January 2015, they preformed a mechanical expansion to allow her to breathe which was a success. Please give thanks for the great result and pray for a full recovery and that the opening will stay clear.
Sam had surgery on his entire large intestine that had become infected. At the time of the operation he was just hours away from a complete organ shutdown. He had had turmoil in his life over the years. Sam is now in the ICU and his Minister visited him and explained to him God had given him another chance for him to make things right with his Lord. Pray for his good health and his spiritual life with Jesus.
Marv Rogge had successful heart valve replacement surgery on or about 20 December 2014. Other than a desire to chew his food way too much, Marv is doing great, up and about. Please join Marv, his lovely wife Marian and the rest of the family in giving thanks to God for the great result. Pray for a full and complete recovery.
Ian had surgery to remove excess skin rendered a nuisance by controlled lost of 200 pounds. Please give thanks for the successful result and for those treating him to have paid attention and done their very best on the lengthy surgery, taking the best possible care of him. Please pray for his continued recovery and strength for his Mother who will be in charge of his after care.
Jenniffer had surgery for breast cancer on 15 October 2014, which seemingly went well; please give thanks for that. She has had other complications which preclude her from making a full recovery in particular the drugs are making her terribly sick; please pray those will be overcome. Pray for help for Jenniffer to keep her trust in the Lord and let Him carry her worry and concern as she recovers. Please pray also for strength and courage for her family as they try their best to help her.
Jim had infection complications from diabetes in his foot. The infection appears to be under control and he has been released from the hospital. Please join in giving thanks for the quick and good result and pray for complete healing.
DiAnne Thornton had back surgery 23 September 2014, with apparently good result. Please give thanks for the good result and pray the L5 decompression will allow her walking abilities and balance to be restored.
Alice had a mastectomy on 17 September 2014, that apparently went very well with a good result. Please give thanks for the good outcome and pray for full healing and complete remission.
Mary had successful hip replacement on 10 September 2014. Please give thanks for the successful surgery and ask for God’s help in her recovery.
Kathy had what seems to be very successful surgery on Wednesday, 3 September 2014, for cancer that returned somewhat unexpectedly. Please give thanks for the good results of the surgery and pray that the cancer will be held at bay by this action. Pray also for Kathy and her family to let God carry their worry, concern and terror so that Kathy can recover fully and quickly, so as to gain the best result. Help their entire family to keep their full trust in God.
Peggy had very successful knee replacement surgery 26 August 2104. She is going home on 29 August 2014 with no pain! Please give thanks for a great result.
John Evetts had successful extensive heart surgery; he is still in the hospital and recovering. He is in good spirits. John and his family thank God for the answer to many prayers on his behalf. John is a minister in the Anglican Episcopal Church which as a relationship with the AOC. We look forward to his return to his ministerial duties at St. George’s Anglican Church in Ventura in the near future.
John Evetts entered the ministry after a lifetime of work in industry and business as well as service in the Armed Forces in Vietnam. Like the Apostles, he came to the ministry from the secular world of work. Rev. Evetts is married and has two daughters and two grandchildren.
We thank the Rev. Evetts for his service to our country and his continuing service to God and His people.
Mary Thornell had colon cancer surgery and finished chemotherapy 17 June 2014. Tests the week of 2 June 2014 showed totally clear scans. Things were going well, but tests the week of 16 February 2015 showed what appears to be unknown spots on both lungs. She is going to City of Hope for a second opinion. Please pray for guidance for those treating here, as well as strength, guidance and peace of mind for Mary and her husband Jim, as well as daughter Janice and son Jimmy, as she undergoes treatment.
Jim Thornell (Jet) seems to have recovered from the five stomach ulcers and now is dealing with blocked coronary arteries and taking care of Mary. Please give thanks for the great result and also for the strength, guidance and peace of mind our Lord gave Jet and his wife Mary, as well as daughter Janice and son Jimmy, as he underwent treatment.
Al had an abscess found on his liver for which he was hospitalized, it turned out to be benign and will not require surgery, he has been released from the hospital. Please give thanks for this good result and pray for continued healing.
Elma is suffering from cancer. She was taken home from the hospital on the advice of her Doctor. We were asked to pray that Elma’s remaining time here on earth might be good and that Elma and family might put their trust in the Lord and let Him carry their worry. Since then, Elma’s Bishop told us a great Miracle of the Lord is working over Elma. Doctors sent her home to die, but now she seems to be doing all right. On behalf of her, thank you for all of your prayers. Please continue praying for her complete healing.
Dennis has heart problems; now the medical people treating him discovered a large mass on his liver which turned out to be a cyst! Please give thanks for this great development and pray for peace of mind and trust in the Lord for Dennis and for God’s guidance for the medical people treating him that the contemplated surgery might go well.
Dwight had major oral surgery, for which he gives thanks. He is recovering slowly and asks your prayers to speed the process.
Mike is a veteran who has served his country when she called. Please pray he will open his heart to God so He can make Mike’s crooked road straight and pull him towards the summit rather than to the pit.
Dick’s left arm was amputated after treating for Merkel Cell carcinoma over a year ago. He has met with the oncologist’s and reviewed the CAT scan. Good News! The tumor has been reduced in size—it was down to one half the size that it was in September and there was no indication of a new tumor in the chest area. Dick wanted the Prayer Partners to know and join him in thankfulness to our Lord. Please join Dick and his family in giving thanks to Our Lord Jesus Christ for his recovery as well as for their trust in God.
Carol Stone, the sweet wife of Mike Stone, recovered far better than expected from a severe brain bleed, but fell recently and broke her hip. She still requires 24 hour care, which Mike provides with little help.
Mark’s business is in difficulty. He works in a shrinking field, of which he is one of the country’s true masters, but there is little work available. He asks that you pray that he can find a way to survive in his industry, which he loves and needs his talents. Pray he can find new sources of business and new ways of doing things, perhaps someone to partner with to better use his talents. Pray also for those who work for and with him that they might do their best to help.
Financial Guidance and Employment
Anne is unemployed and just interviewed for a position. Please pray she will be employed, if not at this position then that this interview will lead to better prospects. Pray for her ot be encouraged and strengthened by the Holy Ghost.
Doug recently became unemployed from his job of 18 years. He has been applying for jobs, but unable to get one at this time. His wife is working; this is not enough for the family. Please pray he will find employment with a firm that will be able to use his considerable skill and hard work to benefit both the firm and the family.
Catherine and Lewis are at a low ebb due to a struggle for employment. Your fervent prayers will be appreciated.
Lori is considering a potential change in her employment. Please pray for God’s guidance in considering all aspect of her potential work.
Sara is concerned about the future with her company. She would appreciate prayers for her continued employment and that her firm might find more and better ways to use her considerable skills.
Financial Guidance and Healing
Clark is in need of salvation; for God’s Will to be done in his life. Pray his family will be blessed with the financial miracles that come from doing His Will.
Timothy and Sharon had their home foreclosed the morning of 15 April 2014. They are experiencing spiritual, emotional and financial crisis at the current time. Please pray for God’s guidance as to how they might handle the financial difficulties in which they have found themselves and more importantly have them draw closer to God and each other.
Linda, Rick, Christian and Sawyer are a family experiencing spiritual, emotional and financial crisis at the current time. Please pray for God’s guidance as to how they might handle the financial difficulties in which they have found themselves and more importantly have them draw closer to God and each other.
David and Lorna are having financial problems. They are trying to find a smaller home which may be more affordable. Lorna has had an ongoing battle with brain cancer, her trips back and forth to the hospital have drained their finances to the point they sometimes struggle to have enough food in the house. Pleaser pray for Lorna’s healing and guidance on how they might handle the financial difficulties in which they have found themselves.
God’s Strength and Peace of Soul
Tommy Dunning is facing his first Christmas following the death of his only son to cancer. Please pray he can concentrate his heart on what he had and will have in his son through God.
Eli has some mental issues and has lost his way. He was admitted to the hospital for psychological evaluation to get a proper diagnosis and medications and has been discharged. He has yet to come to grips with the demons chasing him. Pray he will return to the Lord and his family. Eli’s brother Carl has gotten little to no support from the family, he being the one to get Eli into treatment. Daughter Katie seems to be the least helpful. Pray they will ask God to send the Holy Ghost in to straighten things out and they will listen when He speaks to them. The family has been open to the Prince of Darkness and needs help.
Debbie has family problems that must be dealt with and she asks God’s guidance in making the correct decisions and how to stand.
Edward (45) had the opportunity to meet with a Christian during the conversation she discovered Edward had some background about God but thought He was not relevant to this day. Edward asked many questions about the Bible and was surprised at the answers and continued to ask questions. They both went their separate ways and the Christian told Edward that she would pray for him. Will you join in prayer for Edward, please?
Kathy is experiencing severe anxiety and panic attacks. Please pray she can let the Lord calm and direct her in the best path to take to help alleviate these problems.
Michael and his Family ask your prayers for wisdom as they are under trial and affliction to follow the law of the land and yet honor God in so doing.
Flora is in remission with cancer, but has high blood pressure and fatigue. Flora’s Mother recently died and this has caused added stress. Please pray that she will be able to let God carry her worry and sorrow so she can do the things she needs to do.
Elizabeth and Gunner need your prayers for their general well being. Pray that they might see the Light of the Lord and let Him guide their lives. Pray they might open their hearts not only to the Lord, but to each other to become one in Him and happiness.
Eric and Betty need your prayers for their general well being. Pray that they might see the Light of the Lord and let Him guide their lives. Pray they might open their hearts not only to the Lord, but to each other to become one in Him and happiness.
Eli has lost his way both spiritually and mentally, please pray for him and his parents Ed and Barb, who are having great struggles seeing their son, go through these afflictions having brought up in a Christian home. Please pray his parents can find a way to help Eli.
Marie has suffered the loss of her husband, her job and her pet all in a short period of time. Please pray for peace of mind for Marie, as well as for trust in the Lord for her and those around her that she might adjust to the changes in her life and move forward to the honor and glory of our Lord with His Help. (140607)
Mitten has a Christian talking to him about Christ. Mitten does not believe and does not seem to care. Please pray Mitten will see the light.
Kristen, Rickey and their two children ask you to pray for grace, wisdom and understanding as they attempt to cope with infidelity, separation and possibly divorce as a result of backsliding from the Lord into the World.
Aaron has a problem seeing is where his life should be leading him. Please pray that he can listen to his father Paul and those around him who want him to work hard and obtain a real education now rather than just coast towards oblivion.
Helene and her family ask your prayers for them as they deal with the loss of Alan, husband and father.
Stephanie seems to be very deeply into post partum depression after her baby was born prematurely. Please pray for her Mother in Law who is going a great distance to help Stephanie and her new Grandson. Pray that Stephanie will be able to direct her attention outward, rather than inward.
William is an elderly man living with his Son and Daughter in-law. William is causing trouble in the family because of his demanding ways and continually using bad language. The family is at wit’s end to know how to handle him and will appreciate your guidance and prayers.
Caitlin is in the grip of the Prince of Darkness; she thinks there is escape from reality in drugs. The saddest part is that reality is not as she sees it. Her family is despairing as they can do nothing to help her and ask that you pray for the Holy Ghost to enter into heart and show her the need for change before it is too late.
Nathaniel is in spiritual turmoil. His family and friends will appreciate it if you will keep him in your prayers for him to find the root of his trouble and accept God’s help to heal his heart.
Sam and her two children that have been living in a shelter and are to lose their place there. Please pray a place will be found they can stay in and recover.
Please pray Darlene will surrender her life to Christ.
Norrie is facing daily exams in the weeks ahead. Pray for calmness and concentration and to do the best possible.
Jonathan is addicted to drugs. He is now in jail awaiting trial. His parents and friends will appreciate it if you will keep him in your prayers for him to find the root of his trouble and accept God’s help to heal addiction.
Beth is suffering from ungodly treatment in her marriage. Please pray God will guide her in her behavior, actions and thoughts that she might be able to lead her husband to God so her marriage might prosper to the benefit of them.
Brandon a young man from a Christian family who married a year ago and almost immediately became estranged from him family. As a result he has had a serious problem with keeping the civil law. Please pray for Brandon that he will return to the Lord and the many problems will be eventually settled. Pray the hurt he has caused so many will be helped with our Lord’s care and love.
Dennis has some decisions to make and will appreciate our Lord’s guidance.
Jeanette has had many members of her family die from diabetes and several are near death now. Jeanette does not know the Lord and is despondent and perplexed about her family and herself. Please pray she can open her heart to allow the Holy Ghost in to bring her knowledge and understanding.
Dr. Elizabeth Raj is teaching a biblical approach to the psychological problems facing many in our society today. She is battling against the growing influence of worldly psychology adopted by the churches themselves. Elizabeth constantly stresses answers are found between the covers of that precious Book, the Holy Bible. Please pray for encouragement, strength, fortitude and courage for her.
Abigail is a teenager who has behavior problems. She feels she is in an area of mental darkness. Please pray that she might look to God for help and not within herself.
Sara asks that you pray for guidance for her as she deals with the stresses of her family and life. Pray that she can separate those things which she can affect from those things which she cannot and give her grace to accept that she cannot do everything and can only change those things within her control. She asks for God’s help for her business so that she might remain gainfully employed while keeping up with the needs of her mother and husband and healing her own problems.
Jacquie to open her heart to God and accept His Love and Grace.
Hap asks you to pray he might be able to trust God will help him make the right decisions at the right time and not to worry uselessly, to change those things he can change, accept those things he cannot change, sleep well to be able to do the correct things with a clear head and that he will open his heart to the Holy Ghost.
School Challenges
Destiny, Blake and Janet
Anglican Orthodox Church
Please pray for the Lord’s will regarding the establishment of an AOC church in Indonesia.
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lmighty God and Father of all who trust and believe in thy dear Son, Jesus Christ: We seek thy divine will in the establishment of an Anglican Orthodox Church of Indonesia. In this present day of waning faith and compromising ministers, we hope to discover your will in this important matter. Keep us always strong in faith, worship, and practice; purify continually your visible church on earth, and lead us into green pastures of evangelism and love of truth. The people of Indonesia are a precious people in your sight, and we would seek the honor of preaching your Gospel in those great islands. Grant us wisdom to know and do your will always, for we ask it in the Name of thy dear Son, and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. AMEN
The forces of evil are strong in Pakistan. The force of God stronger. Pray for our Christian family there.
Rev. Igor Djurcik leader of Anglican Orthodox Church in Serbia asks us to pray for his students. He has excellent young people in Belgrade who are having services and classes on the Bible.
Savusavu Fiji Islands is establishing a new Anglican Orthodox Church congregation Rev. Jack Andrew and members from the AOC in Labasa were with them for the weekend for this special time for our Church in Fiji. Pray that our Lord will be with the members in Savusavu as they bring others to his house.
Please pray a Minister will be found who would like to serve in Tabuk, in the Philippine Islands. The Anglican Orthodox Church has an established Church there and in the surrounding areas and need a Shepherd to lead the flock.
Central African Republic
Christians in the Central African Republic are experiencing the ravages of a war between the Muslim and Christians. We have both ministers and members of the Anglican Orthodox Church in Central African Republic. Please pray for God’s guidance and protection for all persecuted Christians and those around them.
Diocese of the Epiphany
Saint Paul’s, Moberly, Missouri would like your prayers that the Holy Ghost might enter more fully into their hearts so that they might be more effective in spreading the Word of God.
Bishop Jerry is in Atlanta, preaching at a church who has in attendance many members of another church founded in 1887 that has closed. Many of those are older, in their late 70s and early 80s. Please pray they will see this is a parish where they can be one with other believers. Please pray the Holy Ghost might enter more fully into their hearts so that they might see their way to come together.
Diocese of Virginia
Saint Joseph of Arimathea Anglican Orthodox Church is under a lot of stress. We all are, but they need even more prayer. Rev Roger Jessup, their wonderful minister, had to retire as he was so pressed by the duties of a primary care giver, in addition to all the worries of this world. Pray for trust in God for each member of the parish and for them to find economic relief.
Armed Forces & Contractors
Kristyna Thomas (Army – Camp Walker – Taegu / Daegu, ROK), Airman Donny Patton (USAF – Hulbert Field, Florida), Jordan Brown (USMC – Fleet Marine Force – Pacific), Trevor Jennings (USAF – KC-10 Boom Operator – New Jersey), Trevor Di Marco (USN – Whidbey Island, EF-18 Pilot), Kurt Thomas (USN – Camp Foster, Okinawa), Ethan (US Army Airborne – Southwest Asia)
For Our Country
Our country has lost its way. Over half the people that vote, voted for a government that promises them things it cannot deliver in return for their souls which it can, will and does take. Our foreign policy backs the rise of Islam, we turn our backs on those who would follow God and arm those who murder them. Pray God will raise up a leader from among the people who can turn the country’s course 180° and attempt to come back to God. Pray the people will recognize that they are headed down a smooth wide road into the pit, a road that will get smoother and smoother, steeper and steeper until the only possible way is down. Down, into the depths of the pit. Pray people will recognize there is:
- · One True and Triune God who is goodness in and of Himself
- · All religions are not equal
- · All ways of life are not equal;
- · The Bible holds the Key to Life;
- · All rights come from God, not the State;
- · Good;
- · Bad;
- · Evil;
- · Right;
- · Wrong;
- · Allah is the Devil;
- · Abortion is no more than sacrifice of children to Baal.
Pray this recognition will not come too late. Pray we will, each of us, do our duty to God, Country and Family, putting His Honor above all.
Around the world, Christians are under attack, not only in the Muslim world, but from Hindus and others in India. Also, they are under continual attack in the name of “Separation of Church and State” in the western world, as it becomes actively atheist or pro-devil buddy. Please pray for God’s guidance and protection for all persecuted Christians and those around them.
Nathan had successful surgery on 4 August 2014, to remove a tumor near his heart; then underwent chemotherapy. During a visit on 2 December 2014, the PET Scan found no evidence of cancer. Nathan and his family thank God for the great result, the medical team for paying attention and doing their best and you for your prayers.
Various Special Requests
Vanuatu Islands in the South Pacific have been hit within the last day by a 165 mph Typhoon. Things are not good there. Pray for the people to see clearly what they must do to rebuild.
The Anglican Orthodox Church in Peshawar, Pakistan sustained damage to their building as the result of heavy rains. At present the roof is being rebuilt and they have not been able to hold services. Pray it will be fixed very soon and a new place might be found until the church is restored.
Nathalie is teaching English in a small western Ukrainian town where they are having so many problems. Pray for Nathalie and others around the world who are standing up for Christian principles in their countries.
This is a horrible time for the people of India, Christians in particular; they are having problems with Hunger, Bank Closings, Transportation and Schools not functioning. Pray for the Leaders and Members of our Church in Eluru Andhra Pradesh. Pray their basic needs will be met and God will be close to them in this time of need.
We ask that you pray, please ask God that the Holy Ghost might give you insight into how you might make the lives of your friends and family better. Remember helping others is not just those who you don’t know!
Hap, Jack, Hope, Paul, Aaron, TW, Rob, Eric, Harry and others give thank for safe travel last week to Dallas for the Organization of Flying Adjusters mid year meeting.
Betsy Lane has fully recovered from food poisoning. Please join her in giving thanks!
Holy Week
The Sunday next before Easter is commonly referred to as Palm Sunday. The period between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday is often referred to as Holy Week. Most churchgoing people go to church on Palm Sunday, then to church on Easter Sunday. It’s a fairly uplifting time with not a lot of thinking. On Palm Sunday Jesus makes his triumphant entry into Jerusalem. On Easter Sunday there’s the joyous resurrection. What’s not to like about that?
The thing is, there is a tremendous amount that goes on between Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, not all of it joyous, in fact most of it is pretty scary or sad. The beginning of the week was wonderful; in the end the week was even more wonderful. In between was a series of ups and downs the ups a little high and the downs very very deep. It is important to remember as you go through Holy Week that Jesus was in control of all the events of the week. The week starts with the Lord’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem and ends with the death of the Savior on the Cross and the burial of his body in the tomb. It is a week of ups and downs without parallel, the ups a little high and the downs very very deep, deep as Hell you might say, and precedes the most joyous day of the year, the Day of the Resurrection or Easter Sunday.
Jesus has a triumphant entry into the city on the First Day of the Week (Sunday); on Thursday night he celebrates the Passover with his disciples in the Upper Room, he prays and agonizes over what he knows is coming in the garden of Gethsemane; Judas betrays him early Friday morning, his most trusted disciple denies him, not once but three times before the cock crew; the Jews condemn him to Pilate who in turn orders him to be beaten and humiliated; that does not satisfy the Jews and at their request, Pilate condemns a man he knows to be innocent to a horrible death to pacify the crowd of Jews assembled by the priests; Jesus is crucified, asks John to take care of his mother and gives up the ghost; his body is taken down and buried; the disciples are dispersed and discouraged; they have listened to their Lord, but not understood.
Think of this week from the disciples’ perspective, on the first day they enter with their leader into Jerusalem in triumph; mid-week they celebrate the joyous feast of the Passover, then their leader is betrayed, defends himself not and is killed. At the time they surely could not think of this as a Holy Week and certainly not a Good Friday. Yet on the first day of the week that follows, our Lord is Risen, Risen indeed and delivers the promise of salvation in person.
It is important to remember as you go through Holy Week that Jesus was in control of all the events of the week.
What a week!
Palm Sunday
The name Palm Sunday comes from the palm leaves, along with clothing and other honors strewn along Jesus’ path as He came in to Jerusalem the first day of the week before His crucifixion. Of interest, only Jesus knew of the upcoming crucifixion, every one else, including Jews, Romans and the Christians, thought he was making a triumphant entrance in to the city to take control of things and kick the Roman occupation force out. The moon was almost full, this was the year of the Messiah according to Daniel. Jesus chose the route into the city, through the King’s Gate. The people saw Him coming and met him at the Mount of Olives. They expected Him to come in and proclaim His rule. And that He did, but not in the way the people were looking for. Those who thought of Him as Lord looked for a Kingdom of this World to be established. Sunday was a day of triumph and fulfilled the anticipation of the Jews of a day for which they had waited four centuries. The Messiah had finally come, at the time predicted by scripture. They were certain that He would free them from the burdensome and cruel yoke of Roman rule. The Jews would finally be on top of the power pyramid. They would rule the world under Him! Yet, that was not to be. The day in the temple! Holy Cow! Here their savior was throwing people out of the temple, not throwing the Romans out of Jerusalem. They were sad to learn He came not to rule this world, for that time was not yet come; He came to give them the key to eternal salvation. He came to take them from this veil of tears to a state of perfect freedom. They wanted someone to throw the Romans out and all God sent them was the key to eternal life. What a disappointment!
On Monday, Jesus preached in the Temple and further distanced Himself from the people’s vision and demonstrated God’s vision. He went in to the temple and through out the vendors selling “sacrificial” birds and animals at exorbitant cost, as well as the moneychangers, changing Roman money for Temple money dishonestly. Far from announcing Himself head of the temple, He announced they had made His Father’s house a den of thieves. Rather than working within the Jewish establishment, He over turned it!
Jesus and the Pharisees dispute in the Temple. He left for the garden of Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives. There he delivers the “Mount of Olives Discourse”. Judas agrees to betray him to the Jewish priests for 30 pieces of silver.
The Sanhedrin was gathered together and decided to kill Jesus, even before Pesach if possible. In the meantime, Jesus was in Bethany, in the house of Simon the leper. Here he was anointed on his head by Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus, with very expensive ointment of spikenard. Some of the disciples, particularly Judas Iscariot, keeper of the purse, were indignant about this; the oil could have been sold to support the poor. “This he said, not that he cared for the poor; but because he was a thief, and had the bag, and bare what was put therein.” In this case, Judas recalls to mind many politicians. Jesus reminded them of the importance of first things first and the futility of giving, rather than helping, when He said in Matthew 26.11 “For ye have the poor always with you; but me ye have not always.” Judas went to the Sanhedrin and offered them his support in exchange for silver. From this moment on Judas was looking for an opportunity to betray Jesus. Judas spied on Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane where he came on his plan.
Maundy Thursday
At the Passover Feast, Jesus and his disciples share the “Last Supper” and He washes their feet. Jesus blesses his bread and wine as his flesh and blood and shares it with his disciples, the institution of the Sacrament of Holy Communion. As Paul tells us in his First Letter to the Corinthians, “…the Lord Jesus the same night in which he was betrayed took bread: and when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat: this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me. After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me. For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do shew the Lord’s death till he come.”
At this same dinner, the disciples manage to quarrel over who should be the boss of who. Jesus tells them he came in the role of a servant, as He is their master, their role is likewise that of servants. In a move designed to reveal both His knowledge aforehand and our frailty, He tells Peter that Peter will deny Him thrice fore the cock croweth, or dawn breaks. Peter, a loyal follower, denies what will be shown as clear fact. Remember the further you let yourself get from the Lord, the weaker you are. Weakness grows with the cube of the distance. Stay close.
As the dinner goes on, Jesus tells them one of them will betray Him. Not able to grasp that any of them would literally betray Him, each asks, “Is it I?” Judas knows.
Jesus tells the disciples things are heating up, counsels them to arm themselves and goes out to pray in the garden of Gethsemane. Disciples come with Him, despite their best efforts, they fall asleep. Night has long fallen, the end of the day is near by our reckoning. The end is near for Jesus here on earth. Even nearer for Judas.
Good Friday
Good Friday was the day in which Jesus was tried by the Jews, tried by Pilate, condemned, crucified, died and was buried[3]. Except in hindsight, this was not a Good Friday at all.
In the early hours before sunup, Jesus is betrayed by the “Judas Kiss” and arrested. At sunrise, he is disowned by Peter thrice before the cock croweth. When brought before Caiaphas, the Jewish High Priest, and his Council, he is condemned. He says that he will rise from death after three days.
They hand him over to the Roman authority, Pontius Pilate, who sends him to Herod (Antipas, the son of Herod the Great). Then Pilate asks the crowd who he is to pardon: a murderer, or Jesus? The crowd chooses Barabas and Jesus is sentenced to death. Pilate’s actions made famous the line, “I wash my hands of this.” While he might have attempted to wash the guilt for the murder of the world’s one truly innocent man on to the Jews, he remains the one who condemned him to death. Pilate was nothing if not a politician and bureaucrat. The condemnation was to him the simplest solution to the problem of a Jewish hierarchy’s manufactured crowd’s anger. What was the death of one Jew to him? Yet he was worried enough to attempt to wash his hands of the guilt.
Jesus is brought to Calvary, where on the “third hour” (9 am) he is crucified. He is mocked as he hangs between the Bad Thief and the Good Thief, whom he blesses. On the “sixth hour” (noon), darkness covers the land. Jesus cries out “My God, My God, hast Thou forsaken Me? ”
After drinking wine, he commits his spirit to his Father and dies. Matthew reports an earthquake that destroys the Temple. Many understand now that Jesus was the Son of God. His body is taken down and anointed. He is buried in a new tomb donated by Joseph of Arimethea. This is the first day of death.
Holy Saturday
The Jewish Council remembers his vow to return and has the tomb guarded and sealed with a heavy stone. His followers stay in the “Easter Vigil”. Second day of death.
Easter Sunday
On the third day of death, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary find the tomb empty, but for an angel who tells them Jesus is already resurrected and is on His way to Galilee. On their way to tell the others, Jesus appears to them. Death is conquered, the Promise delivered. Our lives from this day forward are eternal!
Think about the Week that was!
The reason Jesus came to Jerusalem at the Passover was to take the place of the yearly sacrifice by one perfect sacrifice, one time, for all time and for all mankind. His was the blood marking our door that the destroyer might pass over. The week started on a triumphant note and ended up trying to do between there were windows into the future, glimpses of the past, moments of despair, moments of terror, moments of confusion; but in the end joy and the ultimate triumph.
The near future, as well as Next Sunday
2 April 2015 – Maunday Thursday – Evening Prayer – Service start time 1800 (6:00 pm); welcome or gathering songs before the service at 1745 (5:45 pm); Time 1800 (6:00 pm); Location – 10603 Burrell Way, Descanso, CA
3 April 2015 – Good Friday – Evening Prayer – Service start time 1800 (6:00 pm); welcome or gathering songs before the service at 1745 (5:45 pm); Time 1800 (6:00 pm); Location – 10603 Burrell Way, Descanso, CA
5 April 2015 – Easter Sunday – Holy Communion – SONRISE SERVICE – Service start time 1000 (10:00 am); welcome or gathering songs before the service at 0945 (9:45 am); Time 1000 (10:00 am); Location – 10603 Burrell Way, Descanso, CA
[1]As a leader Pilate failed. You can delegate authority, you cannot delegate responsibility. Pilate became the universal poster child for this concept. You cannot wash your hands of responsibility onto another. There is no scapegoat. He knew what was right and chose what was easy at the time. Like Judas his name be came a category title.
[2] Before you go on, think on the word GOOD and consider Mark 10:18 – And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God.
[3]The tomb was a new one which had been hewn for Joseph of Arimathea. Joseph, a native of Arimathea, was apparently a man of wealth, and probably a member of the Sanhedrin an “honourable counsellor, who waited (or “was searching”) for the kingdom of God”, according to John, he was secretly a disciple of Jesus. As soon as he heard the news of Jesus’ death, he “went in boldly unto Pilate, and craved the body of Jesus.” Pilate, reassured by a centurion that the death had really taken place, allowed Joseph’s request. Joseph immediately purchased fine linen and went to Golgotha to take the body down from the cross. There, assisted by Nicodemus, he took the body and wrapped it in the fine linen, sprinkling it with the myrrh and aloes that Nicodemus had brought. The body was then conveyed to the new tomb in rock in his garden nearby. There they laid it, in the presence of Mary Magdalene, Mary, the mother of Jesus, and other women, and rolled a great stone to the entrance, and departed. This was done speedily, “for the Sabbath was drawing on”. Joseph of Arimathea appears in some early New Testament apocrypha.
Although there are no written records until the fifth century, tradition holds Joseph of Arimethea, who provided the tomb for the burial of Jesus Christ, brought Christianity and the Holy Grail to England in 37 AD and built a church in Glastonbury in Somerset.