150510 AOC Sunday Report

Anglican Orthodox Church

Worldwide Communion

The Fifth Sunday after Easter

commonly called Rogation Sunday

Mother’s Day

Sunday Report


Today was the Fifth Sunday after Easter, the central event of the Christian year, the celebration of our Lord, “Christ the Lord is Risen!” commonly called Rogation Sunday.


On Mothers

On this Mother’s Day, it is very easy for us to look back at our mother’s life and think of all the things we like about our mother.  We like, it is all about our mother and what she did for us.  The pivotal thought seems to be us.  It is not about us, our / us is merely an adjective to describe a particular mother.  For motherhood is about self-sacrifice.  Putting the child’s welfare above that of the mother.


The love of the mother for her children comes with a price; yet the price paid is not without return.   The last words of almost all soldiers who die in battle are either “Mom” or “Jesus.”  There is a lesson all in of itself.


What did your mom chose?  An extra child or an extra home or trailer?  Your schooling, or her vacation without you?  Dental work for you or a new car for her?  Shoes for you or a fancy dress for her?


Jesus commanded us to follow Him, He who put our lives before His.  Who on this earth does this more consistently than mothers?


Saint James tells us in his Epistle, “Be ye doers of the word and not hearers only.” Who on this earth does this more consistently than mothers?


As Christians we need to uphold and recognize the example of sacrifice in motherhood so that we might understand the sacrifice made by God on our behalf in Jesus’ death for our sin.


Mothers Day, 10 May 2015, Anno Domini

1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. 2 Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;) 3 That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.  (Eph 6:1-3)


“What’s past is prologue” according to William Shakespeare from his play The Tempest. The phrase was originally used in The Tempest, Act 2, Scene I. Well, if the past is prologue, then it is parent to the present, and this proves true in the case of parents – fathers and mothers. None of us would be reading this if we did not have parents and, especially, mothers. Throughout history, mothers have had a greater influence on the character, manners, respect, and religious life of the man or woman than any other. Each of us has lessons learned from our mothers hidden away in our memory banks which surface when the need arises – either consciously, or subconsciously. I am no exception to that rule though I would have become a better man if I had heeded my mother’s advice earlier and more conscientiously.


I am thankful to God that I had something growing up that many children in America do not have – a two-parent home in which I, and my siblings, were dearly and sacrificially loved. My father was calm and devoted, and my mother was temperamental and sentimental. Though I owe much of my early religious education to my father, it was my mother who demonstrated her love in so many ways daily as she went about her duties as house-keeper and parent. She taught me about Christian faith by her life. She loved to garden, and she loved to travel and see the mountains and wild flowers. Above all, she loved to sing. She was no professional vocalist, but she knew more hymns and Irish folk songs than I can remember. Sometimes in surprising moments of pleasure, I will recall a line from one of those songs she used to sing merrily about the house: “Pass Me Not O Gentle Savior;” “I Come to the Garden Alone;” “Jesus Keep me Near the Cross;” “Amazing Grace;” and on and on. I also recalled just this morning some of her favorite Irish selections: “O Danny Boy;” “My Wild Irish Rose;” “I’ll Take you Home Again Kathleen;” “I wandered Today by the Mill, Maggie;” and of the “Mountains of the Mourne Sweeping down to the Sea.” I suppose that my own love of the older classics, and dislike of most all forms of modern music, were inherited from my mother’s singing.


Music is just one example of how my mother, and perhaps YOUR mother, has influenced our attitudes and even character. In my early days of military service, we were reminded that “If God wanted us to have a girl friend; He would have issued us one!” But that did not hold true for mothers. Her position is sacrosanct to each of us – even when facing an enemy on the battlefield.


The human baby is different from every other creature known to man. Colts, lambs, chicks, etc. are immediately able, at birth, to get upon their feet and walk, but not so with the baby boy or girl. The human baby is born, not only helpless, but bearing grief and trouble for its caretaker – the mother. It knows no concept of love – only greed. If it realizes a want (in the midst of its being fondled, bathed, dressed, etc), it has no patience to wait. It proclaims its dissatisfaction with wails and screams that will awaken a neighborhood. It cannot lift a finger to help itself, and demands immediate gratification for its every desire.


Where can we find a devoted creature to care for such an unlovely creature? Who will rush to change the dirty and putrid diapers of a screaming little brat? Who will run to its side at every peep? Who will go without meals and sleep in order to care for such a creature? Where will we find a caretaker that will love the child without limits, and never receive a token of love in response? The salary of such a one would be astronomical! But, as often is the case in the nature of our God, there is an exception of grace – mothers. Her love is not unlike the love of God. He first loved us so that we may love Him. He loves with an unconditional love, and so do mothers.


A mother does not fret and worry over a screaming baby believing that she will be rewarded with some great fortune in future years. She does so as an investment of love. Even if the child never returns the mother’s love – God forbid – she will nonetheless love the child as long as her heart continues to beat.


My mother passed away many years ago (on, of all things, Mother’s Day). For several years after, I would often have the urge to pick up the phone and call my mother, but then realize: “That is no longer possible.” But perhaps some who read this devotion still have mother’s that are alive in this life. If so, why not call often enough today that you will have no regrets tomorrow?


Pray often for mothers (and fathers, too) everywhere. It is the mother and father that are the nucleus of the city, state, and nation; and more importantly, the Church itself. By raising God-fearing children, they (and especially mothers) are building the kingdom of Heaven:  Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.  (Mark 10:14-15)


HAPPY MOTHERS DAY and God bless mothers everywhere!

Jerry L. Ogles

Presiding Bishop

Anglican Orthodox Church Worldwide


Rogation Sunday

The fifth Sunday after Easter is commonly called Rogation Sunday from the words in the Gospel appointed for the day: “Whatever you ask the Father in my name, he will give to you”. (The Latin is ‘Rogare’ – to ask.)  In the strictly biblical context, the chief thing to ask for is the spirit of God to enable us to be true children of God. 


In the Western Catholic Churches, including the older Anglican traditions particularly before the Reformation and in some higher churches afterwards, processions to bless the crops and to include “beating the bounds”, developed from the old Roman rites of “Robigalia” (“robigo”: Latin for “rust” or “mould”), when prayers would be offered to the deity for crops to be spared from mildew. 


Today the emphasis has shifted.  Asking for God’s blessing on growing crops in fields and gardens, and on young lambs and calves remain.  In the agricultural cycle, the main themes are seed sowing and the tending of the young plants and animals. This does not pre-suppose that all sowing takes place around Rogation.  Sowing is done all the year round, as does the birth and rearing of the young.  It is convenient to fix on one particular festival the time to remember these before God in a public way.


In the Northern Hemisphere, Rogation Sunday takes place in the springtime, when there is a renewing of the earth. In this country, it follows Easter, the season of resurrection. Renewal and resurrection therefore are also underlying themes of this occasion.


But, there is far more to the day than that.  The real meaning is in rogare.  If you don’t ask, you won’t get.  You have to ask God in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for what you want so that you can get what you need.  You have to ask.  Then, once you get what you need, act of the gift and thank God for that gift.


Remember “Ask and ye shall receive.” 



On Point

Someone asked, where do the quotes come from?  The answer is from the people who uttered them.  But, how did you find them?  Oh, that.  Some from Bishop Jerry, many from Rev Bryan Dabney, a few from other places, some from Rev Geordie Menzies-Grierson, but overall mostly from Bryan.  He always has some great ones to share.  On to the On Point quotes –


The Easy Way?

Teachers will tell you that the laziest boy in the class is the one who works hardest in the end. They mean this. If you give two boys, say, a proposition in geometry to do, the one who is prepared to take trouble will try to understand it. The lazy boy will try to learn it by heart because, for the moment, that needs less effort. But six months later, when they are preparing for an exam, that lazy boy is doing hours and hours of miserable drudgery over things the other boy understands, and positively enjoys, in a few minutes. Laziness means more work in the long run. Or look at it this way. In a battle, or in mountain climbing, there is often one thing which it takes a lot of pluck to do; but it is also, in the long run, the safest thing to do. If you funk it, you will find yourself, hours later, in far worse danger. The cowardly thing is also the most dangerous thing.


It is like that here. The terrible thing, the almost impossible thing, is to hand over your whole self—all your wishes and precautions—to Christ. But it is far easier than what we are all trying to do instead. For what we are trying to do is to remain what we call ‘ourselves’, to keep personal happiness as our great aim in life, and yet at the same time be ‘good’. We are all trying to let our mind and heart go their own way — centred on money or pleasure or ambition—and hoping, in spite of this, to behave honestly and chastely and humbly. And that is exactly what Christ warned us you could not do. As He said, a thistle cannot produce figs. If I am a field that contains nothing but grass-seed, I cannot produce wheat. Cutting the grass may keep it short: but I shall still produce grass and no wheat. If I want to produce wheat, the change must go deeper than the surface. I must be ploughed up and re-sown.

Jack Lewis

Mere Christianity



No amount of falls will really undo us if we keep picking our- selves up each time. We shall of course be very muddy and tattered children by the time we reach home. But the bathrooms are all ready, the towels put out, & the clean clothes are in the airing cupboard. The only fatal thing is to lose one’s temper and give it up. It is when we notice the dirt that God is most present in us; it is the very sign of His presence.

Jack Lewis

The Collected Letters of CS Lewis, Volume II


On Love

Even while we kill and punish we must try to feel about the enemy as we feel about ourselves—to wish that he were not bad, to hope that he may, in this world or another, be cured: in fact, to wish his good. That is what is meant in the Bible by loving him: wishing his good, not feeling fond of him nor saying he is nice when he is not.

Jack Lewis

Mere Christianity


Live or Die

I was going to say I wished we’d never come. But I don’t, I don’t, I don’t. Even if we are killed. I’d rather be killed fighting for Narnia than grow old and stupid at home and perhaps go about in a bath-chair and then die in the end just the same.

Jack Lewis

The Last Battle


Right and Wrong

There is no maxim in my opinion which is more liable to be misapplied, and which therefore needs elucidation than the current one that the interest of the majority is the political standard of right and wrong.

James Madison

letter to James Monroe, 1786


The Worst Things in Life

TO MARY VAN DEUSEN, who had written him of her diagnosis of cancer: On his empathy for her and even more for those in her situation who do not have faith; on the right to happiness; and on how fear of cancer may be worse than the reality of cancer.


9 October 1955


I have just got your letter of the 3rd. The news which it contained came like a thunderbolt—especially as the letter began (and it was rather wonderful that it did begin) on such a trivial subject as my book. And if that first sentence flattered my egoism, imagine how I was rebuked when I came to the next, and was suddenly brought up against the real great issues.


It is difficult to write because you must know by now what I do not yet know. I can’t tell whether I am writing to one who is giving thanks for an escape (oh how I hope you are in that position) or to one who is right up against the Cross. Thank heaven it is His Cross and not merely ours. I was most struck by your saying ‘It doesn’t seem too bad: for me, that is.’ So I am sure you are being supported. (What must such a situation be to those who are the majority, who have no faith, who have never thought of death, and to whom all affliction is a mere meaningless, monstrous interruption of a worldly happiness to which they feel they have a right?)


God bless and keep you: and your husband too. You will indeed, indeed, be in my prayers. I once had a bad scare about cancer myself, so that part I can, I think, imagine. But of course it is now, for you, either better or worse than a scare. If the reality is worse. At any rate it must be different. (The Litany [in the Book of Common Prayer] distinguishes ‘thine agony and blood sweat’ from ‘Thy cross and passion’, the fear from the reality). You know how I shall await your next letter.

Jack Lewis

The Collected Letters of CS Lewis, Volume III



Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclination, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.

John Adams

in Defense of the British Soldiers on trial for the Boston Massacre, 1770



The White House

“I pray heaven to bestow the best of blessing on this house, and on all that shall hereafter inhabit it. May none but honest and wise men ever rule under this roof!” —John Adams

Second President of the United States

the first to inhabit the White House, which was not yet white

letter to his wife Abigail, 1800



I am not influenced by the expectation of promotion or pecuniary reward. I wish to be useful, and every kind of service necessary for the public good, become honorable by being necessary.

Nathan Hale



Foreigners will generally be apt to bring with them attachments to the persons they have left behind; to the country of their nativity; and to its particular customs and manners. They will also entertain opinions on government congenial with those under which they have lived; or if they should be led hither from a preference to ours, how extremely unlikely is it that they will bring with them that temperate love of liberty, so essential to real republicanism?

Alexander Hamilton


But thou O LORD, shalt endure for ever; and thy remembrance unto all generations.

Psalm 102:12


Verily, I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.

St. Mark 10:15


I am the bread of life. Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, and are dead.

St. John 6:48-49


For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.

II Corinthians 5:1


It is therefore far better to have but a little of the world, to keep up communion with God, and enjoy him in it, and live by faith, than to have the greatest plenty and live without God in the world.

Matthew Henry

17th and 18th century English pastor and author


The man who has the clearest view of God’s requirements will have the highest sense of the value of Christ’s atoning blood.

JC Ryle

19th century Anglican bishop and author


Perhaps one day this too will be pleasant to remember.


1st century AD Roman poet


Today Americans would be outraged if UN troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government.

Henry Kissinger

20th century American Secretary of State and globalist


The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the law of God, and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence.

John Adams

Founding Father and Second President of the United States.



Each Sunday there are Propers: special prayers and readings from the Bible.  There is a Collect for the Day; that is a single thought prayer, most written either before the re-founding of the Church of England in the 1540s or written by Bishop Thomas Cranmer, the first Archbishop of Canterbury after the re-founding. 


The Collect for the Day is to be read on Sunday and during Morning and Evening Prayer until the next Sunday. The Epistle is normally a reading from one of the various Epistles, or letters, in the New Testament.  The Gospel is a reading from one of the Holy Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.  The Collect is said by the minister as a prayer, the Epistle can be read by either a designated reader (as we do in our church) or by one of the ministers and the Holy Gospel, which during the service in our church is read by an ordained minister.


The propers are the same each year, except if a Red Letter Feast, that is one with propers in the prayerbook, falls on a Sunday, then those propers are to be read instead, except in a White Season, where it is put off.  Red Letter Feasts, so called because in the Altar Prayerbooks the titles are in red, are special days.  Most of the Red Letter Feasts are dedicated to early saints instrumental in the development of the church, others to special events.  Some days are particularly special and the Collect for that day is to be used for an octave (eight days) or an entire season, like Advent or Lent.


The Propers for today are found on Page 175-176, with the Collect first:


The Collect for The Fifth Sunday after Easter,

commonly called Rogation Sunday.

The Collect.



 LORD, from whom all good things do come; Grant to us thy humble servants, that by thy holy inspiration we may think those things that are good, and by thy merciful guiding may perform the same; through our Lord Jesus Christ.  Amen.


The Epistle for today came from the First Chapter of the General Epistle of Saint James beginning at the Twenty-Second Verse. Saint James tells us not to just talk about being Christians, but to act on those beliefs and do things.  We act in accordance with the principles set forth by Christ.  We gain our salvation through the freely given gift of Grace by our Lord Jesus Christ.   Once given, and accepted; if we truly accept the gift, it will be evident in our actions.


St. James reminds us we not only must:


  • Talk the Talk;


  • Walk the Walk.


    We do not gain eternal life and salvation by our good works here on earth, but only by the Grace of God, through His Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ.  Through Christ our sins are atoned for that we might go to heaven.  True enough, but we demonstrate our attempt to follow his instructions by our works here on earth.  Remember, it is by only by our actions we are we truly known.



E ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: for he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was. But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed. If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man’s religion is vain. Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.


Today’s Holy Gospel came from the Sixteenth Chapter of the Gospel according to Saint John beginning at the Twenty-Third Verse. Jesus told his disciples that when they pray to the Father, they should ask in His Name and what they asked for would be given.  But, you must ask to receive.  Jesus told us not to ask Him to pray to the Father, but rather that we pray directly to the Father, asking for what we will in His name, because God loves us because we love Jesus.  This explains why many of our prayers end in, “we ask all this in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,” or similar words.  So, if we are to if we are not to ask Jesus to pray for us, why would we ask “saints” and such.   We can talk directly to God and we are supposed to!


Jesus went on to say the forces of this world would scatter the disciples, they would be alone in the world.  Yet like Jesus, they would not be abandoned by all; He would be with them, as would the Father.  For as always, the Father is with them, as He is with Him; as He is with us.



ERILY, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you. Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full. These things have I spoken unto you in proverbs: but the time cometh, when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs, but I shall shew you plainly of the Father. At that day ye shall ask in my name: and I say not unto you, that I will pray the Father for you: for the Father himself loveth you, because ye have loved me, and have believed that I came out from God. I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world: again, I leave the world, and go to the Father. His disciples said unto him, Lo, now speakest thou plainly, and speakest no proverb. Now are we sure that thou knowest all things, and needest not that any man should ask thee: by this we believe that thou camest forth from God. Jesus answered them, Do ye now believe? Behold, the hour cometh, yea, is now come, that ye shall be scattered, every man to his own, and shall leave me alone: and yet I am not alone, because the Father is with me. These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.


Bishop Ogles’ Sermon

Bishop Jerry is on travel today visiting a very very sick dear friend Herb McCormick; pray for safe travel for him and God to work through him in Herb.


Sermon – Reverend Jack Arnold – Time and Action

Church of the Faithful Centurion – Descanso, California

Today’s sermon brought the Collect, Epistle and Gospel together and is partly contained in the forewords above. 


We are in the Easter Season which consists of Easter and the following four Sundays, until we get to Rogation Sunday.  This is a time we should work on centering our lives on the central figure in our religion, Jesus Christ.


Consider these words from the Collect:


by thy holy inspiration we may think those things that are good, and by thy merciful guiding may perform the same


As we near the Ascension and thus Pentecost and the arrival of the Holy Ghost, we ask for God’s “holy inspiration we may think those things that are good”, that is to say help from the Holy Ghost so we might direct our souls to the things we cannot see as good without His Help.   Once we see them, we need His “merciful guiding may perform the same…”.  After all, what good is it to know what we should do, if we won’t, can’t or don’t do it?


That brings us right to Saint James’ point, we gain our salvation through the freely given gift of Grace by our Lord Jesus Christ.   Once given, it must be accepted.  If we truly accept the gift, it will be evident in our actions.  Our actions should reflect that we are a hearer and a doer of the Word, and not just a hearer only. If you are going to be a Christian, the key is right there – BE.  Being requires action, not just diction.  Many can talk the talk, but will they walk the walk too? Being a Christian requires doing both, which may be very difficult sometimes, but it must be done. It is the only way that we will have salvation, through Christ, but yet we must be with Him, by acting for Him. If you are going to be a Christian, what you say is of little import to what you DO.  Do your actions reflect God’s image or that of the other guy?  Who do you put first?  Pretty basic questions that often we don’t like the answer to. But they must be answered nevertheless, all the same.


We must align our lives to be able to show people that we do follow Christ. There are too many people that claim to be Christians, that are not, because their lives do not reflect their stated belief. We must not let this happen. We must show the truth of John 14:6  “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”


Without Christs’ guiding light, we are not on the path to holiness and righteousness. We must show this in our lives, by living and breathing His Word, and using His Word to guide us throughout our lives. This is important to our souls for our spiritual health, and as well as our physical health too. We need all the Help of the Holy Ghost to keep us on this path. How do we keep on this path?


We find a lot of help in John’s words, he give us insight into things that none of the other disciples do.  We need help.  We pray for help. Pray for help that we might act, and that is how we keep on the straight, narrow and uphill path.  So, what about prayer?  Let’s start with who do we pray to?


Jesus is pretty clear.  Don’t pray to Him, pray to God.  Feel free to use His Name.  Pray to God in His Name.  In effect, we are CC’ing (Carbon copying, to use an electronic mail (email) term.) Jesus in our prayers. We are not to put Him in the To: line, but the CC line. Not addressing Him directly, but to address God directly with Jesus copied, as it were. He tells us God loves us because we love Jesus.   But, pray to God. I think that not many people have ever understood this part of scripture, as I have heard people pray to Jesus when he is not the correct person to address your prayers to. He specifically tells us to direct the prayers to His Father, who can better help us.


If that is the case, seems like it pretty much rules out praying to Saint Bob, does it not? If we can’t pray to Jesus, why would we be praying to a Saint,, we be praying to a  human, who we may or may not put any trust in. But if we pray to God, we can be certain that he will answer us, and even if we don’t like the answer, we know that is the course we will have to take. It doesn’t matter if we like God’s answer or not, we still have to listen to it, and do it anyway, knowing it will be the right path in the end. We will always have some sort of a struggle with this in our lives, but if we turn to God, He will help us win our struggle.


We have to realize what we truly need and ask that He will open our hearts, minds and souls to His answer, that we might act upon His answer. The critical portion is that we act upon the answer that we are given, to do our best for Him and that our friends, family and coworkers and neighbors might see the light we shine for Him. We must show others not just through our words, but through our actions that we truly belong to Christs’ flock. We must show great love for our fellow man, even to the point of death, through our actions, to reflect Christs’ love for us, that He too loved us even to the point of death.


So, pray to God, ask for what you want in Jesus Name.  He always listens and He always delivers.  The problem for us is that what He delivers is what we need, not necessarily what we want. Our wants and our needs are different, they are almost always never the same. But we should want what we need, and God will help us understand that, if we be a doer and a hearer of His Word. He will always give us what we need, but will we listen to what He wants us to do?


Need and want, they are both four letter words, oft used interchangeably, which do not mean the same thing.


God’s Will is always done, we just don’t understand.  Accept what happens as acceptable, so long as you have done all you can.  In the end, all that counts is where you go when you leave here.  That depends on your actions in following Jesus’ instructions.  If you believe, you are safe.  Now and forever.


  • Talk the Talk;


  • Walk the Walk.


It is an uphill trail.  The easy downhill trail does not lead to the summit.


The time is now, not tomorrow.  The time has come, indeed.  How will you ACT?


It is by our actions we are known.


Be of God – Live of God – Act of God


Bishop Dennis Campbell’s Sermon

Bishop Dennis is a brilliant speaker.  He is able to take biblical precepts and make them perfectly understandable, even to me.  Oft he provides the text of his sermons and I take the utmost pleasure in passing them on:



James 1:22

Rogation Sunday

May 10, 2015


Any job worth doing is worth doing well. Always finish what you start. Don’t do anything halfway. Did you ever hear those words when you were growing up? Did you ever say them to your children when they were growing up? When you heard them, did you ever think to yourself, “it doesn’t matter if I do this job halfway. It’s not that important. It doesn’t have to be done well.” If you ever had those thoughts, I’m fairly sure you kept them to yourself, I’m fairly sure you never said them out loud, at least not to your parents.  But, of course, sometimes that was true, wasn’t it? Sometimes you can do things halfway and it doesn’t matter. No harm is done if you eat potatoes that are half-baked.   But, sometimes it does matter,  Much harm could come from eating half baked pork roast. When God brought Israel out of Egypt, some of them did not go all the way to the Promised Land. What happened to them? They died in the wilderness. They didn’t finish the journey, so they never got to the Promised Land.


Being a Christian is one of those things that cannot be done halfway[1].  A man told the Apostle Paul, “almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.”  Well, almost doesn’t work.  To almost become a Christian is to not become a Christian.  This year marks my fortieth year in the ministry.  During that time I have seen many people make a seemingly good start in the Christian faith, only to fall away later in life.  Yesterday I listened to a radio program talk about the very large number of people who are raised in the Church, who make very credible professions of faith, and who seem to be living the Christian life in their youth, but leave the faith when they enter the work force, or college or even high school.  The announcers were asking why this happens.  They said it is because the sinfulness in them just is too strong for them to overcome.  Or the devil gets a hold of them and drags them back into unbelief.  Or the culture today is toxic to faith, and eats it away like acid on metal.  I think all of those things are true, and I would add that such people think it is more fun[2], and much easier to be an unbeliever than a believer.  Unbelievers don’t have to avoid sin.  They don’t have to discipline themselves to pray, read the Bible, or go to Church.  And they don’t have to give money to the Church.  They can spend all of their time and money on their hobbies and personal indulgences.


I’ve also known many who don’t actually give up the faith entirely, at least they don’t think they do.  They simply give in to their whims and natural inclinations, and drop out of the visible Church.  You will hear some of them say they love Christ, but can’t stand the Church.  Some will say they don’t have to go to Church to be a Christian.  Others say they can worship God anywhere.


I am somewhat sympathetic.  I know some Christians are hard to endure.  And it is true that we can, and should worship God outside of the Church.  But that does not mean we are not required by God to worship Him in, and as part of a Biblical Church.  I have to tell you that walking away from the Church is walking away from God.  The Church is the body of Christ.  The Church is the family of God.  The Church is the bride of Christ. What happens to a body part that is removed from the body?  What happens to a branch that is removed from the vine?  What happens to a wife who leaves her husband? What happens to a part of the body of Christ that removes itself from Him? 


Why do people really leave the Church any way?  I’m not talking about people who leave apostate bodies that have left the faith.  We ought to leave such “churches.” Why do people leave real, Biblical churches?  John says they go out from us because they are not really part of us.  They go out of the Church because they love the world more than they love God, and they want to enjoy the pleasures of sin without being accountable to a church.  Listen, please, allowing yourself to linger in wilful sin and disobedience to God is to become like those Hebrew slaves who gladly followed God out of Egypt, but would not go into the promised land.  It is to be a Demas rather than a Paul.  Look up Demas in your Bible this evening.


The Apostle James wrote about people who look into the perfect law of liberty.  There can be no doubt that this law of liberty is the Law of God.  In His Law we find the way of life and happiness and peace, if we keep it. “The Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.”  On another level, the law of liberty is Christ Himself.  He is the perfect revelation of the will of God, as taught in the Law, just as He is the revelation of perfect obedience.  We look into Christ, and we see who we ought to be.  But looking into Christ also shows us who we are.  It shows us where we fall short.  It is as though His perfection is so bright it reflects our own flaws back to us.  In fact James even uses the image of a mirror.  Looking into Christ, like looking into a mirror shows us what manner of person we are.  On yet another level the law of liberty is the Bible, the Word of God..  We meet Christ in the Bible.  We know His will because we read it in the Bible.


James goes on to say that if we are hearers, but are not doers of the word, we go away and forget what manner of person we are.  We forget that we are sinners.  We forget there is much, much, much work to be done in our lives.  We forget there are wicked desires, bad attitudes, unbridled lusts, and blinding pride in our hearts that need to be changed.  Actually, “changed” is too mild a word for these things.  They need to be crucified.  They need to be starved and beaten, and nailed to a cross until they die.  The reason that is so hard is that these things are part of us.  So a part of us must die, spiritually speaking.  The old things of sin must die and be buried so we can live in and through and for Christ.  Most people don’t want to crucify their sin, and that is the real reason they leave the faith, and leave the Church.


This looking into the law of liberty, and this hearing the word of God is not a casual glance, or cursory reading of the Bible.  This is a serious look that intends to learn of Christ and become a perpetual learner, or, disciple, or, follower of Christ.  But look what happens to some people.  They close the Bible, and they go away, and they forget about the changes that need to be made in their lives.  In other words, they don’t do anything about really following Christ.  They seemed to make a good start.  They seemed to love the Word.  They seriously studied the Bible.  Maybe they still do.  They seriously prayed.  Maybe they still do.  Maybe they still do religious things, but they don’t really follow Christ.  They only follow on their terms, not His.  They start the life of faith, but they don’t finish it.  They start on the road to Heaven, but they don’t go all the way.  They become comfortable about themselves.  They excuse their lack of followship and lack of full obedience.  They say, “I’m fine where I am.  God will forgive me for not going further.  He will let me into Heaven.  I don’t need to go on to real obedience.”


James says those who are not doers of the word deceive themselves.  How are they deceiving themselves?  By choosing to believe they are Christians, when, in reality, they are not.  That is the deception.  The idea that we can continue in our sins, not repenting, not following Christ, not living for Him, and still be Christians, still be saved, and still go to Heaven is a lie.


Such a person is called double-minded in James 1:8.  He believes, and he doubts.  He wants to go to Heaven, but he doesn’t want to crucify his sins.  He wants the blessings of God’s grace without the cross of obedience.  And it just doesn’t work.  We need to give serious time to prayers like the Collect for today, especially that we may think, meaning know and aspire to, those things that are good, and by His merciful guiding may perform the same; through our Lord Jesus Christ.

+Dennis Campbell

Bishop, Anglican Orthodox Church Diocese of Virginia

Rector, Holy Trinity Anglican Orthodox Church

Powhatan, Virginia




Roy Morales-Kuhn, Bishop and Pastor – St. Paul’s Anglican Church – Anglican Orthodox Church

Bishop Roy is pastor of the biggest AOC parish West of the Mississippi and is in charge of the Diocese of the Epiphany. 


Fifth Sunday after Epiphany

Mothers Day

10 May 2015

Psalm 67 • Ezekiel 34:25-31• Luke 11:1-13


God be merciful unto us.



 Lord, from whom all good things do come; Grant to us thy humble servants, that by thy holy inspiration we may think those things that are good, and by thy merciful guiding may perform the same; through our Lord Jesus Christ.       Amen


Happy Mother’s Day!


Although the origin of Mother’s Day maybe from a more sentimental time, it still is appropriate to remember our mothers. 


The traditional scripture for Mother’s Day is usually the last chapter of Proverbs. There is great merit in those words recorded so many centuries ago.  Today I would like to look another direction when it comes to praising mothers and the great responsibilities they have been tasked with as one half of a whole that is the ideal that God created in the Garden.   Fathers, you will get a similar charge next month on your special day.


There many times the Bible speaks of mothers.  Whether it is Mary the mother of Jesus, Sarah the mother of Isaac, Hannah the mother of Samuel, Elizabeth the mother of John the baptizer, or Lois and Eunice the grandmother and mother of Timothy; all these mothers are honored in the Bible.


I like biographies. These women, these mothers mentioned here all have a biography. Each one has a story to inspire future generations, not only mothers, mothers to be, but also ladies who can be spiritual mothers even if they have no children of their own, in each biography something positive can be found. 


The bios of Sarah, Hannah and Elizabeth all included a longing for fulfillment.  With each woman there was no human hope that they would ever be mothers.  Each one of them was barren and in the case of Sarah and Elizabeth, they were way past the child-bearing age.  In Hannah’s case we read she would go on to have five more children, that in itself a great blessing to she and her husband.


 From Sarah’s son Isaac would come Jacob, he would father the founders of the twelve tribes of Israel. If you follow the story on through time this will include the coming Savior of the world, Jesus Christ. 


Go back and read about Hannah’s son Samuel. He will eventually anoint David king of Israel.  If you read the writings of David you will discover that he will prophecies the coming Savior, Jesus Christ.   Our psalm for today, 67, is a direct reference to the blessing that will come from and through the children of Israel.



od be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause his face to shine upon us; Selah.

2 That thy way may be known upon earth, thy saving health among all nations.

3 Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee.

4 O let the nations be glad and sing for joy: for thou shalt judge the people righteously, and govern the nations upon earth. Selah.

5 Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee.

6 Then shall the earth yield her increase; and God, even our own God, shall bless us.

7 God shall bless us; and all the ends of the earth shall fear him.


Now let us look at the life and times of Elizabeth, the mother of John the baptizer.  She and her husband were very faithful, he was a member of the temple court. He served at the temple on a annual schedule that was selected by casting of lots.  Zechariah and Elizabeth had no children, they were both past their prime, they were disappointed at having no children, and yet they faithfully served the Lord.  Then Zechariah while on duty at the temple is visited by the angel Gabriel who informed him of the coming birth of his son. Gabriel even told him what the boy’s name was going to be; John.


So many miraculous things were happening surrounding the great announcements of motherhood in this story.    Elizabeth is blessed with a miracle pregnancy, her cousin is blessed as the one chosen to bear the Christ child.   Notice all these interesting happenings.  ‘ ..for with God nothing shall be impossible..’ (Referencing the pregnancy of Elizabeth many years passed child bearing age).  ‘…and it came to past, that, when Elizabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost..’    “…blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb…”   So many miraculous things happening at the time and all having to do with motherhood.   The very blessings that we should always remember and honor our own mothers with, the best years of their lives they gave for us.


Now our final two ‘mother’ biographies.  Lois and Eunice.  Grandmother and mother of one of the early bishops of the new church.   St. Paul reminds Timothy of the great legacy his mother and grandmother gave him.  A stable, sure, godly, peaceful upbringing, something many of our children today do not have.  These two women were recognized for the wonderful ministry they provided by their lives and examples. The godly behavior, the spiritual guidance, the sure and steady way they provided for their son and grandson all excellent examples for mothers today to follow.   Biblical biographies can provide so much. We can be encouraged to stay the course, to continue even in the face of what seems to be the victories of the world of evil, and yet through it all we can know that victory is ours and ‘God shall bless us; and all the ends of the earth shall fear him.


For those of us who can, let us bless our mothers this day, let us thank them for all they did and are still doing to help us lead a spiritual life of victory.


Let us pray:



 ALMIGHTY God, who art a strong tower of defence unto thy servants against the face of their enemies; We yield thee praise and thanksgiving for our deliverance from those great and apparent dangers wherewith we were compassed. We acknowledge it thy goodness that we were not delivered over as a prey unto them; beseeching thee still to continue such thy mercies towards us, that all the world may know that thou art our Savior and mighty Deliverer through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Rev Bryan Dabney of Saint John’s Sunday Sermon

We are fortunate to have Bryan’s Sunday Sermon.  If you want people to come to The Truth, you have to speak the truth, expouse the truth and live the truth.    This is really a good piece and I commend it to your careful reading.


Fifth Sunday after Easter


In our gospel lesson we find our Lord’s parting remarks to the disciples prior to his arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane (St. John 16:23-33). Even though they had just expressed their belief in his divine nature (v.30), our Lord questioned their faith saying, Do ye believe? The meaning is patently obvious. He knew that their faith was weak and that it hung on only so long as he was in their presence. He was about to be taken from them in a few hours, and afterwards, they would flee from him in fear for their own lives. He even tells them so, but not to condemn them. No, such was to serve as a reminder for them later, that they might have his peace which would assist them in facing the trials which lay ahead. He then concluded our lesson with these words: In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.


But what did he mean by this last remark?


The eminent Christian pastor and author, Matthew Henry, once opined that, “It is the will of Christ that his disciples should have peace within, whatever their troubles may be without. Peace in Christ is the only true peace, and in him alone believers have it.”


Tribulation is often defined as trouble, suffering or affliction. Our Lord foresaw the troubles which lay before him, as St. Paul explained concerning his sacrifice, …who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds (Hebrews 12:2b-3). Our Lord saw before him the joy of being once again seated next to the Father. He looked beyond the pain and shame of the cross to that glorious moment when he would come again into the heavenly precincts, having won the victory for his elect over the powers of sin and death.


Still the notion of tribulation, or trouble in this life, is unsettling because no one likes to be troubled in spirit, much less in the body. Sadly, few will appeal to God through Christ to take away their troubles. They are not willing to receive that peace which God offers to assist them in coping with whatever troubles they are facing. God calls his own to be patient, and to rest in him. God desires us to wait upon him for he has our best interests at heart. Consider the words of Moses to the children of Israel at the shores of the Red Sea, Fear not. Stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD! (Exodus 14:13). God will indeed be there for us if we are willing to be there for him— by patiently waiting on him to act. Nevertheless, such is often difficult for us to do, especially when we are in the midst of tribulation. For it is in those moments that our human nature calls on us to do everything but wait upon the LORD.


Many more times than we would like to admit, a good portion of our troubles and afflictions were brought on as a result of our own negligences and trespasses. Do we enquire of our own selves concerning whether or not we had a hand in their creation? Too often, God is slighted by those who have set the stage for their own troubles and then blame him when he does not end their suffering.


Additionally, it might be of interest to note that God uses trouble and tribulation to bring about our growth in the faith. He tests us and guides us because he has a purpose for us. He also uses such to keep us humble. As Daniel (4:1-37) wrote of King Nebuchadnezzar, we are tempted by the wicked forces of this world to see ourselves as the author of our own good fortune. We may stand and survey the comforts and successes of the moment as being of our own efforts as we resist giving God the glory. It is then that God takes away those things which we have so pridefully attributed to our mere efforts. And as he strips away our vain thoughts, he also takes away those idols which we had erected to take his place in our hearts. He will bring us to our knees seeking his forgiveness for our sins.


Nevertheless, some are stiff-necked and will no doubt blame God for their troubles. But before one sets his or her mind on blaming God for their problems, ponder this: If God did not love you, he would let you march right on your merry way out of his divine protection and into an eternity of separation from him. Therefore, count it all for joy when you lose your idols. For if you are placing anything ahead of the Godhead, you are in idolatry, and God does not tolerate idolaters.


Our Lord encouraged the disciples to be of good cheer because he had overcome the world. We need to be of the same mind. Being of good cheer does not mean that when trouble and tribulation come that we say “Oh goody. I am in tribulation.” Rather we should remember that great good which lies before us in the God’s kingdom, and be cheered in our hearts knowing that he has won for us the victory over all tribulation and trouble. If we are regenerated beings in Christ, we will have the seal of God upon our foreheads. When he comes again, we will hear his voice and instantly recognize it. What joy there will be for all born-again believers in Jesus Christ. It will be beyond any expression other than a shout. The pains and sorrows of this life will fade away never to return to our memory as God will wipe away every tear and comfort and bind up our various hurts so that we are perfected in body and in spirit.


God did not intend for his own to suffer from the ill effects of sin. Nevertheless, we are told that in this world we will have tribulation and trouble. Therefore, keep yourselves wholly unto the Lord, and lean not upon the flesh. Keep your spiritual armor on and in good condition. I remember when I was a soldier, I was told that my weapon and equipment would save my life, and that of my fellow soldiers. We were admonished at every turn to clean and care for them daily. Tarnish and rust were our enemies as much as any adversary we would likely face. The same is true for the regenerate believer. As St. Paul noted in II Corinthians 13:5, Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates? Self-judgment follows self-examination. As the old expression goes, “Better make sure that you are on the right side of the river” is sage advice for a regenerate Christian. The unregenerate and the reprobate do not have a clue about where they are in relation to God. So when tribulations come, they are overwhelmed by them. Nevertheless we know that when we face such, we have a friend in Jesus Christ who will assist and guide us through the valley of the shadow of death to green pastures and still waters. What a God! What a Saviour!


Let us pray,



ather, give us minds and hearts that are truly inclined to do thy will; and that via our witness, others might see and be turned into thy fold; for this we ask in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.


Have a blessed week, Bryan+


Guest Sermon – Rev Charles W. Anderson

Rev. Charles Anderson is the Directing Pastor at University United Methodist Church in San Antonio, Texas.  Their church is not close in form to the AOC and holds views we do not, but this sermon seems on point in today’s world:


The Truth of Spiritual Warfare

Ephesians 6:10-17

26 March 2015


10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.


11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.


12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.


13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.


14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;


15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;


16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.


17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:


When John Ortberg’s parents were first married they did not have much money.  And even though she knew that, his mom nevertheless often wanted to buy new clothes.  John’s Dad would always say to her, “Now Cathy, you just have to resist the temptation. That’s the devil.  You just have to resist.”


            Well, one day his dad came home, and – lo and behold – she had bought another dress.  He said, “Cathy, I thought you were going to say this time when you were tempted, and you were trying on a new dress, ‘Get thee behind me, Satan!’”


            Cathy said, “Well, I did, but he said, ‘Well, it looks pretty good from behind here, too.’”


            I am reminded of that story this morning, because I suspect it embodies one of two attitudes most of us have about the active evil – what we sometimes called spiritual warfare.   On the one hand, there’s the attitude that sees a demonic disturbance at every turn in life.  Shopping a dress becomes more than shopping a dress – “get thee behind me, Satan”


            On the other hand, there’s the attitude which believes that the devil (if there is a devil) deserves nothing more than a good-humored wink. “Well, I did, but he said, ‘Well, it looks pretty good from behind here, too.’”  It’s treated more as silly than serious.


            And this may be an appropriate place to start as we deal this morning with what might be called “the reality of demonality.”  The reality of demonality – yes, I just made that word up. But I think it cuts straight to the heart of what the Bible dares to speak of this morning. 


            Paul writes, “Our struggle is not against enemies of blood and flesh, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” The context of Paul’s words is conflict.  He uses the word “against” five times in one sentence; this is about a conflict against all that is good, right, and true in life.  This is the story of all the worst that stands against all our best.


            And, according to Paul, what stands against us is organized, supernatural, cosmic, bigger than any of us.  This is what I mean by “the reality of demonality.”  Paul’s not afraid to use language that you and I may be unfamiliar with, or even uncomfortable – devil, cosmic powers, darkness, spiritual forces of evil.   Unseen powers to be sure, but unseen doesn’t mean unreal.


            I’ve been reading Philip Yancey’s new book, “Vanishing Grace.”  In it Yancey tells of a conversation he had with a retired pastor.  During World War II, this pastor as a young soldier had participated in the liberation of the Dachau concentration camp.  Philip asked him about his experience.  For the next twenty minutes he recalled the sights, the sounds, the smells that greeted his unit as they marched through the gates of Dachau.


            He said, “A buddy and I were assigned one boxcar. Inside were human bodies stacked in neat rows, exactly like firewood.  Most were corpses, but a few still had a faint pulse.  Our job was like moving furniture.  We picked up each body and carried it to a designated area.  I spent two hours in the boxcar, two hours that included every known negative emotion: rage, pity, shame, revulsion.  They came in waves, all but the rage.  It stayed, fueling our work.”


            He then told about a fellow soldier named Chuck.  Chuck was told to escort twelve SS officers in charge of Dachau to an interrogation area.  A minute later the crew working the boxcars heard a machine gun go off in three long bursts of fire.  Soon Chuck came strolling out, smoke still curling from his weapon.  He smirked and said, “They all tried to run away.”


            Did anyone report what Chuck did or take action? The old man said, “No, and that’s what got to me.  It was on that day that I felt called by God to become a pastor.  First there was the horror of the corpses in the boxcar.  I did not know such Absolute Evil existed.  But when I saw it, I know that I must spend my life serving whatever opposed such Evil – serving God.”


            “Then came the incident with Chuck.  I had the nauseating fear that the captain might call on me to escort the next group of SS guards, and an even more dreaded fear that if he did, I might do the same as Chuck.  The beast that was within those guards was also within me.”


            Now, listen to Paul once more: ” For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” 


            Well, the reality of evil keeps intruding on our sophisticated sensibilities.  There is the beast beyond us, and there is also the beast within us.


            Which is what Jesus himself knew, remember?  The Lord’s Prayer.  “Lead us not into temptation” – in other words, protects us from the evil that we do.  “But deliver us from evil” – protect us from the evil done to us.  Lord save us from the beast outside and the beast within.


The Bible knows that things are not right in our world or in us.  It’s as if something or someone has organized things against God.  No explanation for things like Columbine High School, 9/11, or ISIS – or pornography or chemical abuse or pathological hatred of another person – no explanation quite chins the pole except that of a malignant malevolence slithering through right under radar.  It’s call evil, and evil is large, cosmic, and organized. Evil is more than human, and the struggle in which we find ourselves is real and dangerous.


And yet, while the world is not a neutral playing field, neither is it a level one either.  Verse 10 – ” Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.  Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.”  Paul says you and I live between the supernatural opposition of evil and the superior resources of God.  The supernatural opposition of evil and the superior resources of God.  Evil can seem so overpowering, but there’s a difference between having the home field and having the upper hand.  And so the Paul says, be strong in God – give up your power for the power that belongs solely to God, because maybe – maybe the beginning of God’s power is the end of our fears.  Let me say that again: the beginning of God’s power is the end of our fears.


            You see, if one part of spiritual health is recognizing the reality of demonality, then the other part of spiritual health is relying what I call the “mightier than” power of God.  The “mightier than” power of God. Oppositional evil is real, but what is “really real” is the MIGHTIER THAN power of God.  I’m talking about a power that is mightier than the opponent we fight.  I’m talking about a power mightier than the attack we fear.


In the New Testament Book of 1 John 4:4, John writes,  “Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.”  What John says is what Paul says: our God is a GREATER THAN God; our faith is a GREATER THAN faith; and our power is a GREATER THAN power.  The powers AGAINST us are finally no match for the power WITHIN us. 


The beginning of God’s power is the end of our fears.  God stands against all wrong.  This is what Bible knows.  Remember David and his 23rd Psalm?  “Yea, though I walk the valley of the shadow of death, I WILL FEAR NO EVIL.” What does he say?  Not “I will fear SOME evils.” Not “I will fear FEW evils.” But NO evils, NONE, not a single one!  Why?


“For thou Lord God ART WITH ME.” And the inference is…that is enough.  In the shadow of demons and deadly dark valleys, the beginning of God’s power is the end of our fears


This is what the Church knows.  This is our story. When we baptize a baby or an adult, we always first ask, Do you renounce the spiritual forces of wickedness?” In other words, do you recognize the pervasive gone-wrongness in the world and in you?

But then we ask,   “Do you accept the FREEDOM…AND the POWER God gives you to resist evil, injustice, and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves?” Do you rely, in other words, on the “mightier than” power of God? 


This is our history.  This is who we are.  To be a Christian is to recognize that while the world is not a neutral playing field, neither is it a level one either.  And while evil can seem so overpowering, there’s a difference between having the home field and having the upper hand.


And so when we’ve come to the end of our rope, and like Paul says, “having done everything” – gawked, cried, raged, feared, questioned, prayed, and then prayed again – we can then “stand firm” as Paul says.  We take up what Paul calls “the whole armor of God,” which I believe are what you and I might call the spiritual disciplines or devotional practices of Christian living.  When Paul talks about armor plating and helmets, what he’s really talking about are a regimen of meetings with God that can prop up and protect my soul. When we exercise our souls as if they were our bodies, our spiritual immunity system becomes stronger, and the threat of infection becomes less.


I recall the novel “Street of Knives.”  In one scene, Hugh is riding on the old Mississippi steamboat down the river.  He sees a man on deck, leaning against the rail.  Seeing that the man has a deeply worried look, Hugh asks if he has lost something.  The man says he has, and then he shows Hugh that the guardrail, against which the man is leaning, marks the line between safety and danger: “That’s what it’s here for, to lean on.  To keep me from falling in.  Something to hold me back when I get to near the edge. It has to be strong, and it has to be there…and that’s what I’ve lost -the handrail.  Some call it God.  I’m looking for it.”


Now, when we pray and praise, we rediscover the divide between good and evil.  The armory of Ephesians are those guardrails upon which we can lean and keep from falling.  And any time my life comes under assault, I have to ask, Am I regularly in prayer?  Am I daily in the Bible?  Am I consciously and deliberately giving myself to God in worship?  Where are the spiritual disciplines in my life?


And so, when we have to do battle with the evil that’s done to us or the evil that we do, we practice these meetings with God that can prop up and protect our souls.  And when we come to the end of our rope, and like Paul says, “having done everything, we can then stand firm.  We can be strong in the Lord and the “MIGHTIER THAN” strength of his power.


It was spring in West Texas – tornado season.  Paul (the child, not the apostle) – Paul was only 3 or 4 years old at the time, but he remembers vividly the day a tornado hit their small town.


His father hustled the kids indoors and had them lie on the floor.  He placed a mattress over them.  But Paul’s dad didn’t climb under the protection.  Paul remembers peeking out from under the mattress and seeing him standing by an open window, watching the funnel cloud churn across the prairie.


When Paul saw his father, he knew where he wanted to be.  He struggled out of his mother’s arms.  He crawled out from under the mattress.  And he ran and wrapped his arms around his dad’s leg.


            Remembering the incident now, Paul says, “Something told me that the safest place to stand in a storm was next to my father.”


            I think I know what Paul means.  And I think you know too.  When terror whirls around our heads, and evil howls across the prairie, it’s frightening.  It’s tough out there.  Sometimes even the strongest get blown away.


      Thank God, we have a safe place to stand.  2 Thessalonians 3 says, “But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil.” There IS a difference between having the home field and having the upper hand.


In Jesus the Christ we have the upper hand…and in God the Father we have a safe place to stand.


After Church Hospitality

We would like some pictures of your after service gatherings.  Come on! Help out!


People in our Prayers – http://faithfulcenturionprayerteam.blogspot.com/

Why? Prayer is an extremely important activity.

It is not that God knows not our needs, for He surely does. Yet, Jesus commanded us to ask God for those same needs. In addition to the obvious of asking God for help, offering thanksgiving and the like, prayer helps us focus our thoughts on how we might do God’s work.


The Prayer Team of the Anglican Orthodox Church was established to help our members and fellow Christians pray for those in need and to give thanks as well for the blessings we have been granted.



Who can be on the list? Do I have to be a member of the Anglican Orthodox Church to be prayed for?

No! The only qualification to be on the list is that you want our prayer team to pray for you. We are Christians and are happy to pray for you, no matter who you are. If you want help from God, you are our kind of people.


What is the commitment from the prayer team?

Each member of the team will pray for the desired outcome at last once per day.


How do I get myself or someone else on the prayer list?

You can email one of the prayer team leaders: Jack – jack@faithfulcenturion.org or Dru – dru@ faithfulcenturion.org, or call the office at (619) 659-3608 or fill out a prayer card at church.


What should I ask for?

Depends on what you want. Some people merely want God to be asked to heal their ills and be mentioned by their first name, others want a specific outcome and / or have more of their personal information known to the team. Ask for what you want. It is your desire and need for prayer the team is attempting to meet. For typical examples, see the list below.


Updating the Team

If you are on our prayer list, or if you have submitted a person that you have asked us to pray for, please update one of the team members or Hap in person, by telephone or email. It helps to be able to pray specifically for these individuals including their specific needs; plus if they get better, it is nice to give thanks!


Please note that on the yellow (maybe green or orange if you get an old one) cards at church, you can ask that those to be prayed for have their names disseminated to the prayer team. Those names will be said in church and appear here. Or, you can ask that their names and purpose be kept confidential, then only Hap will know to pray for them.


Prayer List Notice – If you have someone on the prayer list and their needs have changed, please let us know.  We’d like to update our prayers to reflect the need and most important to give thanks!



Bishop Jerry is on travel to Atlanta this weekend to be with Herb.  Please pray for safe travels there and God’s Work to be done.



Arch Crittenden celebrated his 77th birthday on 13 March 2015.



Dru and Hap Arnold celebrated their 28th anniversary on 21 February 2015, a testimony to the work of God.



The Thomas Family is now in Okinawa for a second short tour.  Please pray for this new assignment to go well for Kurt and for Mary and the kids to make new friends.




Jean Maxeiner passed away on 4 May 2015, at home with her daughter and son in law, Mary and Richard Hargrave. Please give thanks for her time here on earth and pray for comfort and strength for her family and friends who of necessity remain behind; strengthen their trust in the Lord.  Help Jean’s family put their trust in the Lord and let Him carry their sadness and replace it with memories of love.


Patrice Li’s mother passed away on 25 April 2015. Please give thanks for her time here on earth and pray for comfort and strength for her family and friends who of necessity remain behind; strengthen their trust in the Lord.


Sarah, wife of Rev Geordie (AOC – UK), passed away about 1400 in 10 April 2015, after a hard fought battle with cancer.  Give thanks for her time here on earth, pray for Geordie and the rest of their family that they might put all their sadness, fear, worry and terror on God’s back so that they can do what needs to be done in the seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years ahead.  Give thanks for the great courage and trust in God made manifest in Sarah and Geordie.


Michael died unexpectedly.  Please give thanks for his time here on earth and pray for comfort and strength for his family and friends who of necessity remain behind; strengthen their trust in the Lord.


Mary J. Smith, David’s mother, is now with her Lord. Please continue in prayer for the family.


Nearing the end of their time here on earth

Phil was taken off life support on 2 April 2015. Please pray for him as he prepares to go home to be with his family who have gone before him. Please pray for comfort, understanding, strength and guidance for Phil and his family who will of necessity remain behind.


Maggie is nearing the end of her time here on earth. Please pray for Maggie and her husband Dub as she prepares to go home to be with her family who have gone before her.  Pray for the faith of her family to build and the transition to be good.


Alan is a victim of metastasized colon cancer already destroying his liver. His youngest sister has put aside her hard-earned career to care for her brother in these days on earth. Please pray for him as he prepares to go home to be with his family who have gone before him. Please pray for comfort, understanding, strength and guidance for Alan and his family who will of necessity remain behind.


Saundra is in ICU with congestive heart failure after a heart operation.  She is aged and frail.  Saundra is near the end of her time here on earth.  Please pray for comfort, understanding, strength and guidance for Saundra and her family who will of necessity remain behind.  Pray for the love of God to stay foremost in their hearts.


Polly is in hospice care with dementia and spinal stenosis.  Please pray for her as she prepares to go home to be with her family who have gone before her.  Pray for the faith of her family to build and the transition to be good. 


In need of a miracle or understanding of God’s Plan

Herb McCormick (1st Sergeant, USA Retired and dear friend of Bishop Jerry), is in intensive care in Emory Hospital, Atlanta. He is scheduled for major surgery on Tuesday with little hope of survival. He is a devout Christian.  Please pray for guidance for the medical personnel treating him and that Herb a devout Christian as well as his wife and two daughters will continue to put all their sadness, fear, worry and terror on God’s back so they can do what needs to be done. Please pray for an outcome that will be best for Herb according to God’s will.


Marilyn has been diagnosed with non-operable pancreatic cancer. Please pray for a miraculous remission; that Marilyn’s remaining time here on earth might be good.  Help Marilyn and her family put their trust in the Lord and let Him carry their sadness, fear, worry and terror.


Kathy, Don Patton’s sister, has reoccurring abdominal cancer which has not responded to treatment so far, they are nearing the end of the know treatments, with one course left to try. Please pray for guidance for the medical personnel treating Cathy, for a miraculous remission; that Cathy might put all her sadness, fear, worry and terror on God’s back so that her remaining time here on earth might be good.  Help Cathy, Don and their family put their trust in the Lord and let Him carry their worry.  Give thanks for the great courage and trust in God made manifest in Cathy.


June found she has a recurrence of colon cancer, which is now Stage Four, that is it has spread.  Please pray for a miraculous remission; that June’s remaining time here on earth might be good.  Help June and her family put their trust in the Lord and let Him carry their sadness, fear, worry and terror.


Cindy has been diagnosed with an aggressive malignant brain tumor. Please pray for a miraculous remission; that Cindy’s remaining time here on earth might be good.  Help Cindy and her family put their trust in the Lord and let Him carry their sadness, fear, worry and terror.


Leon McKay suffered a stroke a few weeks back that has left him unable to speak and while undergoing evaluation the doctors also found he has a very aggressive cancer. Please pray for a miraculous remission; that Leon’s remaining time here on earth might be good.  Help Leon and his family put their trust in the Lord and let Him carry their worry.


Rev. Thomas Brooks is not improving and being kept alive by artificial machines. Please pray for a miraculous recovery and if that not be God’s Will, a rapid passing to home. Help Thomas’ family put their trust in the Lord and let Him carry their worry


Ronnie has kidney cancer that has spread and the surgeons are very concerned. Please pray the medical team to formulate a successful treatment plan and for a miraculous remission; that Ronnie’s remaining time here on earth might be good.  Help Ronnie and family put their trust in the Lord and let Him carry their worry.


Levi was cancer free for 4 years and just discovered he has kidney cancer. Levi has a great deal of faith and said whether he is healed or God takes him home he will be fine. Please pray for the medical team to pay attention and to their best and for a good outcome.  Pray also that Levi and family will be able to put their worry on God’s shoulders.  In particular, please pray for pain relief; Levi is 22 years old.


Ray Daley is a member of the Royal Canadian Legion and served his country during the Korean War era. Ray is taking chemotherapy treatments for cancer. Meanwhile his son Trevor is in the hospital in a coma and seems to have lost the will to live.


Pat has been under treatment for colon cancer for sometime.  He has had major complications the last few days and your prayers will be appreciated by family and friends.


Dorothy had pneumonia, on checking her lungs they found tumors which permeated the lung area.  Further investigation found a primary site in the colon, with the lung being secondary.  It would appear there is no viable treatment at this time.  Please pray for a miraculous remission; that her remaining time here on earth might be good.  Help Dorothy and her family put their trust in the Lord and let Him carry their worry.


Becky has fourth stage metastasized lung cancer and is not doing well with chemotherapy treatments.  Please pray for Becky and her husband as they are together during this difficult time in their lives.


Jane has fourth stage cancer and is not doing well.  Please pray for Jane and her family as they are together during this difficult time in their lives.


Colleen has been battling pancreatic cancer over the last year and it has now spread to one of her lungs.  Please keep her and her family in your prayers.


Christine has cancer of the colon, which spread to her liver; she is receiving chemotherapy and is having difficulty eating.  Please pray for the medical team treating her to pay attention and do their very best; pray also for confidence in our Lord for Christine and her family.


Todd and Kenny have both been fighting osteocarcinoma for over five years and have been told their time here on earth is nearing its end, absent a miracle from God.  Both are ready to go home and leave the pain, but would like to stay.  Please pray for them and their families.


Homebound or Infirm

James is on oxygen all the time, this is bothersome to him and terrifying as well.  Please pray for James to put his worry, his bother and his terror on the Lord.  Pray for strength and guidance for James and his family.  They suggest this verse, “I am thine, save me, for I have sought thy precepts.”


Joan has had serious medical problems that have kept her confined. Please pray her health will remain stable.


Norma, Sara’s mother is in a state of deteriorating health, both physically and mentally, with both dementia and Alzheimer’s.  She is slowly drifting away, though she still recognizes Sara and prayer gives her a sense of peace.  Please pray for both Sara and her mother to put their cares and worries on God’s shoulders so they can deal with the many problems involved.



Nat had a cornea transplant done and re-done and re-done, on 8 May 2015, they will try again with a new cornea. This has been a difficult time for Nat and his family.  Please pray for trust in the Lord and a successful outcome.


Edware is having his fourth back surgery (in the last four years) Please pray for the medical team to pay attention and to their best and for a good outcome.  Pray also that Edware and his family will be able to put their worry on God’s shoulders.


Jeff has been undergoing surgery, chemo and radiation since October for pancreatitis and Pancreatic cancer. Please pray for the medical team to pay attention and to their best and for a good outcome.  Pray also that Jeff, his wife and family will be able to put their worry on God’s shoulders.


Albert had a pacemaker installed recently. He will require surgery soon for a leaking heart valve and has just been told he has esophageal cancer. Pray he will turn to God and come to know Him on a more personal basis as the days go by.


Jane underwent heart valve repair surgery on 3 July 2014. Please pray for full recovery.  Pray also Jane and her family to put their worry on God’s shoulders.


Mario has early-diagnosed prostate cancer and had surgery. Pray for complete remission and that Mario and his family will be able to put their worry on God’s shoulders.


Eddie has upcoming bladder surgery.  Please pray for the surgical team to pay attention and to their best and for a good outcome.  Pray also that Eddie and family will be able to put their worry on God’s shoulders.


Testing and Treatment

Shamim has been hospitalized for gastrointestinal bleeding.  The medical team treating her has not been able to control the bleeding.  They are considering removal of Shamim’s colon.  Please pray for guidance for the medical team treating her, that they will be guided, pay attention and do their best. Pray Shamim and hier family will be able to put their worry on God’s shoulders.


Elma has been suffering with headaches for a long time.  Doctors have not been able to discover the reason for them. Pray for strength, courage and understanding for Elma and her family; as well as for God’s guidance for the medical people caring for her that they might find the best treatment method to banish the headaches completely.


Corissa has been diagnosed with a blockage.  As soon as the Physicians determine the exact problems they expect Major Surgery will proceed.


Barbara Apple was more or less bedridden after a fall.  She was hospitalized in great pain and had been transferred to a skilled nursing facility where they hope to be able to control the pain level.  Pray for inspiration for those caring for her that they might find the appropriate treatment.  Please pray for Barbara to put her trust in the Lord, look to Him for strength and for her to gain energy so she does not lose the mobility she has; pray for a full and rapid recovery.  Please pray also for her husband Bob who is taking care of her that he might be comforted and strengthened in this time of stress.


Bob Apple was at the hospital picking up his wife Barbara to bring her to the skilled nursing facility when he experienced chest pain.  Barbara’s release from the hospital was delayed until Bob underwent an angiogram and had his medication adjusted.   Please pray for comfort and strength for Bob and his continued healing.


Deborah has had a stroke, she is doing much better and out of the hospital. She has a problem with anemia and is taking supplements for that. Pray our Lord will be close to her and her family. Pray for strength, courage and understanding for Deborah and her family; as well as for God’s guidance for the medical people caring for her that they might find the best treatment method to allow her to heal completely.


Rev. Steve Boardman has been diagnosed with stage 3 cancer. Pray that Jesus will be close and comfort his family and members of his congregation.


Hang So Ryu has cancer. Please pray for medical team contemplating and evaluating the treatment that they might be guided to the correct choice and do their very best. Pray also for peace of mind and trust in God for him and his family, as well as physical strength.


Olivia, age7, has been diagnosed with Stage 3 Lymphoma. The prognosis is good at this time, please pray for medical team contemplating and evaluating the treatment that they might be guided to the correct choice and do their very best. Pray also for peace of mind and trust in God for Olivia and her family, as well as physical strength.


Paul has been hospitalized recently several times because of persistent high fevers. He is being tested and checked by physicians and seems to have a slight scoliosis, a node and Schuermann’s disease.  Please pray it will be discovered how to treat these problems and healing will begin so he will be inspired to continue his education.


Carol Anne needs God’s comfort and healthy test results as she is anxiously undergoing tests related to previous hysterectomy and experiencing symptoms in the surrounding area.


Jennifer has some lumps on the right side of her neck; they have grown and multiplied. In the last few months she has been having problems swallowing. Jennifer has an appointment with specialist in several weeks to try and discover what it is. She is having a great deal of anxiety as she waits for her Doctors appointment and will appreciate your prayer for anxiety and health.


Rick has heart problems.  Please pray for guidance for the medical people treating him that they might pay attention, do their very best and make the right recommendations regarding treatment.  Pray for help for Rick and his wife Wanda to keep their trust in the Lord and let Him carry their worry.


Clay has melanoma.  Please pray for guidance for the medical people treating him that they might pay attention, do their very best and make the right recommendations regarding treatment.  Pray for help for Rick and his wife Pam to keep their trust in the Lord and let Him carry their worry.


Atina has been diagnosed with skin cancer, which turned out to be a melanoma. A routine CT scan found a 9mm (3/8 inch) lesion in her left lung.  The melanoma appears to be spreading; they need to remove the offending tissue and test the sample.  Pray for guidance for the medical people treating her that they might pay attention, do their very best and make the right recommendations regarding treatment.   Atina’s faith is being tested, she has difficulty in praying and accepting the outcome, she wants what she wants and is perplexed about her faith in Jesus.  Pray for help for Atina to keep her trust in the Lord and let Him carry her worry.


Evelyn has been diagnosed with bone cancer.  Pray for guidance for the medical people treating her that they might pay attention, do their very best and make the right recommendations regarding treatment.  Pray for help for Evelyn to keep her trust in the Lord and let Him carry her worry.


Stacy has Multiple Sclerosis and was hospitalized for what turned out to be food poisoning.  Pray for trust in God for Stacy and Chris as they deal with Stacy’s illness.


Liz Strauch had a pineal cyst, which in the end responded well to a surgical draining last year.  Since November 2013, similar symptoms have returned.  A CT Scan turned up what is thought to be either a new cyst or an enlarged pineal gland.  More testing, including an EEG is in the works.  She can no longer work. Pray for strength, courage and understanding for Liz and her family, in particular her husband Ken and sons Caleb and Nathan; as well as for God’s guidance for the medical people treating her that they might find the best course of treatment and allow Liz to heal completely.


Faye is in the hospital because she is weak has been receiving blood transfusions. Pray for strength, courage and understanding for Faye and her family; as well as for God’s guidance for the medical people treating her that they might find the best course of treatment and allow Faye to heal completely.


Tom has heart and kidney problems. Pray for strength, courage and understanding for Tom and his family; as well as for God’s guidance for the medical people treating him that they might find the best course of treatment and allow Tom to heal completely.


Harold has had a severe stroke.   He is now home, but his family is looking for a rehabilitation facility to help him recuperate.  Pray for strength, courage and understanding for Harold and his family; as well as for God’s guidance for the medical people caring for him that they might find the best treatment method to allow Harold to heal completely.


Joe has had a preliminary ALS diagnosis. Pray the final diagnosis will something that will allow him to continue taking care of his devoted young family.  Pray for strength, courage and understanding for Joe and his family; as well as for God’s guidance for the medical people treating him that they might find the best course of treatment.


Mark Wilson’s breathing seems to be under control at present, he is getting oxygen, which is a huge blessing for which he is grateful.  Pray for God’s guidance for the doctors and medical people treating him that they might figure out a way to treat him that will work and not adversely affect other parts of his body, particularly his oxygenation levels, kidney and liver function.  Please pray for peace of mind and trust in the Lord for Mark, as well as for his family.


Preston is reacting poorly to recent neck surgery and now has problems with his liver count; Physicians feel that dialysis will help. There may be a blockage in the bowel and an operation might be necessary.  Please pray for the medical team to pay attention and to their best to determine how to help Preston and for a good outcome.  Pray also that Preston and family will be able to put their worry on God’s shoulders while Preston does his best to facilitate a return to good health.


Erica has a non-malignant Brain Tumor which cannot be surgically removed due to the size and location.  They are going to attempt chemotherapy. Please pray for peace of mind and trust in the Lord for Erica, as well as for her family, and for God’s guidance for the medical people treating her that they might find the best course of treatment.


Brenda is in the hospital because of bleeding on her brain. Please pray for peace of mind and trust in the Lord for Brenda, as well as for her family, and for God’s guidance for the medical people treating her that they might find the best course of treatment.


Mackenzie is a young girl with leukemia. Please pray for peace of mind and trust in the Lord for Mackenzie, as well as for her family, and for God’s guidance for the medical people treating her that they might find the best course of treatment.


Mack has had diabetes most of his adult life. Circulation in his legs is very bad and doctors are considering amputation. Please pray his medication will help and he will not face amputation. Please pray for peace of mind and trust in the Lord for Mack and for God’s guidance for the medical people treating him that they might find the best course of treatment.


Michael has been diagnosed with lung cancer recently after making it through gastro intestinal cancer last year. Please pray for peace of mind and trust in the Lord for Michael and his wife Gayle; as well as for God’s guidance for the medical people treating him that they might find the best course of treatment.


Ken Strauch has been tired and is anemic, he had a colonoscopy which found a pair of polyps which were removed and are being tested.  Just for good measure they found he has a hiatal hernia with ulcers, basically part of his stomach is pushed up into his esophagus and is bleeding from there.  Sounds like there may be surgery involved. Please pray for peace of mind and trust in the Lord for Ken and for God’s guidance for the medical people treating him that they might find the best course of treatment.


Adriano is in the hospital due to high sugar and high blood pressure. He is very weak and will appreciate your prayers.


Heather recently found out she has cancer.  Please pray for peace of mind for her and for the medical team treating her will be guided to the right solution.


Jim has had an aneurism and blood clots. Pray that healing will come.


Georgia has liver and pancreatic cancer. The doctors are evaluating whether to do surgery and how to tackle the disease. Georgia is a faithful Christian and appreciates your prayers. Pray for God’s guidance for the medical people treating her that they might find out the source of the problem and best course of treatment.  Pray also for peace of mind and trust in God for Georgia and her family.


Lana’s doctor found something on her lymph nodes and ovaries. Pray for God’s guidance for the medical people treating her that they might find out the source of the problem and best course of treatment.  Pray also for peace of mind and trust in God for Lana and her family.




Cindy is very ill, she is young and has children, she and her family need your prayers that they might stay close to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ as she heals.


Diana, age 15, broke her leg while in school and now has a cast on. Pray she will adjust and be healed soon


Bernie Coogan had a stroke near Christmas time.  He is undergoing physical and speech therapy at a rehab facility where his wife works.  Bernie is doing pretty well, his speech is a bit slurred, but his mind is clear.  He is still Bernie.  Bernie, his wife JoAnn and their family would appreciate your prayers for a full and rapid recovery as they maintain full trust in the Lord.


Amy has melanoma in her lungs, liver and kidneys; they have found a treatment for her that has a high success rate however the side effects are debilitating. Please pray she will be able to tolerate the side effects and the treatment is successful.  Amy has full trust in the Lord, but would still appreciate your prayers.


Debbie is just beginning chemotherapy for cancer of the lymph nodes.  Prayer she will be able to tolerate the therapy acceptably and remain strong as she remembers the Lord is with her at all times.



Liz had a massive stroke at age thirty-seven. The prognosis is good but she has a long road ahead. .  Please pray for guidance for those treating her, for trust in our Lord for Liz and her family, for healing.


Ebick is suffering from a severe ulcer but the Doctors cannot give her the proper dosage of the medicine due to her six month pregnancy.  Please pray doctors will find an alternative avenue for treatment or that God will provide.


Stan is going through chemotherapy and radiation treatments for cancer. He is elderly and the treatments are tiring him.  Please pray for his wife Marvelene as they do this together.


Meg recently found out she had heart problems causing low blood oxygen levels, loss of focus resulting in an emergency room crisis. As a result of the symptoms she made errors on the job that caused her to lose her job. She is grateful for the excellent medical care she has received and optimistic, feeling with God’s intervention in her life her health may be reversed and a new job will become available.


Donald is in the hospital and had his leg amputated on 14 April 2014. Pray he will adjust and healing will begin.


Lucius Dabney (father of Rev Bryan Dabney) is now at home recovering from an infection.  Please pray for a complete healing of the infection and return to health.


David has many concussions and unable to go to school, read books, watch TV and has headaches and migraines. He has trouble sleeping and his family will appreciate your prayers for this 10 year old young man.


Gladys has breast cancer and has had a lumpectomy. She needs to take a year off of her work to have chemo treatments.


Alwin Jack has had a stroke and recently has had a relapse.  Please pray for those who treat Alwin that they might chose the best possible treatment and pray for peace of mind for Alwin during the recovery phase.


Carolyn has Multiple Sclerosis with complications. Pray Carolyn and her children will be close to our Lord Jesus Christ as they and family members help to ease the problems.


Jeong was in an auto accident and sustained a serious back injury.  Please pray for a full and rapid recovery.


Gil Garcia is back in the Long Beach VA Hospital.  It is quite a trip for Mary, so please pray that he will recover fully and quickly.  Pray for strength for Gil and his wife Mary as they deal with the stresses of Gil’s paraplegia and the general aging process.


Mary Garcia had surgery, she is home, but not healing as well as she hoped.  Please pray for her continued healing.


Bill had malignant growth removed from a lip last month and seems to be experiencing a re-growth of the cancer.  He asks your prayer for the medical team treating him and for peace of mind for himself.


Hank has osteoporosis, which has caused him a great deal of pain and inconvenience in the past few years. Pray for his healing and that his medical bills will be met.


Evelyn is an elderly woman who has had problems with her eyes and is now blind. It appears some sight will return shortly, pray for that to happen!


Joanne has begun kidney dialysis as a result of kidney failure due to extensive chemotherapy. Additionally she cares for an adopted drug addicted baby who is now nine years old.  Please pray for her to keep her faith, to let the Lord carry her worry and concern and to give her strength.  Pray also for those treating her that they might pay attention and do their best.


Mr. N. Anand is in the hospital and is seriously ill. He is being encouraged to pray for repentance of his sins and to depend upon our dependable God for a cure and recovery of his health. Pray that he will be a strong witness for Christ.


Jacob has been going through some dental procedures and has some pain and aggravation with the numbness. Please pray for comfort and strength for him, as well as for guidance for the medical team treating him that they might pay attention and do their best.


Jean fell and broke her ankle in three places.  She will be in the hospital for rehabilitation for the next 6 weeks.  Please pray for comfort and strength for her, as well as for guidance for the medical team treating her that they might pay attention and do their best.


Bud and his wife for their continued welfare and enthusiasm.  Bud has been advised of an aneurism in his heart of a size not mandating immediate surgery.  This comes at a time when he has sole care of his wife who recently broke two vertebrae and thereafter sustained pneumonia.


Virginia has Sinus and Allergy problems giving her severe problems.  Pray that the Doctor will discover why it continues and find a cure.


Steve Thornell had a brain aneurysm, which was found before it burst.  He is home from the hospital and working hard on recovery. He lacks energy from seven days in the hospital.  His doctor told him he has to make serious life changes. One of the two main arteries in the back of the head is now completely closed.  He must take blood thinners, he has thick blood and recent chemotherapy made it worse.  Steve has always operated at 110 percent, he needs help to slow down.   Please pray for trust in the Lord and a full and rapid recovery.  Pray for peace of mind for Steve and his family.


Arlen is receiving treatment for lung cancer and recently experienced a ruptured colon during treatment. She is alone in Oregon but does have a friend who has traveled a great distance to be at her side. Please pray for guidance for the medical team treating her and for strength and trust for Arlen.


Oscar discovered some time ago he had blood clots in his leg and lung.  He has been treated for them and has not been cured. He now will be facing surgery.  Please keep him in your prayers.


Angela had an ischemic stroke (clot).Please pray for guidance for the medical team treating her and for strength and trust for Angela. Please pray also that she and her family might put their worries on our Lord’s back so she can work hard towards recovery.


Nora had a stroke mid February 2013. Please pray for guidance for the medical team treating her and for strength and trust for Nora. Please pray also that she and her family might put their worries on our Lord’s back so she can work hard towards recovery.


Linda has been hospitalized for several days with a gastrointestinal problem.  Please pray for guidance for the medical team treating her and for strength and trust for Linda.


Dester is suffering from unknown skin and diseases.  Please guide the medical team treating him to find out what the problem is and cure it.  Pray also for Dester to trust in the Lord.


Lee has Arterial Fibrillation, sheis doing much better and she and her family thank you for your prayers. Her pain level is high and some medications have bad side effects. Please continue her in Prayer in the weeks ahead as she heals.


Nell recently adopted two children and has just been diagnosed with multiple myeloma.


Mary Lou has been suffering with seizures. She was in the hospital with a 24 hour monitor and is being sent home from the hospital with two medications and orders to return in 2 months for another MRI to review whatever is going on in her brain.  Please pray for guidance for the medical people treating her, as well as peace of mind and trust in God for her and her family.


Kathleen has spent the last two weeks in the hospital.  She has been diagnosed with colitis, shingles and possibly colon cancer. Pray she will be comfortable and begin to heal.


Rachel has Mitochondrial Myopathy.  This is a hereditary disease of the muscles and they do not have a cure for it. Part of her pain is her family does not believe she is indeed ill, as she appears to be just fine. Please pray her family will learn the truth and be supportive of her; pray also the medical people treating her will find the right measures to minimize the disease.  Most particularly pray for Rachel’s trust in God.


Nicolas is in the hospital with serious symptoms of a heart disorder. Please pray for peace of mind for him and guidance for the medical team looking for the cause and cure.


Juanita is a young girl who was in a coma because of a blood disease.  She has not come out and is gaining strength. They are awaiting results from blood samples.  Her family thanks you for your prayers and asks that you continue.


George had foot surgery.  Please give thanks for the surgery and pray for a full and rapid recovery.


Nellie is in the emergency room of a hospital in a great deal of pain.  Please pray for peace of mind for her and guidance for the medical team looking for the cause and cure.


Lauralee Meade underwent a lumpectomy on Friday after Thanksgiving.  A further anomaly has been discovered and she had additional preventative radiation treatment.  Please pray for a complete remission of the cancer.  Pray also Lauralee will maintain her great attitude and trust in God.


Bill, Sara’s husband, had a third abdominal surgery on 22 November 2011, to remove a tumor.  Bill is doing better keeping the doctor’s instructions, for which we are all grateful, including taking chemotherapy once a day for one more year.  He has decreased the consumption of alcohol and eating at least mostly properly.  Please pray for help for him to continue do all this.  Please pray also that Bill might turn his heart outward to help those around him, as well as live a long and healthy life to the honor and glory of God.  Pray also for peace of mind for Bill and his wife Sara.


Kay Denton (Mrs. Kay) has had a chest infection, perhaps viral, but seems to be getting better.  Please pray for continued peace of mind for Mrs. Kay and her family.  Give thanks for her trust in the Lord and her positive attitude.


Matt Alcantara, age 16, came back with ZERO SCANS again in August 2014!  Matt has Osteosarcoma (bone cancer), a very rare and often lethal form of cancer with limited treatment options.  This is a disease that is about 90 percent fatal in a couple of years.  He has no hip joint on one side, but he walks and swims!  Courage?  Guts? You bet! Please also give thanks for the great faith of Matt and his entire family.  Their faith and trust is a wonderful example for each and every one of us.  But, now is not the time to stop praying.  Actually, it never is the time to stop praying!


Judith Clingwall is afflicted with Multiple Sclerosis (MS).  She is currently in Laurel Place, an extended care facility in Surrey, British Columbia.  Judith’s condition has worsened recently. Please pray for her to take an active part in her own life, for her strength, peace of mind, trust in God and remission of the disease so she might return home to her family.  Pray also for strength for her husband Martin as he deals with all the problems and stress of Judith’s situation.


Vince (age 15), reoccurrence of Osteosarcoma, recent testing found a nickel sized tumor in his lungs.  The doctors are consulting with a specialist in Houston.  Please pray for guidance for the medical team and for peace of mind for Vince and his family.


Healing and Patience

Diane spent a month in the hospital because of an inability to breath., due to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) apparently from chronic bronchitis. She is home, still very weak and learning to live with this progressive disease. Pray she will let the Lord help her be calm in her new circumstances and that healing will come.


Kym (43) has various hip problems which seems to be related to osteoarthritis.  And, her mother Ruth is in the early stages of dementia.  Pray for guidance for those treating both of them, as well as patience and trust in the Lord for both of them.


Christopher has had problems with his leg for some time.  Now he has to have it casted and it will stay that way for what to him seems an interminable time.  Pray for patience and peace of mind for this young man who has much he wants to do.


James for the Lord’s healing of health issues and give a remedy for many personal challenges at the moment


Thanksgiving and Continued Healing

Peggy had very successful surgery for a torn Rotator Cuff on 30 April 2015.  Please give thanks for the medical team paying attention and doing their best and for a good outcome.  Pray also that Peggy and her family will be able to let God help them as she recovers. Peggy and her family thank you for your prayers.


John has recovered from the pneumonia and his home; he has other challenges to deal with. Please pray that his condition will be restored and he will be able to carry on his activities.


From John:


I am bathed in your prayers for me which, I am confident, have been and will be efficacious.  Praise be to The One and Eternal. John



Bob Balslev gives thanks for successful knee replacement operation and asks for your prayers for a full and rapid recovery.


Bill Hall gives thanks for a successful bilateral knee replacement operation and asks for your prayers for a full and rapid recovery and for help with pain at night.


Carolyn, (Charlie McCormack’s mom) was hospitalized with a blood clot in her arm, she is back home and doing well.  Please pray the clot will continue to abate without damage to her system.  Give her trust in the Lord and peace of mind for her and Charlie, too.


Daisy Lee is recovering from necrotizing fasciitis, which manifested on 30 January 2015, causing the loss of her right arm and her left hand, as well as parts of both feet.  She has turned the corner and is fighting towards recovery.  She underwent hyperbaric treatment which worked, but was quite far from home.  Now she needs to heal and decide whether to try continued healing or additional amputation.  This is very very hard, but Daisy has kept her faith.  As she becomes more well, less in people’s thoughts and prayers it will be a lot tougher for her.  Please pray for strength for her and her family and friends as time moves on.  Her family is thankful for all the support they have received during these past couple weeks and hopes all will continue to pray for Daisy’s speedy recovery. Pray for peace of mind and trust in God for Daisy’s family, her husband and children Tiffany and Chris. 


Michael Lenahan known to all as Bullet was hospitalized on 18 March 2015, and had a stent placed in a cardio artery.   All went well and he is recovering nicely.  Please give thanks for the great result and pray for a complete and rapid recovery for Bullet.


Janet Jessup had a stroke on 3 July 2014 and heart problems that were causing huge issues for her.  They seem to have gotten her stabilized and she is going home from the hospital.  Please join the entire family in giving thanks for this wonderful development. Please pray for those treating her to find the appropriate treatment and for trust in God and peace of mind for Janet and her family, in particular her husband of 43 years, Rev Roger Jessup, retired minister of Saint Joseph of Arimathea Anglican Orthodox Church.


Arch Crittenden has Multiple Myeloma (cancer cells in bone marrow); without this treatment life expectancy is one to two years.  The treatment has apparently been effective.  In Arch’s own words:


The best news that could have been hoped for regarding my Bone Marrow Cancer came on Thursday afternoon.  Prayer ARE answered and in my case have been beyond all possibilities almost to the point of my cancer being declared in remission.  In fact, with improvement for just another short month and the remission will be there also.


My many thanks to the GOD Almighty, my family, my many friends and to guys like you who barely know me for the effort that effort that has been put forth in this ‘ole’ boys behalf.  A burden has been lifted and I am grateful in so many ways. 

Your friends, arch / kathy


This is super, please join Arch and family in giving thanks.  Arch and his lovely wife Kathy ask that you pray for their trust in God to remain strong and for a good outcome.


Aleyne Bergman had a pacemaker installed on 26 January 2015. Please give thanks for the medical team paying attention, doing their best and for the good outcome.  Pray also that Aleyne and her husband Ron, as well as the rest of her family will be able to put their worry on God’s shoulders.  Please pray also for a complete and rapid recovery for her.


Dick Gray has a Merkle Cell carcinoma just under his sternum carcinoma which is considered a stage four carcinoma since it has ‘metastasized’.  After much treatment and hospitalization the main site is less than half the size and there are no new tumors.  He continues the fight. Please give thanks for the good results so far!  Pray for those contemplating the treatment that they might be guided to the correct choice and do their very best.  Pray also for peace of mind and trust in God for Dick and his wife Jennifer.   Dick is the Treasurer and a Vestryman at Saint Paul’s AOC in Missouri.


Sam had surgery on his entire large intestine that had become infected. At the time of the operation he was just hours away from a complete organ shutdown. He had had turmoil in his life over the years. Sam is now in the ICU and his Minister visited him and explained to him God had given him another chance for him to make things right with his Lord. Pray for his good health and his spiritual life with Jesus.


Marv Rogge had successful heart valve replacement surgery on or about 20 December 2014.  Other than a desire to chew his food way too much, Marv is doing great, up and about.   Please join Marv, his lovely wife Marian and the rest of the family in giving thanks to God for the great result.  Pray for a full and complete recovery.


Ian had surgery to remove excess skin rendered a nuisance by controlled lost of 200 pounds.  Please give thanks for the successful result and for those treating him to have paid attention and done their very best on the lengthy surgery, taking the best possible care of him.  Please pray for his continued recovery and strength for his Mother who will be in charge of his after care.


Jenniffer had surgery for breast cancer on 15 October 2014, which seemingly went well; please give thanks for that.  She has had other complications which preclude her from making a full recovery in particular, the reconstructive surgery seems to have gravely affected her back muscles and nerves, resulting in both very limited mobility and extreme pain,  the drugs are making her terribly sick; please pray those will be overcome.  Pray for help for Jenniffer to keep her trust in the Lord and let Him carry her worry and concern as she recovers.  Please pray also for strength and courage for her family as they try their best to help her.


Mary Thornell has been battling colon cancer for three years now, she is currently treating at the City of Hope.  Things seem to be going well, the numbers seem headed in the right direction.  Please pray for guidance for those treating her, as well as strength, guidance and peace of mind for Mary and her husband Jim, as well as daughter Janice and son Jimmy, as she undergoes treatment. 


Jim Thornell (Jet) seems to have recovered from the five stomach ulcers and now is dealing with blocked coronary arteries and taking care of Mary. Please give thanks for the great result and also for the strength, guidance and peace of mind our Lord gave Jet and his wife Mary, as well as daughter Janice and son Jimmy, as he underwent treatment.


Elma is suffering from cancer.  She was taken home from the hospital on the advice of her Doctor.  We were asked to pray that Elma’s remaining time here on earth might be good and that Elma and family might put their trust in the Lord and let Him carry their worry.   Since then, Elma’s Bishop told us a great Miracle of the Lord is working over Elma.  Doctors sent her home to die, but now she seems to be doing all right.  On behalf of her, thank you for all of your prayers. Please continue praying for her complete healing.


Dennis has heart problems; now the medical people treating him discovered a large mass on his liver which turned out to be a cyst!  Please give thanks for this great development and pray for peace of mind and trust in the Lord for Dennis and for God’s guidance for the medical people treating him that the contemplated surgery might go well.


Dwight had major oral surgery, for which he gives thanks.  He is recovering slowly and asks your prayers to speed the process.


Mike is a veteran who has served his country when she called. Please pray he will open his heart to God so He can make Mike’s crooked road straight and pull him towards the summit rather than to the pit.


Dick’s left arm was amputated after treating for Merkel Cell carcinoma over a year ago. He has met with the oncologist’s and reviewed the CAT scan. Good News! The tumor has been reduced in size—it was down to one half the size that it was in September and there was no indication of a new tumor in the chest area. Dick wanted the Prayer Partners to know and join him in thankfulness to our Lord. Please join Dick and his family in giving thanks to Our Lord Jesus Christ for his recovery as well as for their trust in God.


Carol Stone, the sweet wife of Mike Stone, recovered far better than expected from a severe brain bleed, but fell recently and broke her hip.  She still requires 24 hour care, which Mike provides with little help.



Mark’s business is in difficulty.  He works in a shrinking field, of which he is one of the country’s true masters, but there is little work available.  He asks that you pray that he can find a way to survive in his industry, which he loves and needs his talents.  Pray he can find new sources of business and new ways of doing things, perhaps someone to partner with to better use his talents.  Pray also for those who work for and with him that they might do their best to help.


Financial Guidance and Employment

Anne is unemployed and just interviewed for a position.  Please pray she will be employed, if not at this position then that this interview will lead to better prospects.  Pray for her ot be encouraged and strengthened by the Holy Ghost.


Doug recently became unemployed from his job of 18 years. He has been applying for jobs, but unable to get one at this time.  His wife is working; this is not enough for the family. Please pray he will find employment with a firm that will be able to use his considerable skill and hard work to benefit both the firm and the family.


Catherine and Lewis are at a low ebb due to a struggle for employment. Your fervent prayers will be appreciated.


Lori is considering a potential change in her employment.  Please pray for God’s guidance in considering all aspect of her potential work.


Sara is concerned about the future with her company.  She would appreciate prayers for her continued employment and that her firm might find more and better ways to use her considerable skills.


Financial Guidance and Healing

Clark is in need of salvation; for God’s Will to be done in his life. Pray his family will be blessed with the financial miracles that come from doing His Will.


Timothy and Sharon had their home foreclosed the morning of 15 April 2014.  They are experiencing spiritual, emotional and financial crisis at the current time. Please pray for God’s guidance as to how they might handle the financial difficulties in which they have found themselves and more importantly have them draw closer to God and each other.


Linda, Rick, Christian and Sawyer are a family experiencing spiritual, emotional and financial crisis at the current time. Please pray for God’s guidance as to how they might handle the financial difficulties in which they have found themselves and more importantly have them draw closer to God and each other.


David and Lorna are having financial problems.  They are trying to find a smaller home which may be more affordable.  Lorna has had an ongoing battle with brain cancer, her trips back and forth to the hospital have drained their finances to the point they sometimes struggle to have enough food in the house.  Pleaser pray for Lorna’s healing and guidance on how they might handle the financial difficulties in which they have found themselves.


God’s Strength and Peace of Soul

Tommy Dunning is facing his first Christmas following the death of his only son to cancer.  Please pray he can concentrate his heart on what he had and will have in his son through God.



Steve is addicted to alcohol, pain pills and gambling. Pray for wisdom, courage and strength to stick with treatment and follow God’s plan for his life


Eli has some mental issues and has lost his way.  He was admitted to the hospital for psychological evaluation to get a proper diagnosis and medications and has been discharged.  He has yet to come to grips with the demons chasing him.  Pray he will return to the Lord and his family.  Eli’s brother Carl has gotten little to no support from the family, he being the one to get Eli into treatment.  Daughter Katie seems to be the least helpful.  Pray they will ask God to send the Holy Ghost in to straighten things out and they will listen when He speaks to them.  The family has been open to the Prince of Darkness and needs help.


Debbie has family problems that must be dealt with and she asks God’s guidance in making the correct decisions and how to stand.


Edward (45) had the opportunity to meet with a Christian during the conversation she discovered Edward had some background about God but thought He was not relevant to this day.  Edward asked many questions about the Bible and was surprised at the answers and continued to ask questions. They both went their separate ways and the Christian told Edward that she would pray for him. Will you join in prayer for Edward, please?


Michael and his Family ask your prayers for wisdom as they are under trial and affliction to follow the law of the land and yet honor God in so doing.


Flora is in remission with cancer, but has high blood pressure and fatigue. Flora’s Mother recently died and this has caused added stress.  Please pray that she will be able to let God carry her worry and sorrow so she can do the things she needs to do.


Elizabeth and Gunner need your prayers for their general well being.   Pray that they might see the Light of the Lord and let Him guide their lives.  Pray they might open their hearts not only to the Lord, but to each other to become one in Him and happiness.


Eric and Betty need your prayers for their general well being.   Pray that they might see the Light of the Lord and let Him guide their lives.  Pray they might open their hearts not only to the Lord, but to each other to become one in Him and happiness.


Eli has lost his way both spiritually and mentally, please pray for him and his parents Ed and Barb, who are having great struggles seeing their son, go through these afflictions having brought up in a Christian home.  Please pray his parents can find a way to help Eli.


Marie has suffered the loss of her husband, her job and her pet all in a short period of time. Please pray for peace of mind for Marie, as well as for trust in the Lord for her and those around her that she might adjust to the changes in her life and move forward to the honor and glory of our Lord with His Help.  (140607)


Mitten has a Christian talking to him about Christ. Mitten does not believe and does not seem to care.  Please pray Mitten will see the light.


Kristen, Rickey and their two children ask you to pray for grace, wisdom and understanding as they attempt to cope with infidelity, separation and possibly divorce as a result of backsliding from the Lord into the World.


Aaron has a problem seeing is where his life should be leading him.  Please pray that he can listen to his father Paul and those around him who want him to work hard and obtain a real education now rather than just coast towards oblivion.


Helene and her family ask your prayers for them as they deal with the loss of Alan, husband and father.


Stephanie seems to be very deeply into post partum depression after her baby was born prematurely.  Please pray for her Mother in Law who is going a great distance to help Stephanie and her new Grandson.  Pray that Stephanie will be able to direct her attention outward, rather than inward.


William is an elderly man living with his Son and Daughter in-law. William is causing trouble in the family because of his demanding ways and continually using bad language. The family is at wit’s end to know how to handle him and will appreciate your guidance and prayers.


Caitlin is in the grip of the Prince of Darkness; she thinks there is escape from reality in drugs.  The saddest part is that reality is not as she sees it.  Her family is despairing as they can do nothing to help her and ask that you pray for the Holy Ghost to enter into heart and show her the need for change before it is too late.


Nathaniel is in spiritual turmoil.  His family and friends will appreciate it if you will keep him in your prayers for him to find the root of his trouble and accept God’s help to heal his heart.


Sam and her two children that have been living in a shelter and are to lose their place there.  Please pray a place will be found they can stay in and recover.


Please pray Darlene will surrender her life to Christ.


Norrie is facing daily exams in the weeks ahead.  Pray for calmness and concentration and to do the best possible.


Jonathan is addicted to drugs.  He is now in jail awaiting trial. His parents and friends will appreciate it if you will keep him in your prayers for him to find the root of his trouble and accept God’s help to heal addiction.


Beth is suffering from ungodly treatment in her marriage.  Please pray God will guide her in her behavior, actions and thoughts that she might be able to lead her husband to God so her marriage might prosper to the benefit of them.


Brandon a young man from a Christian family who married a year ago and almost immediately became estranged from him family. As a result he has had a serious problem with keeping the civil law. Please pray for Brandon that he will return to the Lord and the many problems will be eventually settled. Pray the hurt he has caused so many will be helped with our Lord’s care and love.


Dennis has some decisions to make and will appreciate our Lord’s guidance.


Jeanette has had many members of her family die from diabetes and several are near death now. Jeanette does not know the Lord and is despondent and perplexed about her family and herself.  Please pray she can open her heart to allow the Holy Ghost in to bring her knowledge and understanding.


Dr. Elizabeth Raj is teaching a biblical approach to the psychological problems facing many in our society today. She is battling against the growing influence of worldly psychology adopted by the churches themselves. Elizabeth constantly stresses answers are found between the covers of that precious Book, the Holy Bible.  Please pray for encouragement, strength, fortitude and courage for her.


Abigail is a teenager who has behavior problems.  She feels she is in an area of mental darkness.  Please pray that she might look to God for help and not within herself.


Sara asks that you pray for guidance for her as she deals with the stresses of her family and life.  Pray that she can separate those things which she can affect from those things which she cannot and give her grace to accept that she cannot do everything and can only change those things within her control.  She asks for God’s help for her business so that she might remain gainfully employed while keeping up with the needs of her mother and husband and healing her own problems.


Jacquie to open her heart to God and accept His Love and Grace.


Hap asks you to pray he might be able to trust God will help him make the right decisions at the right time and not to worry uselessly, to change those things he can change, accept those things he cannot change, sleep well to be able to do the correct things with a clear head and that he will open his heart to the Holy Ghost.


School Challenges

Destiny, Blake and Janet


Anglican Orthodox Church


Nepal has experienced a 8.3 earth quake and it has reached India where we have members of The Anglican Orthodox Church. Please pray now and continue your prayers as they experience the many problems



Please pray for the Lord’s will regarding the establishment of an AOC church in Indonesia.



The forces of evil are strong in Pakistan.  The force of God stronger.  Pray for our Christian family there.



Rev. Igor Djurcik leader of Anglican Orthodox Church in Serbia asks us to pray for his students. He has excellent young people in Belgrade who are having services and classes on the Bible.



Please pray a Minister will be found who would like to serve in Tabuk, in the Philippine Islands.  The Anglican Orthodox Church has an established Church there and in the surrounding areas and need a Shepherd to lead the flock.


Central African Republic

Christians in the Central African Republic are experiencing the ravages of a war between the Muslim and Christians. We have both ministers and members of the Anglican Orthodox Church in Central African Republic. Please pray for God’s guidance and protection for all persecuted Christians and those around them.


Diocese of the Epiphany

Saint Paul’s, Moberly, Missouri would like your prayers that the Holy Ghost might enter more fully into their hearts so that they might be more effective in spreading the Word of God.



Bishop Jerry was in Atlanta, preaching at a church who has in attendance many members of another church founded in 1887 that has closed.  Many of those are older, in their late 70s and early 80s.  Please pray they will see this is a parish where they can be one with other believers.  Please pray the Holy Ghost might enter more fully into their hearts so that they might see their way to come together.


Diocese of Virginia

Saint Joseph of Arimathea Anglican Orthodox Church is under a lot of stress.  We all are, but they need even more prayer.  Rev Roger Jessup, their wonderful minister, had to retire as he was so pressed by the duties of a primary care giver, in addition to all the worries of this world.  Pray for trust in God for each member of the parish and for them to find economic relief.


Armed Forces & Contractors

Kristyna Thomas (Army – enroute to Camp Walker – Taegu / Daegu, ROK), Airman Donny Patton (USAF – Hulbert Field, Florida), Jordan Brown (USMC – Fleet Marine Force – Pacific), Trevor Jennings (USAF – KC-10 Boom Operator – New Jersey), Trevor Di Marco (USN – Whidbey Island, EF-18 Pilot), Kurt Thomas (USN – Camp Foster, Okinawa), Ethan (US Army Airborne – Southwest Asia)


For Our Country

Our country has lost its way.  Over half the people that vote, voted for a government that promises them things it cannot deliver in return for their souls which it can, will and does take.  Our foreign policy backs the rise of Islam, we turn our backs on those who would follow God and arm those who murder them.  Pray God will raise up a leader from among the people who can turn the country’s course 180° and attempt to come back to God.  Pray the people will recognize that they are headed down a smooth wide road into the pit, a road that will get smoother and smoother, steeper and steeper until the only possible way is down.  Down, into the depths of the pit.  Pray people will recognize there is:


  • ·         One True and Triune God who is goodness in and of Himself
  • ·         All religions are not equal
  • ·         All ways of life are not equal;
  • ·         The Bible holds the Key to Life;
  • ·         All rights come from God, not the State;
  • ·         Good;
  • ·         Bad;
  • ·         Evil;
  • ·         Right;
  • ·         Wrong;
  • ·         Allah is the Devil;
  • ·         Abortion is no more than sacrifice of children to Baal.


Pray this recognition will not come too late.  Pray we will, each of us, do our duty to God, Country and Family, putting His Honor above all.



The Islamist group (ISIS) just took over Quaragosh, the biggest Christian city in Iraq; 164 men, women and children were beheaded.  People ask where is God?  The real question is where are the people to enforce God’s will.  Pray the people of the world will see Allah for who he is, the Devil.  Pray for those who remain behind that they might find a way to safety.


Around the world, Christians are under attack, not only in the Muslim world, but from Hindus and others in India.  Also, they are under continual attack in the name of “Separation of Church and State” in the western world, as it becomes actively atheist or pro-devil buddy.  Please pray for God’s guidance and protection for all persecuted Christians and those around them.


Various Special Requests

This is a horrible time for the people of India, Christians in particular; they are having problems with Hunger, Bank Closings, Transportation and Schools not functioning.  Pray for the Leaders and Members of our Church in Eluru Andhra Pradesh. Pray their basic needs will be met and God will be close to them in this time of need.


We ask that you pray, please ask God that the Holy Ghost might give you insight into how you might make the lives of your friends and family better.  Remember helping others is not just those who you don’t know!



Nathan had successful surgery on 4 August 2014, to remove a tumor near his heart; then underwent chemotherapy. During a visit on 2 December 2014, the PET Scan found no evidence of cancer.  Nathan and his family thank God for the great result, the medical team for paying attention and doing their best and you for your prayers.


The near future, as well as Next Sunday

14 May 2015 – Ascension Day – Evening Prayer – Service start time 1830 (6:30 pm); welcome or gathering songs before the service at 1815 (6:15 pm); Time 1830 (7:30 pm); Location – 10603 Burrell Way, Descanso, CA


17 May 2015 – Sunday after Ascension Day – Morning Prayer – Service start time 1000 (10:00 am); welcome or gathering songs before the service at 0945 (9:45 am); Time 1000 (10:00 am); Location – 10603 Burrell Way, Descanso, CA


24 May 2015 – Whitsunday or Pentecost – Holy Communion – Service start time 1000 (10:00 am); welcome or gathering songs before the service at 0945 (9:45 am); Time 1000 (10:00 am); Location – 10603 Burrell Way, Descanso, CA


31 May 2015 – Trinity Sunday – Holy Communion – Service will be held in conjunction with Saint George’s in Ventura, CA (AEC) Bishop Jerry Ogles will be presiding – Service start time 1000 (10:00 am); welcome or gathering songs before the service at 0945 (9:45 am); Time 1000 (10:00 am); Location – 6300 Telephone Rd, Ventura, CA 93003



[1]It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly sight harder for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg. We are like eggs at present. And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad.

Jack Lewis

[2]People often use words interchangeably that do not mean the same thing; reflect on the meanings of fun and happiness.

By |2015-05-11T21:32:22+00:00May 11th, 2015|AOC Sunday Report|Comments Off on 150510 AOC Sunday Report

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